# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# BioSTEAM: The Biorefinery Simulation and Techno-Economic Analysis Modules
# Copyright (C) 2020, Yoel Cortes-Pena <yoelcortes@gmail.com>
# This module is under the UIUC open-source license. See
# github.com/BioSTEAMDevelopmentGroup/biosteam/blob/master/LICENSE.txt
# for license details.
.. contents:: :local:
.. autoclass:: biorefineries.corn.units.CornStorage
.. autoclass:: biorefineries.corn.units.MilledCornWeighTank
.. autoclass:: biorefineries.corn.units.MilledCornSurgeTank
.. autoclass:: biorefineries.corn.units.AmmoniaTank
.. autoclass:: biorefineries.corn.units.AlphaAmylaseTank
.. autoclass:: biorefineries.corn.units.SlurryMixTank
.. autoclass:: biorefineries.corn.units.CookedSlurrySurgeTank
.. autoclass:: biorefineries.corn.units.GlucoAmylaseTank
.. autoclass:: biorefineries.corn.units.SulfuricAcidTank
.. autoclass:: biorefineries.corn.units.YeastTank
.. autoclass:: biorefineries.corn.units.Liquefaction
.. autoclass:: biorefineries.corn.units.JetCooker
.. autoclass:: biorefineries.corn.units.Saccharification
Solids handling
.. autoclass:: biorefineries.corn.units.GrainHandling
.. autoclass:: biorefineries.corn.units.HammerMill
.. autoclass:: biorefineries.corn.units.CleaningSystem
.. autoclass:: biorefineries.corn.units.MilledCornHopper
.. autoclass:: biorefineries.corn.units.LimeHopper
.. autoclass:: biorefineries.corn.units.WetDDGSConveyor
.. autoclass:: biorefineries.corn.units.Liquefaction
.. autoclass:: biorefineries.corn.units.SimultaneousSaccharificationFermentation
.. autoclass:: biorefineries.corn.units.DDGSHandling
.. autoclass:: biorefineries.corn.units.DDGSCentrifuge
.. autoclass:: biorefineries.corn.units.PlantAir_CIP_WasteWater_Facilities
import biosteam as bst
import thermosteam as tmo
import flexsolve as flx
from biosteam.units.decorators import cost, copy_algorithm
from biosteam.units.design_tools import CEPCI_by_year, cylinder_diameter_from_volume, cylinder_area
from biosteam import tank_factory
import numpy as np
__all__ = (
'SimultaneousSaccharificationFermentation', 'SSF',
CE2007 = CEPCI_by_year[2007]
CAS_water = '7732-18-5'
# Material factors. Applicable to some units only.
MF38 = 0.38
MF90 = 0.90
MF52 = 0.52
@cost('Flow rate', units='kg/hr', CE=CE2007, cost=MF38 * 120800, S=46350.72, kW=97, n=0.6)
class GrainHandling(bst.Unit): pass
CornStorage = tank_factory('CornStorage',
CE=CE2007, cost=MF38 * 979300., S=185400, tau=259.2, n=1.0, V_wf=0.9, V_max=3e5,
@cost('Flow rate', units='kg/hr', CE=CE2007, cost=60300., S=45350., n=0.6, ub=7.2e5)
class CleaningSystem(bst.Splitter): pass
@cost('Flow rate', units='kg/hr', CE=CE2007, cost=MF38 * 98200., S=46211.33, n=0.6, ub=720000., kW=314.237)
class HammerMill(bst.Unit): pass
MilledCornSurgeTank = tank_factory('MilledCornSurgeTank',
CE=CE2007, cost=MF38 * 32500., S=76.90, tau=2.0, n=0.6, V_wf=0.9, V_max=200., V_units='m3'
MilledCornHopper = tank_factory('MilledCornHopper',
CE=CE2007, cost=50700., S=100.93, tau=2.0, n=0.6, V_wf=0.9, V_max=1e3, V_units='m3'
MilledCornWeighTank = tank_factory('MilledCornWeighTank',
CE=CE2007, cost=MF38 * 43600., S=76.90, tau=2.0, n=0.6, V_wf=0.9, V_max=20e3, V_units='m3'
LimeHopper = tank_factory('LimeHopper',
CE=CE2007, cost=9100., S=4.02, tau=46.3, n=0.6, V_wf=0.75, V_max=100., V_units='m3'
AmmoniaTank = tank_factory('AmmoniaTank',
CE=CE2007, cost=MF38 * 28400., S=8.77, tau=100., n=0.6, V_wf=0.90, V_max=100., V_units='m3'
AlphaAmylaseTank = tank_factory('AlphaAmylaseTank',
CE=CE2007, cost=49700., S=12.77, tau=336., n=0.6, V_wf=0.90, V_max=100., V_units='m3'
SlurryMixTank = tank_factory('SlurryMixTank', mixing=True,
CE=CE2007, cost=133300., S=45.29, tau=0.25, n=0.6, V_wf=0.65, V_max=80., kW_per_m3=1.1607597, V_units='m3',
@cost('Flow rate', units='kg/hr', CE=CE2007, cost=14000, n=0.6, S=150347)
class JetCooker(bst.Unit):
ins : stream sequence
[0] Feed
[1] Steam
outs : stream
Mixed product.
_N_outs = 1
_N_ins = 2
_N_heat_utilities = 0
def __init__(self, ID="", ins=None, outs=(), thermo=None, T=483.15):
super().__init__(ID, ins, outs, thermo)
self.T = T
def _T_objective_function(steam_mol, T, steam, effluent, feed):
steam.imol[CAS_water] = abs(steam_mol)
effluent.mol[:] = steam.mol + feed.mol
effluent.H = feed.H + steam.H
return effluent.T - T
def _run(self):
feed, steam = self._ins
steam_mol = feed.F_mol / 100.
effluent, = self.outs
effluent.T = self.T
steam_mol = flx.aitken_secant(self._T_objective_function,
steam_mol, 1/8 * steam_mol + 1.,
1e-4, 1e-4,
args=(self.T, steam, effluent, feed),
effluent.P = steam.P / 2.
CookedSlurrySurgeTank = tank_factory('CookedSlurrySurgeTank',
CE=CE2007, cost=MF90 * 173700., S=14.16, tau=0.25, n=0.6, V_wf=0.90, V_max=100., V_units='m3',
GlucoAmylaseTank = tank_factory('AlphaAmylaseTank',
CE=CE2007, cost=84200., S=17.57, tau=336., n=0.6, V_wf=0.90, V_max=100., V_units='m3'
SulfuricAcidTank = tank_factory('AlphaAmylaseTank',
CE=CE2007, cost=MF38 * 19300., S=18.87, tau=336., n=0.6, V_wf=0.90, V_max=283.17, V_units='m3'
Saccharification = tank_factory('AlphaAmylaseTank', kW_per_m3=0.036, mixing=True,
CE=CE2007, cost=MF90 * 102700., S=52.10, tau=1./3., n=0.6, V_wf=0.90, V_min=20., V_max=610., V_units='m3'
YeastTank = tank_factory('YeastTank', kW_per_m3=0.5,
CE=CE2007, cost=114700., S=2.97, tau=40., n=0.6, V_wf=0.90, V_max=80., V_units='m3'
@cost('Flow rate', S=24158., n=0.6, units='kg/hr', CE=CE2007, kW=13.1, cost=55700.)
class WetDDGSConveyor(bst.Unit): pass
LiquefactionTank = tank_factory('LiquefactionTank',
CE=CE2007, cost=160900., S=141.3, tau=0.9, n=0.6, V_wf=0.90, V_max=500., kW_per_m3=0.6,
class Liquefaction(LiquefactionTank):
Create a Liquefaction unit operation that models the conversion
for Starch to Glucose oligomers.
ins : stream
Inlet fluid.
outs : stream
Outlet fluid.
yield_: float
Yield of starch to glucose as a fraction of the theoretical yield.
The conversion of Starch to Glucose oligomers is modeled according to the
following stoichiometry:
Starch + H2O -> Glucose
Where starch is a chemical with formula C6H10O5 that represents linked
glucose monomers (dehydrated from linkage).
The dextrose equivalent, and for that manner the degree of polymerization,
is not taken into account in this unit. However, the conversion is equivalent
to the conversion of starch to fermentable saccharides, which is what matters
def __init__(self, *args, yield_=1.0, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.reaction = tmo.reaction.Reaction('Starch + H2O -> Glucose', 'Starch', yield_)
def yield_(self):
return self.reaction.X
def yield_(self, X):
self.reaction.X = X
def _run(self):
effluent, = self.outs
class SimultaneousSaccharificationFermentation(bst.BatchBioreactor):
Create a SimultaneousSaccharificationFermentation unit operation that
models the simultaneous saccharification and fermentation in the conventional
dry-grind ethanol process.
ins : streams
Inlet fluids.
outs : stream
Outlet fluid.
yield_: float
Yield of glucose to ethanol as a fraction of the theoretical yield.
This unit operation doesn't actually model the saccharification process.
The reactor is modeled by the stoichiometric conversion of glucose to
ethanol by mol:
.. math::
Glucose -> 2Ethanol + 2CO_2
Yeast is assumed to be produced from the any remaining glucose:
Glucoes -> Yeast
A compound with name 'Yeast' must be present. Note that only glucose is
taken into account for conversion. Cleaning and unloading time,
`tau_0`, fraction of working volume, `V_wf`, and number of reactors,
`N_reactors`, are attributes that can be changed. Cost of a reactor
is based on the NREL batch fermentation tank cost assuming volumetric
scaling with a 6/10th exponent [1]_.
.. [1] D. Humbird, R. Davis, L. Tao, C. Kinchin, D. Hsu, and A. Aden
National. Renewable Energy Laboratory Golden, Colorado. P. Schoen,
J. Lukas, B. Olthof, M. Worley, D. Sexton, and D. Dudgeon. Harris Group
Inc. Seattle, Washington and Atlanta, Georgia. Process Design and Economics
for Biochemical Conversion of Lignocellulosic Biomass to Ethanol Dilute-Acid
Pretreatment and Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Corn Stover. May 2011. Technical
Report NREL/TP-5100-47764
def __init__(self, ID='', ins=None, outs=(), thermo=None, *,
tau=60., N=None, V=None, T=305.15, P=101325., Nmin=2, Nmax=36,
yield_=0.95, V_wf=0.83):
bst.BatchBioreactor.__init__(self, ID, ins, outs, thermo,
tau=tau, N=N, V=V, T=T, P=P, Nmin=Nmin, Nmax=Nmax
self.reaction = tmo.Rxn('Glucose -> 2Ethanol + 2CO2', 'Glucose', yield_)
self.growth = tmo.Rxn('Glucose -> Yeast', 'Glucose', 1.0)
self.V_wf = V_wf
def _run(self):
vent, effluent = self.outs
effluent.imass['Yeast'] += effluent.imass['NH3']
effluent.imol['NH3'] = 0.
def Hnet(self):
X = self.reaction.X
glucose = self.ins[0].imol['Glucose']
return self.reaction.dH * glucose + self.growth.dH * (1 - X) + self.H_out - self.H_in
SSF = SimultaneousSaccharificationFermentation
@copy_algorithm(bst.SolidLiquidsSplitCentrifuge, run=False)
class DDGSCentrifuge(bst.Splitter): pass
@cost('Flow rate', units='kg/hr', CE=CE2007, cost=122800, S=15303.5346, kW=37.3, n=0.6)
class DDGSHandling(bst.Unit): pass
class PlantAir_CIP_WasteWater_Facilities(bst.Facility):
network_priority = 0
def __init__(self, ID, corn):
self.corn = corn
F_BM = {'Facilities': 1}
self.F_BM = F_BM
def _run(self):
def _cost(self):
C = self.baseline_purchase_costs
C['Facilities'] = 6e5 * (self.corn.F_mass / 46211.6723)**0.6