# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# BioSTEAM: The Biorefinery Simulation and Techno-Economic Analysis Modules
# Copyright (C) 2020-2023, Yoel Cortes-Pena <yoelcortes@gmail.com>
# This module is under the UIUC open-source license. See
# github.com/BioSTEAMDevelopmentGroup/biosteam/blob/master/LICENSE.txt
# for license details.
from .._unit import Unit
from thermosteam.separations import material_balance
from thermosteam._graphics import process_specification_graphics
from ..utils import static
__all__ = ('MassBalance',)
# %% Mass Balance Unit
class MassBalance(Unit):
Create a Unit object that changes net input flow rates to satisfy output
flow rates. This calculation is based on mass balance equations for
specified IDs.
ins :
Inlet stream. Doesn't actually affect mass balance. It's just to
show the position in the process.
outs :
Outlet stream. Doesn't actually affect mass balance. It's just to
show the position in the process.
chemical_IDs : tuple[str]
Chemicals that will be used to solve mass balance linear equations.
The number of chemicals must be same as the number of input streams varied.
variable_inlets : Iterable[Stream]
Inlet streams that can vary in net flow rate to accomodate for the
mass balance.
constant_inlets: Iterable[Stream], optional
Inlet streams that cannot vary in flow rates.
constant_outlets: Iterable[Stream], optional
Outlet streams that cannot vary in flow rates.
is_exact=True : bool, optional
True if exact flow rate solution is required for the specified IDs.
balance='flow' : {'flow', 'composition'}, optional
* 'flow': Satisfy output flow rates
* 'composition': Satisfy net output molar composition
MassBalance are Unit objects that serve to alter flow rates of selected
chemicals and input streams to satisfy the mass balance.
The example below uses the MassBalance object to satisfy the target
flow rate feeding the mixer M1:
>>> from biosteam import System, Stream, settings, main_flowsheet
>>> from biosteam.units import (Mixer, Splitter, StorageTank, Pump,
... Flash, MassBalance)
>>> main_flowsheet.set_flowsheet('mass_balance_example')
>>> settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True)
>>> water = Stream('water',
... Water=40,
... units='lb/s',
... T=350, P=101325)
>>> ethanol = Stream('ethanol',
... Ethanol=190, Water=30,
... T=300, P=101325)
>>> target = Stream('target',
... Ethanol=500, Water=500)
>>> T1 = StorageTank('T1', outs='s1')
>>> T2 = StorageTank('T2', outs='s2')
>>> P1 = Pump('P1', P=101325, outs='s3')
>>> P2 = Pump('P2', P=101325, outs='s4')
>>> M1 = Mixer('M1', outs='s5')
>>> S1 = Splitter('S1', outs=('s6', 's7'), split=0.5)
>>> F1 = Flash('F1', outs=('s8', 's9'), V=0.5, P =101325)
>>> MB1 = MassBalance('MB1', outs='s6_2',
... variable_inlets=[water, ethanol],
... constant_inlets=[S1-0],
... constant_outlets=[target],
... chemical_IDs=('Ethanol', 'Water'),
... description='Adjust flow rate of feed to mixer')
>>> # Connect units
>>> water-T1-P1
<Pump: P1>
>>> ethanol-T2-P2
<Pump: P2>
>>> [P1-0, P2-0, MB1-0]-M1-F1-1-S1-0-MB1
<MassBalance: MB1>
>>> sys = main_flowsheet.create_system('sys')
>>> # Make diagram to view system
>>> # sys.diagram()
>>> sys.simulate();
>>> target.show()
Stream: target
phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
flow (kmol/hr): Water 500
Ethanol 500
_graphics = process_specification_graphics
_N_ins = _N_outs = 1
def _init(self,
chemical_IDs=None, variable_inlets=(),
constant_outlets=(), constant_inlets=(),
is_exact=True, balance='flow',
self.variable_inlets = variable_inlets
self.constant_inlets = constant_inlets
self.constant_outlets = constant_outlets
self.chemical_IDs = tuple(chemical_IDs)
self.is_exact = is_exact
self.balance = balance
self.description = description
def _run(self):
# %% Energy Balance Unit
# class EnergyBalance(Unit):
# """Create a Unit object that changes a stream's temperature, flow rate, or vapor fraction to satisfy energy balance.
# **Parameters**
# **index:** [int] Index of stream that can vary in temperature, flow rate, or vapor fraction.
# **Type:** [str] Should be one of the following
# * 'T': Vary temperature of output stream
# * 'F': Vary flow rate of input/output stream
# * 'V': Vary vapor fraction of output stream
# **Qin:** *[float]* Additional energy input.
# .. Note:: This is not a mixer, input streams and output streams should match flow rates.
# """
# _kwargs = {'index': None,
# 'Type': 'T',
# 'Qin': 0}
# line = 'Balance'
# _has_cost = False
# _graphics = MassBalance._graphics
# _init_ins = MassBalance._init_ins
# _init_outs = MassBalance._init_outs
# def _run(self): # Get arguments
# ins = self.ins.copy()
# outs = self.outs.copy()
# kwargs = self._kwargs
# index = kwargs['index']
# Type = kwargs['Type']
# Qin = kwargs['Qin']
# # Pop out required streams
# if Type == 'F':
# s_in = ins.pop(index)
# s_out = outs.pop(index)
# else:
# s = outs.pop(index)
# # Find required enthalpy
# H_in = sum(i.H for i in ins) + Qin
# H_out = sum(o.H for o in outs)
# H_s = H_out - H_in
# # Set enthalpy
# if Type == 'T':
# s.H = -H_s
# elif Type == 'V':
# s.enable_phases()
# s.VLE(Qin=s.H - H_s)
# elif Type == 'F':
# s.mol *= (s_out.H - s_in.H)/H_s
# else:
# raise ValueError(f"Type must be 'T', 'V' or 'F', not '{Type}'")