# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# BioSTEAM: The Biorefinery Simulation and Techno-Economic Analysis Modules
# Copyright (C) 2020-2024, Yoel Cortes-Pena <yoelcortes@gmail.com>
# This module is under the UIUC open-source license. See
# github.com/BioSTEAMDevelopmentGroup/biosteam/blob/master/LICENSE.txt
# for license details.
from __future__ import annotations
from thermosteam.units_of_measure import (
convert, DisplayUnits, AbsoluteUnitsOfMeasure, get_dimensionality,
from thermosteam.utils import unregistered, units_of_measure
from thermosteam import Thermo, Stream, ThermalCondition, settings
from .exceptions import DimensionError
from math import copysign
from collections import deque
from typing import Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable, Literal, Sequence
if TYPE_CHECKING: from biosteam import Unit
__all__ = ('HeatUtility', 'UtilityAgent')
# Costs from Table 17.1 in Warren D. Seider et al.-Product and Process Design Principles Synthesis, Analysis and Evaluation-Wiley (2016)
# ^This table was made using data from Busche, 1995
# Entry temperature conditions of coolants taken from Table 12.1 in Warren, 2016
mol_basis_units = AbsoluteUnitsOfMeasure('kmol')
mass_basis_units = AbsoluteUnitsOfMeasure('kg')
energy_basis_units = AbsoluteUnitsOfMeasure('kJ')
# %% Utility agents
class UtilityAgent(Stream):
Create a UtilityAgent object that defines a utility option.
ID :
A unique identification. If ID is None, stream will not be registered.
If no ID is given, stream will be registered with a unique ID.
flow :
All flow rates corresponding to defined chemicals.
phase :
'g' for gas, 'l' for liquid, and 's' for solid. Defaults to 'l'.
T :
Temperature [K]. Defaults to 298.15.
P :
Pressure [Pa]. Defaults to 101325.
units :
Flow rate units of measure (only mass, molar, and
volumetric flow rates are valid). Defaults to 'kmol/hr'.
thermo :
Thermo object to initialize input and output streams. Defaults to
:meth:`settings.thermo <thermosteam._settings.ProcessSettings.thermo>`.
T_limit :
Temperature limit of outlet utility streams [K]. If no limit is given,
phase change is assumed. If utility agent heats up, `T_limit` is
the maximum temperature. If utility agent cools down, `T_limit` is
the minimum temperature.
heat_transfer_price :
Price of transferred heat [USD/kJ]. Defautls to 1.
regeneration_price :
Price of regenerating the fluid for reuse [USD/kmol]. Defaults to 0.
heat_transfer_efficiency :
Fraction of heat transferred accounting for losses to the environment (must be between 0 to 1). Defaults to 1.
isfuel :
Whether to burn the agent as a isfuel for heat.
dT :
Minimum temperature change between inlet and outlet utility. A positive value
prevents near infinite flows when utility agents use sensible heats.
**chemical_flows : float
ID - flow pairs.
__slots__ = ('T_limit', '_heat_transfer_price', 'utility_stream_dump',
'_regeneration_price', 'heat_transfer_efficiency', 'isfuel',
def __init__(self,
ID: Optional[str]='',
phase: Optional[str]='l',
T: Optional[float]=298.15,
P: Optional[float]=101325.,
units: Optional[str]=None,
thermo: Optional[Thermo]=None,
T_limit: Optional[float]=None,
heat_transfer_price: float=0.,
regeneration_price: float=0.,
heat_transfer_efficiency: float=1.,
isfuel: bool=False,
dT: Optional[float]=0,
**chemical_flows: float):
self._thermal_condition = ThermalCondition(T, P)
thermo = self._load_thermo(thermo)
self._init_indexer((), phase, thermo.chemicals, chemical_flows)
if units is not None:
name, factor = self._get_flow_name_and_factor(units)
flow = getattr(self, name)
flow[:] = self.mol / factor
self.mol[:] /= self.mol.sum() # Total flow must be 1 kmol / hr
self.mol.read_only = True # Flow rate cannot change anymore
self._sink = self._source = None
self.T_limit = T_limit
self.heat_transfer_price = heat_transfer_price
self.regeneration_price = regeneration_price
self.heat_transfer_efficiency = heat_transfer_efficiency
self.isfuel = isfuel
self.dT = dT
self.utility_stream_dump = []
def _get_property(self, name, flow=False, nophase=False, T=None, P=None):
# Take advantage of how composition is always constant and temperatures
# and pressures are not expected to vary much.
property_cache = self._property_cache
thermal_condition = self._thermal_condition
imol = self._imol
composition = imol.data
if not T: T = thermal_condition._T
if not P: P = thermal_condition._P
if nophase:
literal = (T, P)
phase = imol._phase
literal = (phase, T, P)
key = (name, literal)
if key in property_cache: return property_cache[key]
calculate = getattr(self.mixture, name)
if nophase:
property_cache[name] = value = calculate(
composition, T, P
property_cache[name] = value = calculate(
phase, composition, T, P
if len(property_cache) > 100: property_cache.pop(property_cache.__iter__().__next__())
return value
def iscooling_agent(self) -> bool:
"""Whether the agent is a cooling agent."""
T_limit = self.T_limit
return T_limit > self.T if T_limit else self.phase == 'l'
def isheating_agent(self) -> bool:
"""Whether the agent is a heating agent."""
T_limit = self.T_limit
return T_limit < self.T if T_limit else self.phase == 'g'
def price(self):
raise AttributeError(f"'{type(self).__name__}' object has no attribute 'price'")
def price(self, price):
raise AttributeError(f"'{type(self).__name__}' object has no attribute 'price'")
def cost(self):
raise AttributeError(f"'{type(self).__name__}' object has no attribute 'cost'")
def cost(self, cost):
raise AttributeError(f"'{type(self).__name__}' object has no attribute 'cost'")
def to_stream(self, ID: Optional[str]=None):
Return a copy as a :class:`~thermosteam.Stream` object.
>>> import biosteam as bst
>>> bst.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol'])
>>> cooling_water = bst.HeatUtility.get_agent('cooling_water')
>>> cooling_water_copy = cooling_water.to_stream('cooling_water_copy')
>>> cooling_water_copy.show(flow='kg/hr')
Stream: cooling_water_copy
phase: 'l', T: 305.37 K, P: 101325 Pa
flow (kg/hr): Water 18
new = Stream.__new__(Stream)
new._sink = new._source = None
new._thermo = self._thermo
new._imol = self._imol.copy()
new._thermal_condition = self._thermal_condition.copy()
new._price = 0.
new.characterization_factors = {}
return new
def heat_transfer_price(self) -> float:
"""Price of transfered heat [USD/kJ]."""
return self._heat_transfer_price
def heat_transfer_price(self, price: float):
assert price >= 0, "heat transfer price cannot be negative"
self._heat_transfer_price = price
def regeneration_price(self) -> float:
"""Price of regenerating the fluid for reuse [USD/kmol]."""
return self._regeneration_price
def regeneration_price(self, price: float):
assert price >= 0, "regeneration price cannot be negative"
self._regeneration_price = price
def _info_phaseTP(self, phase, units, notation):
T_notation = notation['T']
P_notation = notation['P']
T_units = units['T']
P_units = units['P']
if self.T_limit is None:
T_limit = "None"
T_limit = convert(self.T_limit, 'K', T_units)
T_limit = f"{T_limit:.3g} K" if T_limit else "None"
T = convert(self.T, 'K', T_units)
P = convert(self.P, 'Pa', P_units)
s = '' if isinstance(phase, str) else 's'
ht_price = self.heat_transfer_price
rg_price = self.regeneration_price
ht_eff = self.heat_transfer_efficiency
return (f"heat_transfer_efficiency: {ht_eff:.3f}\n"
f"heat_transfer_price: {ht_price:.3g} USD/kJ\n"
f"regeneration_price: {rg_price:.3g} USD/kmol\n"
f"T_limit: {T_limit}\n"
f"phase{s}: {repr(phase)}\n"
f"T: {T:{T_notation}} {T_units}\n"
f"P: {P:{P_notation}} {P_units}\n"
def __repr__(self):
return f"<{type(self).__name__}: {self.ID}>"
# %%
class HeatUtility:
Create an HeatUtility object that can choose a utility stream and
calculate utility requirements. It can calculate required flow rate,
temperature change, or phase change of utility. Calculations assume
counter current flow rate.
heat_transfer_efficiency :
Enforced fraction of heat transferred from utility (due
to losses to environment).
unit :
Parent unit using this heat utility.
hxn_ok :
Whether heat utility can be satisfied within a heat exchanger network.
Create a heat utility:
>>> from biosteam import HeatUtility
>>> hu = HeatUtility()
>>> hu.show()
HeatUtility: None
duty: 0
flow: 0
cost: 0
Calculate utility requirement by calling it with a duty (kJ/hr), and entrance and exit temperature (K):
>>> hu(1000, 300, 350)
>>> hu.show()
HeatUtility: low_pressure_steam
duty: 1.05e+03 kJ/hr
flow: 0.0272 kmol/hr
cost: 0.00647 USD/hr
All results are accessible:
>>> hu.ID, hu.duty, hu.flow, hu.cost
('low_pressure_steam', 1052.6315789473686, 0.02721274387089031, 0.006471190492497716)
All results are accessible:
>>> hu.ID, hu.duty, hu.flow, hu.cost
('low_pressure_steam', 1052.6315789473686, 0.02721274387089031, 0.006471190492497716)
__slots__ = (
'inlet_utility_stream', 'outlet_utility_stream', 'agent',
'duty', 'flow', 'cost', 'heat_transfer_efficiency',
'unit', 'hxn_ok', 'unit_duty',
'oxygen_rich_inlet', # Only for fuels
#: Minimum approach temperature difference. Used to assign
#: the pinch temperature of the utility stream.
dT: float = 5
#: Units of measure for IPython display.
display_units: DisplayUnits = DisplayUnits(duty='kJ/hr', flow='kmol/hr', cost='USD/hr')
#: Used broadly throughout utilities.
thermo_water: Thermo = Thermo(['Water'])
#: Used for refrigeration utility.
thermo_propane: Thermo = Thermo(['Propane'])
#: Used for refrigeration utility.
thermo_propylene: Thermo = Thermo(['Propylene'])
#: Used for refrigeration utility.
thermo_ethylene: Thermo = Thermo(['Ethylene'])
#: Used exclusively for furnaces.
thermo_natural_gas: Thermo = Thermo(['Methane', 'N2', 'CO2', 'O2', 'H2O'])
#: Characterization factor data (value and units) by agent ID and impact key.
characterization_factors: dict[tuple[str, str], tuple[float, AbsoluteUnitsOfMeasure]] = {}
#: All cooling utilities available.
cooling_agents: list[UtilityAgent]
#: All heating utilities available.
heating_agents: list[UtilityAgent]
def set_CF(self, ID: str, key: str, value: float, basis: Optional[str]=None, units: Optional[str]=None):
Set the characterization factor of a utility agent for a given impact
ID :
ID of utility agent.
key :
Key of impact indicator.
value :
Characterization factor value.
basis :
Basis of characterization factor. Valid dimensions include weight,
molar, and energy (e.g. 'kg', 'kmol', 'kJ'). Defaults to 'kg'.
units :
Units of impact indicator. Before using this argument, the default units
of the impact indicator should be defined with
:meth:`settings.define_impact_indicator <thermosteam._settings.ProcessSettings.define_impact_indicator>`.
Units must also be dimensionally consistent with the default units.
When the duty characterization factor for a cooling agent is positive (should be negative).
When characterization factor is not given in dimensions of
weight, molar, or energy.
See Also
Set the GWP characterization factor for low pressure steam at
88.44 kg CO2e / mmBtu (GREET 2020; Steam Production via Small Boiler from North American Natural Gas):
>>> import biosteam as bst
>>> bst.HeatUtility.set_CF('low_pressure_steam', 'GWP [kg CO2e]', 88.44, basis='MMBtu')
Retrieve the GWP characterization factor for low pressure steam on a
Btu basis:
>>> bst.HeatUtility.get_CF('low_pressure_steam', 'GWP [kg CO2e]', basis='Btu')
agent = self.get_agent(ID)
if units is not None:
original_units = settings.get_impact_indicator_units(key)
value = original_units.unconvert(value, units)
if basis is None:
basis_units = mass_basis_units
dim = get_dimensionality(basis)
if dim == mol_basis_units.dimensionality:
basis_units = mol_basis_units
elif dim == mass_basis_units.dimensionality:
basis_units = mass_basis_units
elif dim == energy_basis_units.dimensionality:
basis_units = energy_basis_units
if agent.iscooling_agent and value > 0.:
raise ValueError(
'duty characterization factor must be negative for cooling agents'
raise DimensionError(
"dimensions for characterization factors must be in a molar, "
f"mass or energy basis, not '{dim}'"
value *= basis_units.conversion_factor(basis)
self.characterization_factors[agent.ID, key] = value, basis_units
def get_CF(self, ID: str, key: str, basis: Optional[str]=None, units: Optional[str]=None):
Return the characterization factor of a utility agent for a given impact
ID :
ID of utility agent.
key :
Key of impact indicator.
basis :
Basis of characterization factor. Valid dimensions include weight,
molar, and energy (e.g. 'kg', 'kmol', 'kJ'). Defaults to 'kg'.
units :
Units of impact indicator. Before using this argument, the default units
of the impact indicator should be defined with
:meth:`settings.define_impact_indicator <thermosteam._settings.ProcessSettings.define_impact_indicator>`.
Units must also be dimensionally consistent with the default units.
When the characterization factor cannot be converted to the given basis
due to inconsistent dimensions with the original basis.
See Also
value, basis_units = self.characterization_factors[ID, key]
except KeyError:
if basis is None:
return 0., None
return 0.
if units is not None:
original_units = settings.get_impact_indicator_units(key)
value = original_units.convert(value, units)
if basis is None:
return value, basis_units.units
return value / basis_units.conversion_factor(basis)
def get_impact(self, key: str):
agent = self.agent
CF, basis_units = self.get_CF(agent.ID, key)
if CF == 0.: return 0.
if basis_units == 'kg':
return self.flow * agent.MW * CF
elif basis_units == 'mol':
return self.flow * CF
elif basis_units == 'kJ':
return self.duty * CF
raise RuntimeError("unknown error")
def get_inventory(self, key: str):
agent = self.agent
CF, basis_units = self.get_CF(agent.ID, key)
if basis_units == 'kg':
return self.flow * agent.MW, basis_units
elif basis_units == 'mol':
return self.flow, basis_units
elif basis_units == 'kJ':
return self.duty, basis_units
raise RuntimeError("unknown error")
def __init__(self,
heat_transfer_efficiency: Optional[float]=None,
unit: Optional[Unit]=None,
hxn_ok: Optional[bool]=False,
#: Enforced fraction of heat transferred from utility (due
#: to losses to environment).
self.heat_transfer_efficiency: float = heat_transfer_efficiency
#: Parent unit using this heat utility.
self.unit: Unit|None = unit
#: Whether heat utility can be satisfied within a heat exchanger network.
self.hxn_ok: bool = hxn_ok
#: Total heat transferred from utility to both the process and the environment [kJ/hr].
self.duty: float = 0.
#: Effective heat transferred from utility to the unit operation [kJ/hr].
self.unit_duty: float = 0.
#: Flow rate of utility [kmol/hr].
self.flow: float = 0.
#: Cost of utility [USD/hr].
self.cost: float = 0.
#: Utility agent being used.
self.agent: UtilityAgent|None = None
#: Fresh utility stream
self.inlet_utility_stream: Stream|None = None
#: Used utility stream
self.outlet_utility_stream: Stream|None = None
def __bool__(self) -> bool:
return bool(self.agent)
def ID(self) -> str:
"""ID of utility agent being used."""
agent = self.agent
return agent.ID if agent else ""
def ID(self, ID: str):
"""ID of utility agent being used."""
self.agent = self.get_agent(ID)
def default_agents(cls):
"""Reset all agents back to BioSTEAM's defaults."""
def default_heating_agents(cls):
"""Reset all heating agents back to BioSTEAM's defaults."""
thermo_water = cls.thermo_water
low_pressure_steam = UtilityAgent(
Water=1, T=412.189, P=344738.0, phase='g',
regeneration_price = 0.2378,
heat_transfer_efficiency = 0.95,
medium_pressure_steam = UtilityAgent(
Water=1, T=454.770, P=1.041e+6, phase='g',
regeneration_price = 0.2756,
heat_transfer_efficiency = 0.90,
high_pressure_steam = UtilityAgent(
Water=1, T=508.991, P=3.11e+6, phase='g',
regeneration_price = 0.3171,
heat_transfer_efficiency = 0.85,
natural_gas = UtilityAgent(
Methane=1, T=298.15, P=200 * 101325, phase='g',
heat_transfer_efficiency = 0.90, # Heat loss to environment
T_limit=405, # Must be reasonably higher than the emission's dew point at 500 psig (401 K)
cls.heating_agents = [low_pressure_steam,
def default_cooling_agents(cls):
"""Reset all cooling agents back to BioSTEAM's defaults."""
thermo_water = cls.thermo_water
cooling_water = UtilityAgent(
Water=1, T=305.372, P=101325,
T_limit = 324.817,
regeneration_price = 4.8785e-4,
chilled_water = UtilityAgent(
Water=1, T=280.372, P=101325,
T_limit = 300.372,
heat_transfer_price = 5e-6,
chilled_brine = UtilityAgent(
Water=1, T=255.372, P=101325,
T_limit = 275.372,
heat_transfer_price = 8.145e-6,
propane = UtilityAgent(
heat_transfer_price = 13.17e-6,
propylene = UtilityAgent(
heat_transfer_price = 16.54e-6, # Lever rule with -30 and -90 F prices
ethylene = UtilityAgent(
heat_transfer_price = 33.2e-06,
cls.cooling_agents = [cooling_water,
def copy(self) -> HeatUtility:
hu = HeatUtility()
return hu
def copy_like(self, other: HeatUtility):
"""Copy all data from another heat utility."""
if other.agent:
self.inlet_utility_stream = other.inlet_utility_stream.copy()
self.outlet_utility_stream = other.outlet_utility_stream.copy()
self.flow = other.flow
self.duty = other.duty
self.unit_duty = other.unit_duty
self.cost = other.cost
self.heat_transfer_efficiency = other.heat_transfer_efficiency
def scale(self, factor: float):
"""Scale utility data."""
self.flow *= factor
self.duty *= factor
self.cost *= factor
self.inlet_utility_stream.mol *= factor
if self.agent.isfuel:
self.outlet_utility_stream.mol *= factor
self.oxygen_rich_inlet.mol *= factor
# No need to factor the outlet utility stream
# because it shares the same flow rate data as the inlet
def empty(self):
"""Remove utility requirements."""
if self.agent:
agent = self.agent
dump = agent.utility_stream_dump
if len(dump) < 1000:
if agent.isfuel:
(self.inlet_utility_stream, self.outlet_utility_stream, self.oxygen_rich_inlet)
(self.inlet_utility_stream, self.outlet_utility_stream)
self.cost = self.flow = self.duty = self.unit_duty = 0
self.outlet_utility_stream = self.inlet_utility_stream = self.agent = None
def set_utility_by_flow_rate(self, agent: Optional[UtilityAgent], F_mol: float):
if F_mol == 0.:
heat_transfer_efficiency = self.heat_transfer_efficiency or agent.heat_transfer_efficiency
if agent.T_limit or agent.isfuel: raise ValueError('agent must work by latent heat to set by flow rate')
if self.inlet_utility_stream.phase == 'l' :
self.outlet_utility_stream.phase = 'g'
dh = -agent._get_property('Hvap', nophase=True)
dh = agent._get_property('Hvap', nophase=True)
self.outlet_utility_stream.phase = 'l'
self.duty = duty = dh * F_mol
self.unit_duty = duty * heat_transfer_efficiency
self.outlet_utility_stream.mol[:] = F_mol
self.flow = F_mol
self.cost = agent._heat_transfer_price * abs(duty) + agent._regeneration_price * F_mol
def __call__(self,
unit_duty: float,
T_in: float,
T_out: Optional[float]=None,
agent: Optional[UtilityAgent]=None):
Calculate utility requirements given the essential parameters.
unit_duty :
Unit duty requirement [kJ/hr]
T_in :
Inlet process stream temperature [K]
T_out :
Outlet process stream temperature [K]
agent :
Utility agent to use. Defaults to a suitable agent from
predefined heating/cooling utility agents.
if unit_duty == 0:
T_out = T_out or T_in
iscooling = unit_duty < 0. #: Whether the utility is cooling the process.
# Note: These are pinch temperatures at the utility inlet and outlet.
# Not to be confused with the inlet and outlet of the process stream.
# If cooling, T_pinch_in is the minimum utility temperature required.
# If heating, T_pinch_in is the maximum utility temperature required.
T_pinch_in, T_pinch_out = self.get_inlet_and_outlet_pinch_temperature(
iscooling, T_in, T_out
## Select heat transfer agent ##
if agent:
if agent is not self.agent: self.load_agent(agent)
agent = (self.get_suitable_cooling_agent if iscooling else self.get_suitable_heating_agent)(T_pinch_in)
## Calculate utility requirement ##
heat_transfer_efficiency = self.heat_transfer_efficiency or agent.heat_transfer_efficiency
duty = unit_duty / heat_transfer_efficiency
if agent.isfuel:
T_emissions = self.get_outlet_temperature(
T_pinch_out, agent.T_limit, iscooling
feed = self.inlet_utility_stream
emissions = self.outlet_utility_stream
emissions.P = 101325
reactions = agent.chemicals.get_combustion_reactions()
O2_consumption = -emissions.imol['O2']
oxygen_rich_gas = self.oxygen_rich_inlet
z_O2 = oxygen_rich_gas.imol['O2'] / oxygen_rich_gas.F_mol
oxygen_rich_gas.F_mol = O2_consumption / z_O2
emissions.mol += oxygen_rich_gas.mol
F_emissions = emissions.F_mass
z_CO2 = emissions.imass['CO2'] / F_emissions
z_CO2_target = 0.055 # Usually between 4 - 7 for biomass and natural gas (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0957582021005127)
F_emissions_new = z_CO2 * F_emissions / z_CO2_target
dF_emissions = F_emissions_new - F_emissions
oxygen_rich_gas.F_mass = F_mass_O2_new = oxygen_rich_gas.F_mass + dF_emissions
emissions.mol += oxygen_rich_gas.mol * (dF_emissions / F_mass_O2_new)
emissions.T = T_emissions
emissions.P = 3548325.0 # 500 psig
dh = feed.Hnet - emissions.Hnet
elif agent.T_limit:
# Temperature change
self.outlet_utility_stream.T = T_outlet = self.get_outlet_temperature(
T_pinch_out, agent.T_limit, iscooling
dh = agent._get_property('H') - agent._get_property('H', T=T_outlet)
# Phase change
if agent.phase == 'l':
self.outlet_utility_stream.phase = 'g'
dh = -agent._get_property('Hvap', nophase=True)
dh = agent._get_property('Hvap', nophase=True)
self.outlet_utility_stream.phase = 'l'
# Update utility flow
F_mol = duty / dh
self.inlet_utility_stream.mol[:] *= F_mol
if agent.isfuel:
emissions.mol[:] *= F_mol
oxygen_rich_gas.mol[:] *= F_mol
# Update results
self.unit_duty = unit_duty
self.flow = F_mol
self.duty = duty
self.cost = agent._heat_transfer_price * abs(duty) + agent._regeneration_price * F_mol
def inlet_process_stream(self) -> Stream:
"""If a heat exchanger is available, this stream is the inlet
process stream to the heat exchanger."""
heat_exchanger = self.unit
if heat_exchanger:
return heat_exchanger.inlet
raise AttributeError('no heat exchanger available '
'to retrieve process stream')
def outlet_process_stream(self) -> Stream:
"""If a heat exchanger is available,
this stream is the outlet process stream to the heat exchanger."""
heat_exchanger = self.unit
if heat_exchanger:
return heat_exchanger.outlet
raise AttributeError('no heat exchanger available '
'to retrieve process stream')
def heat_utilities_by_agent(heat_utilities: Iterable[HeatUtility]):
"""Return a dictionary of heat utilities sorted by agent ID."""
heat_utilities = [i for i in heat_utilities if i.agent]
heat_utilities_by_agent = {i.ID: [] for i in heat_utilities}
for i in heat_utilities:
return heat_utilities_by_agent
def sum(cls, heat_utilities: Iterable[HeatUtility]):
"""Return a HeatUtility object that reflects the sum of heat
heat_utility = cls()
return heat_utility
def sum_by_agent(cls, heat_utilities: Iterable[HeatUtility]):
"""Return a list of heat utilities that reflect the sum of heat utilities
by agent."""
heat_utilities_by_agent = cls.heat_utilities_by_agent(heat_utilities)
return [cls.sum(i) for i in heat_utilities_by_agent.values()]
def get_agent(cls, ID: str):
"""Return utility agent with given ID."""
for agent in cls.heating_agents + cls.cooling_agents:
if agent.ID == ID: return agent
raise LookupError(ID)
def get_heating_agent(cls, ID: str):
"""Return heating agent with given ID."""
for agent in cls.heating_agents:
if agent.ID == ID: return agent
raise LookupError(ID)
def get_cooling_agent(cls, ID: str):
"""Return cooling agent with given ID."""
for agent in cls.cooling_agents:
if agent.ID == ID: return agent
raise LookupError(ID)
def get_suitable_heating_agent(cls, T_pinch: float):
Return a heating agent that works at the pinch temperature.
T_pinch :
Pinch temperature [K].
for agent in cls.heating_agents:
if T_pinch < agent.T - agent.dT or agent.isfuel: return agent
raise RuntimeError(f'no heating agent that can heat over {T_pinch} K')
def get_suitable_cooling_agent(cls, T_pinch: float):
"""Return a cooling agent that works at the pinch temperature.
T_pinch :
Pinch temperature [K].
for agent in cls.cooling_agents:
if T_pinch > agent.T + agent.dT: return agent
raise RuntimeError(f'no cooling agent that can cool under {T_pinch} K')
def load_agent(self, agent: UtilityAgent):
"""Initialize utility streams with given agent."""
if self.agent is agent:
if not agent.T_limit: self.outlet_utility_stream.copy_thermal_condition(agent)
elif self.agent:
if agent.utility_stream_dump:
if agent.isfuel:
self.inlet_utility_stream, self.outlet_utility_stream, self.oxygen_rich_inlet = agent.utility_stream_dump.pop()
self.oxygen_rich_inlet.reset_flow(O2=21, N2=79, phase='g', units='kg/hr')
self.inlet_utility_stream, self.outlet_utility_stream = agent.utility_stream_dump.pop()
# Prevent errors where utility streams are altered
if not agent.T_limit: self.outlet_utility_stream.copy_thermal_condition(agent)
self.inlet_utility_stream = agent.to_stream()
if agent.isfuel:
self.outlet_utility_stream = agent.to_stream()
self.oxygen_rich_inlet = Stream(O2=21, N2=79, phase='g', units='kg/hr', thermo=agent.thermo)
self.outlet_utility_stream = self.inlet_utility_stream.flow_proxy()
self.agent = agent
def mix_from(self, heat_utilities: Iterable[HeatUtility]):
"""Mix all heat utilities to this heat utility."""
heat_utilities = [i for i in heat_utilities if i.agent]
N_heat_utilities = len(heat_utilities)
if N_heat_utilities == 0:
elif N_heat_utilities == 1:
heat_utility, *other_heat_utilities = heat_utilities
agent = heat_utility.agent
ID = agent.ID
for i in other_heat_utilities:
if i.agent.ID != ID:
raise ValueError(
"utility agent must be the same to mix heat utilities"
self.flow = self.inlet_utility_stream.F_mol = sum([i.flow for i in heat_utilities])
self.outlet_utility_stream.mix_from([i.outlet_utility_stream for i in heat_utilities])
self.duty = sum([i.duty for i in heat_utilities])
self.unit_duty = sum([i.unit_duty for i in heat_utilities])
self.cost = sum([i.cost for i in heat_utilities])
self.heat_transfer_efficiency = None
def reverse(self):
"""Reverse direction of utility. If utility is being consumed,
the utility is produced instead, and vice-versa."""
self.flow *= -1
self.duty *= -1
self.unit_duty *= -1
self.cost *= -1
if self.duty:
self.inlet_utility_stream, self.outlet_utility_stream = self.outlet_utility_stream, self.inlet_utility_stream
# Subcalculations
def get_outlet_temperature(T_pinch: float, T_limit: float, iscooling: bool):
Return outlet temperature of the utility in a counter current heat exchanger
T_pinch :
Pinch temperature of utility stream [K].
iscooling :
True if utility is loosing energy.
if iscooling:
return T_limit if T_limit and T_limit < T_pinch else T_pinch
return T_limit if T_limit and T_limit > T_pinch else T_pinch
def get_inlet_and_outlet_pinch_temperature(cls, iscooling: bool, T_in: float, T_out: float):
"""Return pinch inlet and outlet temperature of utility."""
dT = cls.dT
if iscooling:
if T_in + 1e-1 < T_out:
raise ValueError("inlet must be hotter than outlet if cooling")
T_pinch_in = T_out - dT
T_pinch_out = T_in - dT
if T_in > T_out + 1e-1:
raise ValueError("inlet must be cooler than outlet if heating")
T_pinch_in = T_out + dT
T_pinch_out = T_in + dT
return T_pinch_in, T_pinch_out
# Representation
def _info_data(self, duty: None, flow: None, cost: None):
# Get units of measure
su = self.display_units
duty_units = duty or su.duty
flow_units = flow or su.flow
cost_units = cost or su.cost
# Change units and return info string
flow = self.inlet_utility_stream.get_total_flow(flow_units)
duty = convert(self.duty, 'kJ/hr', duty_units)
cost = convert(self.cost, 'USD/hr', cost_units)
return duty, copysign(flow, self.flow), cost, duty_units, flow_units, cost_units
def __repr__(self):
if self.agent:
duty, flow, cost, duty_units, flow_units, cost_units = self._info_data(None, None, None)
return f'<{self.ID}: {self.duty:.3g} {duty_units}, {self.flow:.3g} {flow_units}, {self.cost:.3g} {cost_units}>'
return f'<{type(self).__name__}: None>'
def _info(self, duty: str|None, flow: str|None, cost: str|None):
"""Return string related to specifications"""
if not self.agent:
return (f'{type(self).__name__}: None\n'
+' duty: 0\n'
+' flow: 0\n'
+' cost: 0')
(duty, flow, cost, duty_units,
flow_units, cost_units) = self._info_data(duty, flow, cost)
return (f'{type(self).__name__}: {self.ID}\n'
+f'duty:{duty: .3g} {duty_units}\n'
+f'flow:{flow: .3g} {flow_units}\n'
+f'cost:{cost: .3g} {cost_units}')
def show(self, duty: Optional[str]=None, flow: Optional[str]=None, cost: Optional[str]=None):
"""Print all specifications"""
print(self._info(duty, flow, cost))
_ipython_display_ = show
def __add__(self, other: HeatUtility) -> HeatUtility:
if other == 0: return self # Special case to get Python built-in sum to work
return self.__class__.sum([self, other])
def __radd__(self, other: HeatUtility) -> HeatUtility:
return self.__add__(other)
settings_cls = settings.__class__
settings_cls.get_agent = HeatUtility.get_agent
settings_cls.get_cooling_agent = HeatUtility.get_cooling_agent
settings_cls.get_heating_agent = HeatUtility.get_heating_agent
settings_cls.set_utility_agent_CF = HeatUtility.set_CF
del settings_cls