# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# BioSTEAM: The Biorefinery Simulation and Techno-Economic Analysis Modules
# Copyright (C) 2020-2024, Yoel Cortes-Pena <yoelcortes@gmail.com>
# This module is under the UIUC open-source license. See
# github.com/BioSTEAMDevelopmentGroup/biosteam/blob/master/LICENSE.txt
# for license details.
from __future__ import annotations
import pandas as pd
from warnings import warn
from thermosteam._graphics import UnitGraphics
from ._heat_utility import HeatUtility
from .utils import AbstractMethod, format_title, static, piping
from ._power_utility import PowerUtility
from .exceptions import UnitInheritanceError
from thermosteam.units_of_measure import convert
from copy import copy
import biosteam as bst
from thermosteam import Stream, AbstractUnit, ProcessSpecification
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from typing import Callable, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Sequence, Iterable
from thermosteam.base.sparse import SparseVector, sum_sparse_vectors
import numpy as np
import thermosteam as tmo
System = bst._recycle_system
HXutility = bst.HXutility
UtilityAgent = bst.UtilityAgent
streams = Optional[Sequence[Stream]] # TODO: Replace with Stream|str and make it an explicit TypeAlias once BioSTEAM moves to Python 3.10
__all__ = ('Unit',)
# %% Typing
# from typing import Collection, Union, Annotated
# streams = Union[Collection[Union[Stream, str, None]], Union[Stream, str, None]]
# stream = Union[Annotated[Union[Stream, str, None], 1], Union[Stream, str, None]]
# stream_sequence = Collection[Union[Stream, str, None]]
# %% Unit Operation
def phenomena_oriented_run(self):
if not (self._recycle_system and self._system.algorithm == 'Phenomena oriented'):
ins = self.ins
outs = self.outs
Ts = [i.T for i in outs]
Q = self.Hnet
new = sum(
[i.mol for i in outs],
-sum([i.mol for i in ins], 0)
if hasattr(self, '_dmol'):
old = self._dmol
f = bst.PhasePartition.dmol_relaxation_factor
self._dmol = dmol = f * old + (1 - f) * new
self._dmol = dmol = new
self._dmol[np.abs(dmol) < 1e-9] = 0.
self._duty = self.Hnet
Ts_new = [i.T for i in outs]
if all([i == j for i, j in zip(Ts_new, Ts)]): # T constant
self._energy_variable = None
elif self.Hnet == Q: # Q constant
self._energy_variable = 'T'
self._energy_variable = None
class Unit(AbstractUnit):
Abstract class for Unit objects. Child objects must contain
:attr:`~Unit._run`, :attr:`~Unit._design` and :attr:`~Unit._cost` methods to
estimate stream outlets of a Unit and find design and cost information.
ID :
A unique identification. If ID is None, unit will not be
registered in flowsheet. By default, a unique ID will be chosen.
ins :
Inlet streams or IDs to initialize inlet streams.
If empty tuple, streams with default IDs will be created.
By default, streams will be missing.
outs :
Outlet streams or IDs to initialize outlet streams.
By default, streams with unique IDs will be created.
If None, streams will be missing.
thermo :
Thermo object to initialize inlet and outlet streams. Defaults to
:meth:`settings.thermo <thermosteam._settings.ProcessSettings.thermo>`.
The free on board (f.o.b.) purchase costs and installed equipment costs
(i.e. bare-module cost) for each item in the :attr:`~Unit.baseline_purchase_costs`
dictionary and in auxiliary units are automatically added to the
:attr:`~Unit.purchase_costs` and :attr:`~Unit.installed_costs` dictionaries.
As explained in [1]_, the f.o.b. purchase cost is given by:
.. math::
C_{P} = C_{Pb}F_{D}F_{P}F_{M}
And the installed equipment cost is given by:
.. math::
C_{BM} = C_{Pb} (F_{BM} + F_{D}F_{P}F_{M} - 1)
* :math:`C_{Pb}`: Baseline purchase cost.
* :math:`F_{BM}`: Bare module factor.
* :math:`F_{D}`: Design factor.
* :math:`F_{P}`: Pressure factor.
* :math:`F_{M}`: Material factor.
Values for the bare-module, design, pressure, and material factors of
each equipment should be stored in the :attr:`~Unit.F_BM`, :attr:`~Unit.F_D`,
:attr:`~Unit.F_P`, and :attr:`~Unit.F_M` dictionaries.
.. [1] Seider, W. D., Lewin, D. R., Seader, J. D., Widagdo, S., Gani, R., & Ng, M. K. (2017). Product and Process Design Principles. Wiley. Cost Accounting and Capital Cost Estimation (Chapter 16)
Stream = Stream
max_parallel_units = int(10e3)
def __init_subclass__(cls,
if does_nothing: return
dct = cls.__dict__
if 'run' in dct:
raise UnitInheritanceError(
"the 'run' method cannot be overridden; implement `_run` instead"
if default_phenomena is None:
methods = (
if all([getattr(cls, i) is getattr(Unit, i) for i in methods]):
cls.run = phenomena_oriented_run
for i in methods:
if getattr(cls, i) is not getattr(Unit, i): continue
setattr(cls, i, AbstractMethod)
cls.run = Unit.run
elif default_phenomena:
cls.run = phenomena_oriented_run
for i in methods: setattr(cls, i, getattr(Unit, i))
if '_N_heat_utilities' in dct:
warn("'_N_heat_utilities' class attribute is scheduled for deprecation; "
"use the `add_heat_utility` method instead",
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
if 'line' not in dct:
cls.line = format_title(cls.__name__)
if 'ticket_name' not in dct:
line = cls.line.lower()
if 'centrifuge' in line: cls.ticket_name = 'C'
elif 'distillation' in line: cls.ticket_name = 'D'
elif 'evaporator' in line: cls.ticket_name = 'E'
elif 'flash' in line: cls.ticket_name = 'F'
elif ('cooler' in line
or 'condenser' in line
or 'heater' in line
or 'boiler' in line
or 'heat exchanger' in line): cls.ticket_name = 'H'
elif 'compressor' in line: cls.ticket_name = 'K'
elif 'turbine' in line: cls.ticket_name = 'Ʞ'
elif 'mixer' in line: cls.ticket_name = 'M'
elif 'pump' in line: cls.ticket_name = 'P'
elif 'reactor' in line or 'digestion' in line or 'ferment' in line: cls.ticket_name = 'R'
elif 'split' in line: cls.ticket_name = 'S'
elif 'tank' in line: cls.ticket_name = 'T'
elif 'junction' == line: cls.ticket_name = 'J'
elif 'specification' in line: cls.ticket_name = 'PS'
elif 'valve' in line: cls.ticket_name = 'V'
else: cls.ticket_name = 'U'
if '_graphics' not in dct and new_graphics:
# Set new graphics for specified line
cls._graphics = UnitGraphics.box(cls._N_ins, cls._N_outs)
if not isabstract:
if hasattr(cls, '_BM'):
raise UnitInheritanceError(
'cannot set `_BM`; implement `_F_BM_default` instead'
elif hasattr(cls, '_F_BM_defaults'):
raise UnitInheritanceError(
'cannot set `_F_BM_defaults`; implement '
'`_F_BM_default` instead'
elif cls._F_BM_default is Unit._F_BM_default:
cls._F_BM_default = {}
if hasattr(cls, '_equipment_lifetime'):
raise UnitInheritanceError(
'cannot set `_equipment_lifetime`; '
'implement `_default_equipment_lifetime` instead'
elif hasattr(cls, '_default_equipment_lifetimes'):
raise UnitInheritanceError(
'cannot set `_default_equipment_lifetimes`; implement '
'`_default_equipment_lifetime` instead'
elif cls._default_equipment_lifetime is Unit._default_equipment_lifetime:
cls._default_equipment_lifetime = {}
if cls._units is Unit._units: cls._units = {}
if not cls._run:
if cls._N_ins == 1 and cls._N_outs == 1:
raise UnitInheritanceError(
"Unit subclass with multiple inlet or outlet streams "
"must implement a '_run' method unless the "
"'isabstract' keyword argument is True"
name = cls.__name__
if hasattr(bst, 'units') and hasattr(bst, 'wastewater') and hasattr(bst, 'facilities'):
# Add 3rd party unit to biosteam module for convinience
if name not in bst.units.__dict__:
bst.units.__dict__[name] = cls
if name not in bst.__dict__:
bst.__dict__[name] = cls
### Abstract Attributes ###
#: **class-attribute** Units of measure for :attr:`~Unit.design_results` dictionary.
_units: dict[str, str] = {}
#: **class-attribute** Default bare-module factors for each purchase cost item.
#: Items in this dictionary are copied to the :attr:`~Unit.F_BM` attribute during
#: initialization.
_F_BM_default: dict[str, float] = {}
#: **class-attribute** Cost items that need to be summed across operation modes for
#: flexible operation (e.g., filtration membranes).
_materials_and_maintenance: frozenset[str] = frozenset()
#: **class-attribute** Wether to link inlet and outlet streams.
_link_streams: bool = False
#: **class-attribute** Lifetime of equipment. Defaults to lifetime of
#: production venture. Use an integer to specify the lifetime for all
#: items in the unit purchase costs. Use a dictionary to specify the
#: lifetime of each purchase cost item.
_default_equipment_lifetime: int|dict[str, int] = {}
#: [str] The energy variable for phenomena-oriented simulation.
_energy_variable: str = None
### Abstract methods ###
#: Create auxiliary components.
_load_components = AbstractMethod
#: Add design requirements to the :attr:`~Unit.design_results` dictionary.
_design = AbstractMethod
#: Add itemized purchase costs to the :attr:`~Unit.baseline_purchase_costs` dictionary.
_cost = AbstractMethod
#: Add embodied emissions (e.g., unit construction) in LCA
_lca = AbstractMethod
def _update_nonlinearities(self):
Update phenomenological variables for phenomena-oriented simulation.
ins = self.ins
outs = self.outs
data = [i.get_data() for i in outs]
Ts = [i.T for i in outs]
Q = self.Hnet
f = bst.PhasePartition.dmol_relaxation_factor
old = self._dmol
new = sum(
[i.mol for i in outs],
-sum([i.mol for i in ins], 0)
self._dmol = dmol = f * old + (1 - f) * new
self._dmol[np.abs(dmol) < 1e-9] = 0.
self._duty = self.Hnet
Ts_new = [i.T for i in outs]
if all([i == j for i, j in zip(Ts_new, Ts)]): # T constant
self._energy_variable = None
elif self.Hnet == Q: # Q constant
self._energy_variable = 'T'
self._energy_variable = None
for i, j in zip(outs, data): i.set_data(j)
def _get_energy_departure_coefficient(self, stream):
tuple[object, float] Return energy departure coefficient of a stream
for phenomena-oriented simulation.
if self._energy_variable == 'T': return (self, stream.C)
def _create_material_balance_equations(self, composition_sensitive):
list[tuple[dict, array]] Create material balance equations for
phenomena-oriented simulation.
if self._link_streams: return []
fresh_inlets, process_inlets, equations = self._begin_equations(composition_sensitive)
outs = self.flat_outs
N = self.chemicals.size
ones = np.ones(N)
predetermined_flow = SparseVector.from_dict(sum_sparse_vectors([i.mol for i in fresh_inlets]), size=N)
rhs = predetermined_flow + self._dmol
mol_total = sum([i.mol for i in outs])
for i, s in enumerate(outs):
split = s.mol / mol_total
minus_split = -split
eq_outs = {}
for i in process_inlets: eq_outs[i] = minus_split
eq_outs[s] = ones
(eq_outs, split * rhs)
return equations
def _create_energy_departure_equations(self):
list[tuple[dict, float]] Create energy departure equations for
phenomena-oriented simulation.
if self._energy_variable == 'T':
coeff = {self: sum([i.C for i in self.outs])}
for i in self.ins: i._update_energy_departure_coefficient(coeff)
if self._dmol.any():
dH = self._duty - self.Hnet
dH = self._duty + self.H_in - self.H_out
return [(coeff, dH)]
return []
def _update_energy_variable(self, departure):
Update energy variable being solved in energy departure equations for
phenomena-oriented simulation.
if self._energy_variable == 'T':
for i in self.outs: i.T += departure
def _begin_equations(self, composition_sensitive):
inlets = self.ins
fresh_inlets = []
process_inlets = []
material_equations = [f() for i in inlets for f in i.material_equations]
isfeed = lambda s: s.isfeed() or i.source._recycle_system is not self._recycle_system
if not material_equations:
if composition_sensitive:
for i in inlets:
if (isfeed(i) or
not getattr(i.source, 'composition_sensitive', False)):
elif len(i) > 1:
for i in inlets:
if isfeed(i):
elif len(i) > 1:
equations = material_equations
elif composition_sensitive:
equations = []
dependent_streams = []
for eq in material_equations:
dct, value = eq
for i in dct:
if (i.source and
i.source._recycle_system is self._recycle_system and
not getattr(i.source, 'composition_sensitive', False)):
dependent_streams.extend([i.imol for i in dct])
dependent_streams = set(dependent_streams)
for i in inlets:
if (i.imol not in dependent_streams and isfeed(i) or
not getattr(i.source, 'composition_sensitive', False)):
elif len(i) > 1:
for i in inlets:
if (isfeed(i) and
not i.material_equations):
elif len(i) > 1:
equations = material_equations
return fresh_inlets, process_inlets, equations
Inlets = piping.Inlets
Outlets = piping.Outlets
def __init__(self,
ID: Optional[str]='',
ins: streams=None,
outs: streams=(),
thermo: Optional[tmo.Thermo]=None,
### Initialize utilities
#: All heat utilities associated to unit. Cooling and heating requirements
#: are stored here (including auxiliary requirements).
self.heat_utilities: list[HeatUtility, ...] = [HeatUtility for i in range(getattr(self, '_N_heat_utilities', 0))]
#: Electric utility associated to unit (including auxiliary requirements).
self.power_utility: PowerUtility = PowerUtility()
### Initialize design/cost/LCA results
#: All bare-module factors for each purchase cost. Defaults to values in
#: the class attribute :attr:`~Unit._F_BM_default`.
self.F_BM: dict[str, float] = self._F_BM_default.copy()
except AttributeError:
self.F_BM = {}
#: All design factors for each purchase cost item in :attr:`~Unit.baseline_purchase_costs`.
self.F_D: dict[str, float] = {}
#: All pressure factors for each purchase cost item in :attr:`~Unit.baseline_purchase_costs`.
self.F_P: dict[str, float] = {}
#: All material factors for each purchase cost item in :attr:`~Unit.baseline_purchase_costs`.
self.F_M: dict[str, float] = {}
#: All design requirements excluding utility requirements and detailed
#: auxiliary unit requirements.
self.design_results: dict[str, object] = {}
#: All baseline purchase costs without accounting for design,
#: pressure, and material factors.
self.baseline_purchase_costs: dict[str, float] = {}
#: Itemized purchase costs (including auxiliary units)
#: accounting for design, pressure, and material factors (i.e.,
#: :attr:`~Unit.F_D`, :attr:`~Unit.F_P`, :attr:`~Unit.F_M`).
#: Items here are automatically updated at the end of unit simulation.
self.purchase_costs: dict[str, float] = {}
#: All installed costs accounting for bare module, design,
#: pressure, and material factors. Items here are automatically updated
#: at the end of unit simulation.
self.installed_costs: dict[str, float] = {}
#: Indices of additional utilities given by inlet streams.
self._inlet_utility_indices: dict[str, int] = {}
#: Indices of additional utilities given by outlet streams.
self._outlet_utility_indices: dict[str, int] = {}
#: Indices of additional credits/fees given by inlet streams.
self._inlet_cost_indices: dict[str, int] = {}
#: Indices of additional credits/fees given by outlet streams.
self._outlet_revenue_indices: dict[str, int] = {}
#: Lifetime of equipment. Defaults to values in the class attribute
#: :attr:`~Unit._default_equipment_lifetime`. Use an integer to specify the lifetime
#: for all items in the unit purchase costs. Use a dictionary to specify
#: the lifetime of each purchase cost item.
self.equipment_lifetime: int|dict[str, int] = copy(self._default_equipment_lifetime)
except AttributeError:
self.equipment_lifetime = {}
#: Name-number pairs of baseline purchase costs and auxiliary unit
#: operations in parallel. Use 'self' to refer to the main unit. Capital
#: and heat and power utilities in parallel will become proportional to this
#: value.
self.parallel: dict[str, int] = {}
#: Unit design decisions that must be solved to satisfy specifications.
#: While adding responses is optional, simulations benefit from responses
#: by being able to predict better guesses.
self.responses: set[bst.GenericResponse] = set()
self._utility_cost = None
self._recycle_system = None
super().__init__(ID, ins, outs, thermo, **kwargs)
def _init_ins(self, ins):
self.auxins = {}
def _init_outs(self, outs):
self.auxouts = {}
def _init_utils(self):
self.heat_utilities = [HeatUtility for i in range(getattr(self, '_N_heat_utilities', 0))]
self.power_utility = PowerUtility()
def _init_results(self):
try: self.F_BM = self._F_BM_default.copy()
except AttributeError: self.F_BM = {}
self.F_D = {}
self.F_P = {}
self.F_M = {}
self.design_results = {}
self.baseline_purchase_costs = {}
self.purchase_costs = {}
self.installed_costs = {}
self._inlet_utility_indices = {}
self._outlet_utility_indices = {}
self._inlet_cost_indices = {}
self._outlet_revenue_indices = {}
try: self.equipment_lifetime = copy(self._default_equipment_lifetime)
except AttributeError: self.equipment_lifetime = {}
def _init_specifications(self):
self._specifications = []
self.run_after_specifications = False
self._active_specifications = set()
def _reset_thermo(self, thermo):
for i in (self._ins._streams + self._outs._streams):
if i: i._reset_thermo(thermo)
raise RuntimeError(f'failed to reset {repr(self)}.thermo')
if thermo is self.thermo: return
chemicals = thermo.chemicals
isa = isinstance
hasfield = hasattr
def reset_thermo(obj, old=set()):
hash = id(obj)
if hash in old: return
if isa(obj, tmo.ReactionSystem):
for rxn in obj._reactions:
if hasfield(rxn, 'reset_chemicals') and rxn.chemicals is not chemicals:
elif hasfield(obj, 'reset_chemicals') and obj.chemicals is not chemicals:
elif hasfield(obj, '_reset_thermo') and obj.thermo is not thermo:
elif isa(obj, dict):
for i in obj.values(): reset_thermo(i)
elif isa(obj, Iterable):
for i in obj: reset_thermo(i)
for obj in self.__dict__.values(): reset_thermo(obj)
def response(self, name):
"""Register response for convergence model prediction."""
bst.GenericResponse(self, name)
def net_power(self) -> float:
"""Net power consumption [kW]."""
return self.power_utility.power
def net_duty(self) -> float:
"""Net duty including heat transfer losses [kJ/hr]."""
return sum([i.duty for i in self.heat_utilities])
def net_cooling_duty(self) -> float:
"""Net cooling duty including heat transfer losses [kJ/hr]."""
return sum([i.duty for i in self.heat_utilities if i.duty < 0.])
def net_heating_duty(self) -> float:
"""Net cooling duty including heat transfer losses [kJ/hr]."""
return sum([i.duty for i in self.heat_utilities if i.duty > 0.])
def feed(self) -> Stream:
"""Equivalent to :attr:`~Unit.ins`[0] when the number of inlets is 1."""
streams = self._ins._streams
size = len(streams)
if size == 1: return streams[0]
elif size > 1: raise AttributeError(f"{repr(self)} has more than one inlet")
else: raise AttributeError(f"{repr(self)} has no inlet")
def feed(self, feed):
ins = self._ins
streams = ins._streams
size = len(streams)
if size == 1: ins[0] = feed
elif size > 1: raise AttributeError(f"{repr(self)} has more than one inlet")
else: raise AttributeError(f"{repr(self)} has no inlet")
inlet = influent = feed
def product(self) -> Stream:
"""Equivalent to :attr:`~Unit.outs`[0] when the number of outlets is 1."""
streams = self._outs._streams
size = len(streams)
if size == 1: return streams[0]
elif size > 1: raise AttributeError(f"{repr(self)} has more than one outlet")
else: raise AttributeError(f"{repr(self)} has no outlet")
def product(self, product):
outs = self._outs
streams = outs._streams
size = len(streams)
if size == 1: outs[0] = product
elif size > 1: raise AttributeError(f"{repr(self)} has more than one outlet")
else: raise AttributeError(f"{repr(self)} has no outlet")
outlet = effluent = product
def add_power_utility(self, power):
"""Add power utility [kW]. Use a positive value for consumption and
a negative for production."""
power_utility = self.power_utility
if power >= 0.:
power_utility.consumption += power
power_utility.production -= power
def create_heat_utility(self,
agent: Optional[UtilityAgent]=None,
heat_transfer_efficiency: Optional[float]=None,
"""Create heat utility object associated to unit."""
hu = HeatUtility(heat_transfer_efficiency, None)
return hu
def add_heat_utility(self,
unit_duty: float,
T_in: float,
T_out: Optional[float]=None,
agent: Optional[UtilityAgent]=None,
heat_transfer_efficiency: Optional[float]=None,
hxn_ok: Optional[bool]=False,
Add utility requirement given the duty and inlet and outlet
unit_duty :
Unit duty requirement [kJ/hr]
T_in :
Inlet process stream temperature [K]
T_out :
Outlet process stream temperature [K]
agent :
Utility agent to use. Defaults to a suitable agent from
predefined heating/cooling utility agents.
heat_transfer_efficiency :
Enforced fraction of heat transfered from utility (due
to losses to environment).
hxn_ok :
Whether heat utility can be satisfied within a heat exchanger network.
hu = HeatUtility(heat_transfer_efficiency, self, hxn_ok)
hu(unit_duty, T_in, T_out, agent)
return hu
def define_utility(self, name: str, stream: Stream):
Define an inlet or outlet stream as a utility by name.
name :
Name of utility, as defined in :meth:`settings.stream_prices <thermosteam._settings.ProcessSettings.stream_prices>`.
stream :
Inlet or outlet utility stream.
if name not in bst.stream_prices:
raise ValueError(f"price of '{name}' must be defined in settings.stream_prices")
if stream._sink is self:
self._inlet_utility_indices[name] = self._ins._streams.index(stream)
elif stream._source is self:
self._outlet_utility_indices[name] = self._outs._streams.index(stream)
raise ValueError(f"stream '{stream.ID}' must be connected to {repr(self)}")
def define_credit(self, name: str, stream: Stream):
Define an inlet or outlet stream as a fee/credit by name.
name :
Name of fee/credit, as defined in :meth:`settings.stream_prices <thermosteam._settings.ProcessSettings.stream_prices>`.
stream :
Inlet or outlet fee/credit stream.
if name not in bst.stream_prices:
raise ValueError(f"price of '{name}' must be defined in settings.stream_prices")
if stream._sink is self:
self._inlet_cost_indices[name] = self._ins._streams.index(stream)
elif stream._source is self:
self._outlet_revenue_indices[name] = self._outs._streams.index(stream)
raise ValueError(f"stream '{stream.ID}' must be connected to {repr(self)}")
define_fee = define_credit
def get_inlet_cost_flows(self):
ins = self._ins._streams
return {name: ins[index].F_mass for name, index in (self._inlet_utility_indices | self._inlet_cost_indices).items()}
def get_outlet_revenue_flows(self):
outs = self._outs._streams
return {name: outs[index].F_mass for name, index in (self._outlet_utility_indices | self._outlet_revenue_indices).items()}
def get_design_and_capital(self):
return UnitDesignAndCapital(
self, self.F_BM.copy(), self.F_D.copy(), self.F_P.copy(), self.F_M.copy(),
self.design_results.copy(), self.baseline_purchase_costs.copy(),
self.purchase_costs.copy(), self.installed_costs.copy(),
def get_agile_design_and_capital(self, design_and_capital: list[UnitDesignAndCapital]):
names = (
'F_BM', 'F_D', 'F_P', 'F_M', 'design_results',
'baseline_purchase_costs', 'purchase_costs', 'installed_costs',
max_agile_design = getattr(self, '_max_agile_design', None)
agile_scenario = {i: {} for i in names}
if max_agile_design:
designs = [i.design_results for i in design_and_capital]
agile_design = agile_scenario['design_results']
for design_results in designs:
for i in max_agile_design:
if i in design_results:
j = design_results[i]
if i in agile_design:
if abs(j) > abs(agile_design[i]):
agile_design[i] = j
agile_design[i] = j
names = ('design_results', 'baseline_purchase_costs',
'purchase_costs', 'installed_costs')
dcts = [getattr(self, i) for i in names]
self.design_results = agile_design
for i in names[1:]: setattr(self, i, {})
warn(f"failed to create agile design for {repr(self)}; "
"assuming design with highest capital cost will do",
category=RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
for i, j in zip(names, dcts): setattr(self, i, j)
self._fill_agile_design_and_capital(agile_scenario, design_and_capital)
agile_scenario['unit'] = self
return UnitDesignAndCapital(**agile_scenario)
def _fill_agile_design_and_capital(self, agile_scenario, design_and_capital):
for results in design_and_capital:
for name, maxdct in agile_scenario.items():
if name == 'design_results': continue
dct = getattr(results, name)
for i, j in dct.items():
if i in maxdct:
if abs(j) > abs(maxdct[i]):
maxdct[i] = j
maxdct[i] = j
F_BM = agile_scenario['F_BM']
F_D = agile_scenario['F_D']
F_P = agile_scenario['F_P']
F_M = agile_scenario['F_M']
baseline_purchase_costs = agile_scenario['baseline_purchase_costs']
purchase_costs = agile_scenario['purchase_costs']
installed_costs = agile_scenario['installed_costs']
materials_and_maintenance = self._materials_and_maintenance
for name, Cp in baseline_purchase_costs.items():
F = F_D.get(name, 1.) * F_P.get(name, 1.) * F_M.get(name, 1.)
installed_cost = Cp * (F_BM.get(name, 1.) + F - 1.)
purchase_cost = Cp * F
if installed_cost > installed_costs[name]:
if name in materials_and_maintenance:
installed_costs[name] += installed_cost
installed_costs[name] = installed_cost
if purchase_cost > purchase_costs[name]:
if name in materials_and_maintenance:
purchase_costs[name] += purchase_cost
purchase_costs[name] = purchase_cost
def _assert_compatible_property_package(self):
if self.owner is not self: return
CASs = self.chemicals.CASs
streams = self._ins + self._outs
assert all([s.chemicals.CASs == CASs for s in streams if s]), (
"unit operation chemicals are incompatible with inlet and outlet streams; "
"try using the `thermo` keyword argument to initialize the unit operation "
"with a compatible thermodynamic property package"
def _load_costs(self):
Calculate and save free on board (f.o.b.) purchase costs and
installed equipment costs (i.e. bare-module cost) for each item in the
:attr:`~Unit.baseline_purchase_costs` dictionary and in auxiliary units. This
method is run after the :attr:`~Unit._cost` method at the end of unit simulation.
As explained in [1]_, the f.o.b. purchase cost is given by:
.. math::
C_{P} = C_{Pb}F_{D}F_{P}F_{M}
And the installed equipment cost is given by:
.. math::
C_{BM} = C_{Pb} (F_{BM} + F_{D}F_{P}F_{M} - 1)
* :math:`C_{Pb}`: Baseline purchase cost.
* :math:`F_{BM}`: Bare module factor.
* :math:`F_{D}`: Design factor.
* :math:`F_{P}`: Pressure factor.
* :math:`F_{M}`: Material factor.
Values for the bare-module, design, pressure, and material factors of
each equipment should be stored in the :attr:`~Unit.F_BM`, :attr:`~Unit.F_D`,
:attr:`~Unit.F_P`, and :attr:`~Unit.F_M` dictionaries.
If an item is listed in the :attr:`~Unit.purchase_costs` dictionary but not in the
:attr:`~Unit.baseline_purchase_costs` dictionary, the baseline purchase cost is
assumed to be the same as the purchase cost.
.. [1] Seider, W. D., Lewin, D. R., Seader, J. D., Widagdo, S., Gani, R., & Ng, M. K. (2017). Product and Process Design Principles. Wiley. Cost Accounting and Capital Cost Estimation (Chapter 16)
if getattr(self, '_costs_loaded', False): return
F_BM = self.F_BM
F_D = self.F_D
F_P = self.F_P
F_M = self.F_M
baseline_purchase_costs = self.baseline_purchase_costs
purchase_costs = self.purchase_costs
installed_costs = self.installed_costs
parallel = self.parallel
heat_utilities = self.heat_utilities
power_utility = self.power_utility
integer = int
N_default = integer(parallel.get('self', 1))
# Load main costs
if N_default != 1:
heat_utilities.extend((N_default - 1) * heat_utilities)
for i in purchase_costs:
if i not in baseline_purchase_costs:
warning = RuntimeWarning(
f"Unit {self.ID}, adding items to the `purchase_costs` dictionary is "
"deprecated; add items to `baseline_purchase_costs` "
"dictionary instead"
baseline_purchase_costs[i] = purchase_costs[i]
for name, Cpb in baseline_purchase_costs.items():
N = integer(parallel.get(name, N_default))
if N == 1:
if name in installed_costs and name in purchase_costs:
continue # Assume costs already added elsewhere using another method
Cpb *= N
baseline_purchase_costs[name] = Cpb
if name in installed_costs and name in purchase_costs:
purchase_costs[name] *= N
installed_costs[name] *= N
continue # Assume costs already added elsewhere using another method
F = F_D.get(name, 1.) * F_P.get(name, 1.) * F_M.get(name, 1.)
installed_costs[name] = Cpb * (F_BM[name] + F - 1.)
except KeyError:
warn(f"the purchase cost item, '{name}', has "
"no defined bare-module factor in the "
f"'{type(self).__name__}.F_BM' dictionary; "
"bare-module factor now has a default value of 1",
F_BM[name] = 1.
installed_costs[name] = purchase_costs[name] = Cpb * F
purchase_costs[name] = Cpb * F
# Load auxiliary costs
isa = isinstance
for name, unit in self.get_auxiliary_units_with_names():
if isa(unit, Unit):
if not (unit._design or unit._cost): continue
unit._load_costs() # Just in case user did not simulate or run summary.
pname, *_ = name.split('[')
N = integer(parallel.get(pname, N_default))
if N == 1:
power_utility.consumption += unit.power_utility.consumption
power_utility.production += unit.power_utility.production
elif N > self.max_parallel_units:
raise RuntimeError(f'cannot have over a {self.max_parallel_units} unit operations in parallel')
heat_utilities.extend(N * unit.heat_utilities)
power_utility.consumption += N * unit.power_utility.consumption
power_utility.production += N * unit.power_utility.production
bpc_auxiliary = unit.baseline_purchase_costs
pc_auxiliary = unit.purchase_costs
ic_auxiliary = unit.installed_costs
for i in bpc_auxiliary:
j = ' - '.join([name.capitalize().replace('_', ' '), i])
if j in baseline_purchase_costs:
raise RuntimeError(
f"'{j}' already in `baseline_purchase_cost` "
f"dictionary of {repr(self)}; try using a different key"
elif N == 1:
baseline_purchase_costs[j] = bpc_auxiliary[i]
purchase_costs[j] = pc_auxiliary[i]
installed_costs[j] = ic_auxiliary[i]
baseline_purchase_costs[j] = N * bpc_auxiliary[i]
purchase_costs[j] = N * pc_auxiliary[i]
installed_costs[j] = N * ic_auxiliary[i]
self._costs_loaded = True
def _setup(self):
"""Clear all results, setup up stream conditions and constant data,
and update system configuration based on units impacted by process
specifications. This method is run at the start of unit simulation,
before running mass and energy balances."""
for i in self.heat_utilities: i.empty()
if not hasattr(self, '_N_heat_utilities'): self.heat_utilities.clear()
self._costs_loaded = False
for i in self.auxiliary_units: i._setup()
def _check_setup(self):
if any([self.power_utility,
raise UnitInheritanceError(
f'`{type(self).__name__}._setup` method did not clear unit results; '
'a potential solution is to run `super()._setup()` in the `_setup` '
'method of the unit subclass'
def _check_run(self):
if any([self.power_utility,
f'`{type(self).__name__}._run` method added unit results '
'(e.g., purchase costs, heat and power utilities); unit results '
'should only be added in `_design` or `_cost` methods',
def materialize_connections(self):
for s in self._ins + self._outs:
if not s: s.materialize_connection()
def owner(self) -> Unit:
owner = getattr(self, '_owner', None)
return self if owner is None else owner.owner
def owner(self, owner):
if owner is not self: self._owner = owner
def _get_tooltip_string(self, format=None, full=None):
"""Return a string that can be used as a Tippy tooltip in HTML output"""
if format is None: format = bst.preferences.graphviz_format
if full is None: full = bst.preferences.tooltips_full_results
if format not in ('html', 'svg'): return ''
if format == 'html' and full:
results = self.results(include_installed_cost=True)
tooltip = (
" " + # makes sure graphviz does not try to parse the string as HTML
results.to_html(justify='unset'). # unset makes sure that table header style can be overwritten in CSS
replace("\n", "").replace(" ", "") # makes sure tippy.js does not add any whitespaces
newline = '<br>' if format == 'html' else '\n'
electricity_consumption = self.power_utility.consumption
electricity_production = self.power_utility.production
cooling = self.net_cooling_duty / 1e3
heating = self.net_heating_duty / 1e3
utility_cost = self.utility_cost
purchase_cost = int(float(self.purchase_cost))
installed_cost = int(float(self.installed_cost))
tooltip = ''
if electricity_consumption:
tooltip += f"{newline}Electricity consumption: {electricity_consumption:.3g} kW"
if electricity_production:
tooltip += f"{newline}Electricity production: {electricity_production:.3g} kW"
if cooling:
tooltip += f"{newline}Cooling duty: {cooling:.3g} MJ/hr"
if heating:
tooltip += f"{newline}Heating duty: {heating:.3g} MJ/hr"
if utility_cost:
tooltip += f"{newline}Utility cost: {utility_cost:.3g} USD/hr"
if purchase_cost:
tooltip += f"{newline}Purchase cost: {purchase_cost:,} USD"
if installed_cost:
tooltip += f"{newline}Installed equipment cost: {installed_cost:,} USD"
if not tooltip: tooltip = 'No capital costs or utilities'
elif tooltip: tooltip = tooltip.lstrip(newline)
if format == 'html': tooltip = ' ' + tooltip
return tooltip
def get_design_result(self, key: str, units: str):
Return design result in a new set of units of measure.
key :
Name of design result.
units :
Units of measure.
>>> import biosteam as bst
>>> bst.settings.set_thermo(['Water'], cache=True)
>>> feed = bst.Stream(None, Water=100)
>>> tank = bst.StorageTank(None, feed)
>>> tank.simulate()
>>> tank.get_design_result('Total volume', 'm3')
>>> tank.get_design_result('Total volume', 'L')
return convert(self.design_results[key], self._units[key], units)
def set_design_result(self, key: str, units: str, value: float):
Set design result in given the units of measure.
key :
Name of design result.
units :
Units of measure.
Value of the design result.
>>> import biosteam as bst
>>> bst.settings.set_thermo(['Water'], cache=True)
>>> feed = bst.Stream(None, Water=100)
>>> tank = bst.StorageTank(None, feed)
>>> tank.simulate()
>>> tank.set_design_result('Total volume', 'm3', 1000)
>>> tank.get_design_result('Total volume', 'm3')
self.design_results[key] = value = convert(value, units, self._units[key])
return value
def convert_design_result(self, key, units, value):
Convert design result in given units to the stored units of measure.
key :
Name of design result.
units :
Units of measure.
Value of the design result.
>>> import biosteam as bst
>>> bst.settings.set_thermo(['Water'], cache=True)
>>> feed = bst.Stream(None, Water=100)
>>> tank = bst.StorageTank(None, feed)
>>> tank.simulate()
>>> tank.convert_design_result('Total volume', 'ft3', 1000)
return convert(value, units, self._units[key])
def reset_cache(self, isdynamic=None):
def _get_design_info(self):
return ()
def _load_stream_links(self):
if self._link_streams: self._outs[0].link_with(self._ins[0])
def _reevaluate(self):
"""Reevaluate design/cost/LCA results."""
def _check_utilities(self):
auxiliary_heat_utilities = set(sum([i.heat_utilities for i in self.auxiliary_units], []))
for i in self.heat_utilities:
if i in auxiliary_heat_utilities:
raise UnitInheritanceError(
'auxiliary heat utilities were manually added to main utilities; '
'note that utilities from auxiliary units are already automatically '
'added to main unit operation'
def _summary(self, design_kwargs=None, cost_kwargs=None, lca_kwargs=None):
"""Run design/cost/LCA algorithms and compile results."""
if not (self._design or self._cost): return
if not self._skip_simulation_when_inlets_are_empty or not all([i.isempty() for i in self._ins]):
self._design(**design_kwargs) if design_kwargs else self._design()
self._cost(**cost_kwargs) if cost_kwargs else self._cost()
self._lca(**lca_kwargs) if lca_kwargs else self._lca()
def _load_operation_costs(self):
ins = self._ins._streams
outs = self._outs._streams
prices = bst.stream_prices
self._utility_cost = (
sum([i.cost for i in self.heat_utilities])
+ self.power_utility.cost
+ sum([s.F_mass * prices[name] for name, index in self._inlet_utility_indices.items() if (s:=ins[index]).price == 0.])
- sum([s.F_mass * prices[name] for name, index in self._outlet_utility_indices.items() if (s:=outs[index]).price == 0.])
self._inlet_cost = sum(
[ins[index].F_mass * prices[name] for name, index in self._inlet_cost_indices.items()]
self._outlet_revenue = sum(
[outs[index].F_mass * prices[name] for name, index in self._outlet_revenue_indices.items()]
def specifications(self) -> list[ProcessSpecification]:
Process specifications as a list of process specification objects.
See Also
return self._specifications
def specifications(self, specifications):
if specifications is None:
self._specifications = []
self._specifications = specifications
def specification(self):
raise AttributeError('`specification` property is deprecated; use `add_specification` or `specifications` (plural with an s) instead')
def specification(self, specification):
raise AttributeError('`specification` property is deprecated; use `add_specification` or `specifications` (plural with an s) instead')
def baseline_purchase_cost(self) -> float:
"""Total baseline purchase cost, without accounting for design ,
pressure, and material factors [USD]."""
return sum(self.baseline_purchase_costs.values())
def purchase_cost(self) -> float:
"""Total purchase cost [USD]."""
return sum(self.purchase_costs.values())
def installed_cost(self) -> float:
"""Total installed equipment cost [USD]."""
return sum(self.installed_costs.values())
def utility_cost(self) -> float:
"""Total utility cost [USD/hr]."""
return self._utility_cost
def mass_balance_error(self):
"""Return error in stoichiometric mass balance. If positive,
mass is being created. If negative, mass is being destroyed."""
return self.F_mass_out - self.F_mass_in
def atomic_balance_error(self):
"""Return a dictionary of errors in stoichiometric atomic balances.
If value is positive, the atom is being created. If negative, the atom
is being destroyed."""
from chemicals import elements
mol = sum([i.mol for i in self._outs._streams]) - sum([i.mol for i in self._ins._streams])
formula_array = self.chemicals.formula_array
unbalanced_array = formula_array @ mol
return elements.array_to_atoms(unbalanced_array)
def empty(self):
Empty all unit operation results and outlet flows.
for i in self.outs: i.empty()
self._utility_cost = 0.
def simulate(self,
run: Optional[bool]=None,
design_kwargs: Optional[dict]=None,
cost_kwargs: Optional[dict]=None):
Run rigorous simulation and determine all design requirements.
run :
Whether to run mass and energy balance or to assume the same inlet
and outlet conditions. Defaults to True.
design_kwargs :
Keyword arguments passed to `_design` method.
cost_kwargs :
Keyword arguments passed to `_cost` method.
if run is None or run:
for ps in self._specifications: ps.compile_path(self)
self._summary(design_kwargs, cost_kwargs)
def results(self, with_units=True, include_utilities=True,
include_total_cost=True, include_installed_cost=False,
include_zeros=True, external_utilities=None, key_hook=None):
Return key results from simulation as a DataFrame if `with_units`
is True or as a Series otherwise.
def addkey(key):
if key_hook: key = key_hook(key)
def addcapex(key):
if key_hook: key = key_hook(key)
*others, name = key
names = name.split(' - ')
parent = self
parallel = parent.parallel
N = N_default = parallel.get('self', 1)
for auxname in names:
auxsearch = auxname.replace(' ', '_').lower()
N *= int(parallel.get(auxname, 1.))
for i in parent.auxiliary_unit_names:
if auxsearch == i.lower():
parent = getattr(parent, i)
if isinstance(parent, list):
N *= len(parent)
parallel = parent.parallel
N_default = parallel.get('self', 1)
N *= int(parallel.get(i, N_default))
if N != 1: key = (*others, name + f' (x{N})')
keys = [];
vals = []; addval = vals.append
stream_prices = bst.stream_prices
all_utilities = self.heat_utilities + external_utilities if external_utilities else self.heat_utilities
if with_units:
if include_utilities:
power_utility = self.power_utility
if power_utility:
addkey(('Electricity', 'Power'))
addval(('kW', power_utility.power))
if include_zeros or power_utility.cost:
addkey(('Electricity', 'Cost'))
addval(('USD/hr', power_utility.cost))
for heat_utility in HeatUtility.sum_by_agent(all_utilities):
if heat_utility:
ID = heat_utility.ID.replace('_', ' ').capitalize()
addkey((ID, 'Duty'))
addval(('kJ/hr', heat_utility.duty))
addkey((ID, 'Flow'))
addval(('kmol/hr', heat_utility.flow))
if include_zeros or heat_utility.cost:
addkey((ID, 'Cost'))
addval(('USD/hr', heat_utility.cost))
for name, flow in self.get_inlet_cost_flows().items():
if include_zeros or flow:
ID = name + ' (inlet)'
addkey((ID, 'Flow'))
addval(('kg/hr', flow))
addkey((ID, 'Cost'))
addval(('USD/hr', flow * stream_prices[name]))
for name, flow in self.get_outlet_revenue_flows().items():
if include_zeros or flow:
ID = name + ' (outlet)'
addkey((ID, 'Flow'))
addval(('kg/hr', flow))
addkey((ID, 'Cost'))
addval(('USD/hr', - flow * stream_prices[name]))
units = self._units
Cost = self.purchase_costs
for ki, vi in self.design_results.items():
addkey(('Design', ki))
addval((units.get(ki, ''), vi))
for ki, vi, ui in self._get_design_info():
addkey(('Design', ki))
addval((ui, vi))
for ki, vi in Cost.items():
addcapex(('Purchase cost', ki))
addval(('USD', vi))
if include_total_cost:
addkey(('Total purchase cost', ''))
addval(('USD', self.purchase_cost))
if include_installed_cost:
addkey(('Installed equipment cost', ''))
addval(('USD', self.installed_cost))
utility_cost = self.utility_cost
if include_zeros or utility_cost:
addkey(('Utility cost', ''))
addval(('USD/hr', utility_cost))
if not keys: return None
df = pd.DataFrame(vals,
('Units', self.ID))
df.columns.name = self.line
return df
if include_utilities:
power_utility = self.power_utility
if power_utility:
addkey(('Electricity', 'Power'))
if include_zeros or power_utility.cost:
addkey(('Electricity', 'Cost'))
for heat_utility in HeatUtility.sum_by_agent(all_utilities):
if heat_utility:
ID = heat_utility.ID.replace('_', ' ').capitalize()
addkey((ID, 'Duty'))
addkey((ID, 'Flow'))
if include_zeros or heat_utility.cost:
addkey((ID, 'Cost'))
for name, flow in self.get_inlet_cost_flows().items():
if include_zeros or flow:
ID = name + ' (inlet)'
addkey((ID, 'Flow'))
addkey((ID, 'Cost'))
addval(flow * stream_prices[name])
for name, flow in self.get_outlet_revenue_flows().items():
if include_zeros or flow:
ID = name + ' (outlet)'
addkey((ID, 'Flow'))
addkey((ID, 'Cost'))
addval(-flow * stream_prices[name])
for ki, vi in self.design_results.items():
addkey(('Design', ki))
for ki, vi, ui in self._get_design_info():
addkey(('Design', ki))
for ki, vi in self.purchase_costs.items():
addcapex(('Purchase cost', ki))
if include_total_cost:
addkey(('Total purchase cost', ''))
if include_installed_cost:
addkey(('Installed equipment cost', ''))
utility_cost = self.utility_cost
if include_zeros or utility_cost:
addkey(('Utility cost', ''))
if not keys: return None
series = pd.Series(vals, pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(keys))
series.name = self.ID
return series
def get_available_chemicals(self):
streams = [i for i in (self._ins + self._outs) if i]
reaction_chemicals = sum([i.reaction_chemicals for i in self.__dict__.values() if hasattr(i, 'reaction_chemicals')], [])
required_chemicals = set(sum([i.available_chemicals for i in streams], reaction_chemicals))
return [i for i in self.chemicals if i in required_chemicals]
### Net input and output flows ###
# Molar flow rates
def mol_in(self) -> NDArray[float]:
"""Molar flows going in [kmol/hr]."""
return sum([s.mol for s in self._ins if s])
def mol_out(self) -> NDArray[float]:
"""Molar flows going out [kmol/hr]."""
return sum([s.mol for s in self._outs if s])
def z_mol_in(self) -> NDArray[float]:
"""Molar fractions going in [kmol/hr]."""
return self.mol_in/self.F_mol_in
def z_mol_out(self) -> NDArray[float]:
"""Molar fractions going in."""
return self.mol_out/self.F_mol_out
def F_mol_in(self) -> float:
"""Net molar flow going in [kmol/hr]."""
return sum([s.F_mol for s in self._ins if s])
def F_mol_out(self) -> float:
"""Net molar flow going out [kmol/hr]."""
return sum([s.F_mol for s in self._outs if s])
# Mass flow rates
def mass_in(self)-> NDArray[float]:
"""Mass flows going in [kg/hr]."""
return sum([s.mol for s in self._ins if s]) * self._thermo.chemicals.MW
def mass_out(self)-> NDArray[float]:
"""Mass flows going out [kg/hr]."""
return sum([s.mol for s in self._outs if s]) * self._thermo.chemicals.MW
def z_mass_in(self)-> NDArray[float]:
"""Mass fractions going in."""
return self.mass_in/self.F_mass_in
def z_mass_out(self)-> NDArray[float]:
"""Mass fractions going out."""
return self.mass_out/self.F_mass_out
def F_mass_in(self)-> float:
"""Net mass flow going in [kg/hr]."""
return self.mass_in.sum()
def F_mass_out(self) -> float:
"""Net mass flow going out [kg/hr]."""
return self.mass_out.sum()
# Volumetric flow rates
def vol_in(self) -> NDArray[float]:
"""Volumetric flows going in [m3/hr]."""
return sum([s.vol for s in self._ins if s])
def F_vol_in(self) -> float:
"""Net volumetric flow going in [m3/hr]."""
return sum(self.vol_in)
def z_vol_in(self) -> NDArray[float]:
"""Volumetric fractions going in."""
return self.vol_in/self.F_vol_in
def vol_out(self) -> NDArray[float]:
"""Volumetric flows going out [m3/hr]."""
return sum([s.vol for s in self._outs if s])
def F_vol_out(self)-> float:
"""Net volumetric flow going out [m3/hr]."""
return sum(self.vol_out)
def z_vol_out(self) -> NDArray[float]:
"""Volumetric fractions going out."""
return self.vol_out/self.F_vol_out
# Enthalpy flow rates
def H_in(self) -> float:
"""Enthalpy flow going in [kJ/hr]."""
return sum([s.H for s in self._ins if s])
def H_out(self) -> float:
"""Enthalpy flow going out [kJ/hr]."""
return sum([s.H for s in self._outs if s])
def Hf_in(self) -> float:
"""Enthalpy of formation flow going in [kJ/hr]."""
return sum([s.Hf for s in self._ins if s])
def Hf_out(self) -> float:
"""Enthalpy of formation flow going out [kJ/hr]."""
return sum([s.Hf for s in self._outs if s])
def Hnet(self) -> float:
"""Net enthalpy flow, including enthalpies of formation [kJ/hr]."""
return self.H_out - self.H_in + self.Hf_out - self.Hf_in
class UnitDesignAndCapital:
__slots__ = (
baseline_purchase_cost = Unit.baseline_purchase_cost
purchase_cost = Unit.purchase_cost
installed_cost = Unit.installed_cost
def __init__(self,
unit, F_BM, F_D, F_P, F_M,
design_results: dict,
baseline_purchase_costs: dict,
purchase_costs: dict,
installed_costs: dict,
self.unit = unit
self.F_BM = F_BM
self.F_D = F_D
self.F_P = F_P
self.F_M = F_M
self.design_results = design_results
self.baseline_purchase_costs = baseline_purchase_costs
self.purchase_costs = purchase_costs
self.installed_costs = installed_costs
def equipment_lifetime(self):
return self.unit.equipment_lifetime