Source code for biosteam.units.design_tools.aeration

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module contains methods and correlations to find aeration requirements
for bioreactors.

.. contents:: :local:
.. autofunction:: biosteam.units.design_tools.aeration.log_mean_driving_force
.. autofunction:: biosteam.units.design_tools.aeration.Henrys_law_constant
.. autofunction:: biosteam.units.design_tools.aeration.C_L
.. autofunction:: biosteam.units.design_tools.aeration.C_O2_L
.. autofunction:: biosteam.units.design_tools.aeration.kLa_stirred_Riet
.. autofunction:: biosteam.units.design_tools.aeration.kla_stirred_Labik
.. autofunction:: biosteam.units.design_tools.aeration.kLa_stirred_Galaction
.. autofunction:: biosteam.units.design_tools.aeration.kla_bubcol_Deshpande
.. autofunction:: biosteam.units.design_tools.aeration.kla_bubcol_DeJesus
.. autofunction:: biosteam.units.design_tools.aeration.kla_bubcol_Akita_Yoshida
.. autofunction:: biosteam.units.design_tools.aeration.kla_bubcol_Posarac_Tekic
.. autofunction:: biosteam.units.design_tools.aeration.kla_bubcol_Seno
.. autofunction:: biosteam.units.design_tools.aeration.kla_bubcol_Suh
.. autofunction:: biosteam.units.design_tools.aeration.kla_bubcol_Shah
.. autofunction:: biosteam.units.design_tools.aeration.kla_bubcol_Dewes
.. autofunction:: biosteam.units.design_tools.aeration.P_at_kLa_Riet

.. [1] Van’t Riet, K. Review of Measuring Methods and Results in Nonviscous 
    Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer in Stirred Vessels. Ind. Eng. Chem. Proc. Des. 
    Dev. 1979, 18 (3), 357–364.
.. [2] Deshpande, S. S., Kar, K., Pressler, J., Tebeka, I., Martins, B., Rosenfeld, D., & Biggs, J. (2019).
    Mass transfer estimation for bubble column scale up. Chemical Engineering Science, 205, 350–357.
.. [3] De Jesus, S. S., Moreira Neto, J., & Maciel Filho, R. (2017). 
    Hydrodynamics and mass transfer in bubble column, conventional airlift,
    stirred airlift and stirred tank bioreactors, using viscous fluid: A comparative study. 
    Biochemical Engineering Journal, 118, 70–81.
.. [4] Akita, K., & Yoshida, F. (1973).
    Gas Holdup and Volumetric Mass Transfer Coefficient in Bubble Columns. 
    Effects of Liquid Properties. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Process Design and Development, 12(1), 76–80.
.. [5] Pošarac, D., & Tekić, M. N. (1987). 
    Gas holdup and volumetric mass transfer coefficient in bubble columns with dilute alcohol solutions. 
    AIChE Journal, 33(3), 497–499.
.. [6] Seno, T., Uchida, S., & Tsuyutani, S. (1990).
    Mass transfer in countercurrent and cocurrent bubble columns. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 13(1), 113–118.
.. [7] Suh, I. ‐S., Schumpe, A., Deckwer, W. ‐D., & Kulicke, W. ‐M. (1991). 
    Gas‐liquid mass transfer in the bubble column with viscoelastic liquid. 
    The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 69(2), 506–512.
.. [8] Shah, M., Kiss, A. A., Zondervan, E., Van Der Schaaf, J., & De Haan, A. B. (2012).
    Gas Holdup, Axial Dispersion, and Mass Transfer Studies in Bubble Columns. 
    Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 51(43), 14268–14278.
.. [9] Labík, L., Moucha, T., Petříček, R., Rejl, J. F., Valenz, L., & Haidl, J. (2017). 
    Volumetric mass transfer coefficient in viscous liquid in mechanically agitated fermenters. 
    Measurement and correlation. Chemical Engineering Science, 170, 451–463.
.. [10] Galaction, A.-I., Cascaval, D., Oniscu, C., & Turnea, M. (2004). 
    Prediction of oxygen mass transfer coefficients in stirred bioreactors for bacteria, yeasts and fungus broths.
    Biochemical Engineering Journal, 20(1), 85–94.
.. [11] Benz, G. T. Bioreactor Design for Chemical Engineers. AICHE CEP 2011, 21–26.
.. [12] Dewes, I., & Schumpe, A. (1997). Gas density effect on mass transfer in the slurry bubble column. 
    Chemical Engineering Science, 52(21–22), 4105–4109.


__all__ = (

# from inspect import signature
from math import exp, log, sqrt

#: Henry's law coefficients. Data from NIST Standard Reference Database 69: NIST Chemistry WebBook:
H_coefficients = { # k_H, A
    'O2': (0.0013, 1500),
    'CO2': (0.035, 2400),
    'H2': (0.00078, 500), 

[docs] def Henrys_law_constant(T, k_H, A): """ Return Henry's law constant [mol / kg / bar] for a chemical given the temperature [K] and the coefficients. """ dTinv = (1. / T - 1. / 298.15) return k_H * exp(A * dTinv)
[docs] def C_L(T, Py, chemical): """Chemical concentration [mol / kg] in the liquid given the temperature [K] and its partial pressure in the gas [bar].""" return Py * Henrys_law_constant(T, *H_coefficients[chemical])
[docs] def C_O2_L(T, P_O2): # Commonly used, so here for convinience """O2 concentration [mol / kg] in the liquid given the temperature [K] and oxygen partial pressure of O2 in the gas [bar].""" return P_O2 * Henrys_law_constant(T, *H_coefficients['O2'])
kLa_methods = {} kLa_method_names = { 'Bubble column': [], 'Stirred tank': [] } def register(f): # parameters = list(signature(f).parameters) name = f.__name__ _, kind, *authors = name.split('_') authors = ' & '.join(authors) if kind == 'bubcol': kind = 'Bubble column' elif kind == 'stirred': kind = 'Stirred tank' else: raise ValueError(f"only 'bubcol' and 'stirred' are valid types; not {kind!r}") kLa_methods[kind, authors] = f kLa_method_names[kind].append(authors) return f _kLa_coefficients_Riet = { # Garcia-Ochoa, F.; Gomez, E. Bioreactor Scale-up and Oxygen Transfer Rate # in Microbial Processes: An Overview. Biotechnology Advances 2009, 27 (2), # 153–176. # Name: (a, b, c) # kLa = a * (P/V) ** b * U**c 'Figueiredo & Calderbank': (0.026, 0.6, 0.8), "Van't Riet": (0.026, 0.4, 0.5), }
[docs] @register def kLa_stirred_Riet(P, V, U, coefficients=None): """ Return the lumped mass transfer coefficient and the mean bubble specific interfacial area (k_L*a; 1/s) given the gassed power input (P; W), the total volume (V; m3), and the gas superficial velocity in the reactor (m/s). Other Parameters ---------------- coefficients : Iterable[float]|str, optional Name of author or an iterable in the form of a, b, c. The Notes ----- The correlation is kLa = a * (P/V) ** b * U ** c. """ if coefficients is None: a, b, c = _kLa_coefficients_Riet['Figueiredo & Calderbank'] elif isinstance(coefficients, str): a, b, c = _kLa_coefficients_Riet[coefficients] else: a, b, c = coefficients return a * (P / V) ** b * U ** c
# TODO: # def get_efficiency_factor(): # """ # Return the efficiency factor for mass transfer in # bubble column reactors. # Take present that the units of the efficiency factor are [m**-1]. # This values are # - 0.016-0.028 m**-1 for coarse bubble diffusers # - 0.07-0.1 m^-1 for fine bubble diffusers # """ # K = None # return K
[docs] @register def kla_bubcol_Deshpande(K, M_l, Rhat, T, rho_l, U_g, coefficients=None): """ Returns the KLa coefficient for a bubble column reactor based on the Deshpande et al. (2019) correlation [2]_. Parameters ---------- K: float Efficiency change per unit change in liquid height above sparger, [m^-1] M_l: float Molar mass, e.g. water = 0.018 kg/mol, [kg/mol] Rhat: float Ideal gas constant, [J/mol-K] T: float Temperature, [K] rho_l: float Mass density of the liquid, e.g. 1000 kg/m^3 for water [kg/m^3] U_g: float Superficial gas velocity, [m/s] """ H_at_T = Henrys_law_constant(T) alpha = K * (H_at_T * M_l)/(Rhat * T * rho_l) if coefficients is None: coefficients = (1,) beta, = coefficients return alpha * U_g ** beta
[docs] @register def kla_bubcol_DeJesus(Q, mu, k, n, system_like = None, coefficients=None): """ Returns the KLa coefficient for a bubble column reactor based on the De Jesus et al. (2017) correlation [3]_. Parameters ---------- Q: float Specific air flow rate, [vmm] mu: float Dynamic viscosity, [Pa.s] k: float Consistency index, [Pa.s^n] n: float Flow behavior index system_like: str Name of the system, e.g. "Glycerol" or "Xanthan" """ if system_like == "Glycerol": if coefficients is None: coefficients = (1.27e-2, 0.51, -0.12) a, c, d = coefficients return a * Q ** c * mu ** d elif system_like == "Xanthan": if coefficients is None: coefficients = (5.80e-3, 0.66, -0.50, -0.80) e, h, i, j = coefficients return e * Q ** h * k ** i * n ** j else: if coefficients is None and system_like is None: raise ValueError( "To use the De Jesus et al. (2017) correlation without\n a " "system_like, please provide the necessary coefficients" ) else: if system_like == 'Newtonian': a, c, d = coefficients return a * Q ** c * mu ** d elif system_like == 'Non-Newtonian': e, h, i, j = coefficients return e * Q ** h * k ** i * n ** j else: raise ValueError( "system_like must be either 'Newtonian' or 'Non-Newtonian'" )
[docs] @register def kla_bubcol_Akita_Yoshida(D, mu_l, rho_l, D_l, g, sigma_l, epsilon_g, coefficients=None): """ Returns the KLa coefficient for a bubble column reactor based on the Akita & Yoshida (1973) correlation [4]_. Parameters ---------- D: float Diameter of the column, [m] mu_l: float Viscosity of the liquid, [Cp] rho_l: float Density of the liquid, [kg/m^3] D_l: float Diffusivity ofliquid, [m^2/s] g: float Gravitational acceleration, [m/s^2] sigma_l: float The surface tension ofliquid [N/m] epsilon_g: float Overall gashold-up Notes ----- This correlation is valid under the following range of values: D = 0.15 m -> Diameter of the column H = 4 m -> Liquid height in the column V_g = 0 - 0.33 m/s -> Superficial gasvelocity [m/s] And the conditions are for: -> O2-Water, Aqueous Solutions of Glycerol, Glycol, Methanol, Sodium Sulphite """ kla = (D_l/(D**2)) * 0.6 *(mu_l/(rho_l * D_l))**(0.5) * ((g*rho_l*D**2)/sigma_l)**(0.62) * ((g * D**3 * rho_l**2)/mu_l)**(0.31) * epsilon_g**(1.1) return kla
[docs] @register def kla_bubcol_Posarac_Tekic(D, mu_l, rho_l, D_l, g, sigma_l, epsilon_g, coefficients=None): """ Returns the KLa coefficient for a bubble column reactor based on the Pošarac & Tekić (1987) [5]_. Parameters ---------- D: float Diameter of the column, [m] mu_l: float Viscosity of the liquid, [Cp] rho_l: float Density of the liquid, [kg/m^3] D_l: float Diffusivity ofliquid, [m^2/s] g: float Gravitational acceleration, [m/s^2] sigma_l: float The surface tension ofliquid [N/m] epsilon_g: float Overall gashold-up Notes ----- This correlation is valid under the following range of values: D = 0.1 m -> Diameter of the column H = 2.5 m -> Liquid height in the column V_g = 0.008 - 0.08 m/s -> Superficial gas velocity [m/s] And the conditions are: -> Air-Water, Aqueous Solution of Methanol, Ethanol, i-Propanol, nButanol """ kla = (D_l/(D**2)) * 0.961 *(mu_l/(rho_l * D_l))**(0.5) * ((g*rho_l*D**2)/sigma_l)**(0.62) * ((g * D**3 * rho_l**2)/mu_l**2)**(0.31) * epsilon_g**(1.1) return kla
[docs] @register def kla_bubcol_Seno(D, mu_l, rho_l, D_l, g, sigma_l, epsilon_g, V_g, V_l, coefficients=None): """ Returns the KLa coefficient for a bubble column reactor based on the Seno et al. (1990) correlation [6]_. Parameters ---------- D: float Diameter of the column, [m] mu_l: float Viscosity of the liquid, [Cp] rho_l: float Density of the liquid, [kg/m^3] D_l: float Diffusivity ofliquid, [m^2/s] g: float Gravitational acceleration, [m/s^2] sigma_l: float The surface tension ofliquid [N/m] epsilon_g: float Overall gashold-up V_g: float Superficial gas velocity, [m/s] V_l: float Superficial liquid velocity, [m/s] Notes ----- This correlation is valid under the following range of values: D = 0.0464 m -> Diameter of the column H = 1.36 m -> Liquid height in the column V_g = 0.005 - 0.04 m/s -> Superficial gas velocity [m/s] V_l = 0.005 - 0.1 m/s -> Superficial liquid velocity [m/s] rho_l = 995 - 1043 kg/m^3 -> Density of the liquid [kg/m^3] mu_l = 0.653- 1.31 Cp -> Viscosity of the liquid [Cp] sigma_l = 0.0348-0.0728 N/m -> The surface tension ofliquid [N/m] D_l = 1.68-3.24 × 10^-9 m^2/s Conditions: O2- Water, Aqueous Solution of Butanol, Polyoxyethylene sorbitan monolaurate with silicone oil """ kla = (D_l/(D**2)) * 0.6 * (V_g/(V_g+V_l))**-0.39 *(mu_l/(rho_l * D_l))**(0.5) * ((g * rho_l**2 * D**2)/sigma_l)**(0.62) * ((g * D**3 * rho_l**2)/mu_l**2)**(0.31) * epsilon_g**(1.1) return kla
[docs] @register def kla_bubcol_Suh(D, mu_l, rho_l, D_l, g, sigma_l, epsilon_g, V_g, V_l, coefficients=None): """ Returns the KLa coefficient for a bubble column reactor based on the Suh et al. (1991) correlation [7]_. Parameters ---------- D: float Diameter of the column, [m] mu_l: float Viscosity of the liquid, [Cp] rho_l: float Density of the liquid, [kg/m^3] D_l: float Diffusivity ofliquid, [m^2/s] g: float Gravitational acceleration, [m/s^2] sigma_l: float The surface tension ofliquid [N/m] epsilon_g: float Overall gashold-up V_g: float Superficial gas velocity, [m/s] V_l: float Superficial liquid velocity, [m/s] Notes ----- This correlation is valid under the following range of values: D: 0.15 m -> Diameter of the column [m] H: 2.9 m -> Liquid height in the column [m] V_g: 0.005 - 0.04 m/s -> Superficial gas velocity [m/s] rho_l: 1001 - 1264 kg/m^3 -> Density of the liquid [kg/m^3] sigma_l: 0.0656-0.0746 N/m -> The surface tension of the liquid [N/m] D_l: 0.318-2.5 * 10^-9 m^2/s -> Diffusivity of liquid [m^2/s] And the conditions are: Air-Aqueous Sucrose Solution """ kla = (D_l/(D**2)) * 0.018 * (mu_l/(rho_l * D_l))**(0.5) * ((g*rho_l*D**2)/sigma_l)**(0.75) * (g*D**3*rho_l**2/(mu_l**2))**(0.39)*(V_g/(sqrt(g*D)))**0.51 return kla
[docs] @register def kla_bubcol_Dewes(V_g, mu_l, rho_g): """ Returns the KLa coefficient for a bubble column reactor based on the Dewes & Schumpe (1997) correlation [12]_. Parameters ---------- V_g: float Superficial gas velocity, [m/s] mu_l: float Viscosity of the liquid, [mPa.s] rho_g: float Density of the gas, [kg/m^3] Notes ----- This correlation is valid under the following range of values: D_c: 0.115 m -> Diameter of the column [m] H_l: 1.37 m -> Liquid height in the column [m] V_g: 0.01 - 0.08 m/s -> Superficial gas velocity [m/s] mu_l: 1.35 - 583 mPa.s -> Viscosity of the liquid [mPa.s] rho_g: 0.4 - 18.8 kg/m^3 -> Density of the gas [kg/m^3] """ kla = V_g**0.90 * mu_l**(-0.55) * rho_g**0.46 return kla
[docs] @register def kla_bubcol_Shah(D, V_l, g, V_g, rho_l, mu_l, coefficients=None): """ Returns the KLa coefficient for a bubble column reactor based on the Shah et al. (2012) correlation [8]_. Parameters ---------- D: float Diameter of the column, [m] V_l: Superficial liquid velocity, [m/s] g: Gravitational acceleration, [m/s^2] V_g: Superficial gas velocity, [m/s] rho_l: Density of the liquid, [kg/m^3] mu_l: Viscosity of the liquid, [Cp] Notes ----- This correlation is valid under the following range of values: D: 0.29 m -> Diameter of the column [m] H: 0.2 m -> Liquid height in the column [m] V_g: 0.021 - 0.105 m/s -> Superficial gas velocity [m/s] V_l: 0.0005 - 0.002 m/s -> Superficial liquid velocity [m/s] mu_l: 1 - 50 Cp -> Viscosity of the liquid [Cp] """ kla = (V_l/D) * 0.0029 * (V_g**2 / (g * D))**0.301 * (V_l**2/(g * D))**-0.511 * (g*rho_l**3 * D**3 / (mu_l**2))**0.12 return kla
[docs] @register def kla_stirred_Labik(N, D, v_s, P0, coefficients=None): """ Returns the KLa coefficient for a stirred tank reactor based on the Labik et al. (2017) correlation [9]_. Parameters ---------- N: float impeller frequency [s^-1] D: float impeller diameter [m] v_s: float gas superficial velocity [m/s] P0: float impeller power number (P_u/rhh N^3 D^5) [-] """ kla = 0.295 * (N * D)**2.083 * v_s**0.461 * P0 ** 0.737 return kla
def _kLa_submerged(alpha, beta, gamma, delta, C_x, P_a, V, v_s): """ Auxiliary function to calculate kla for submerged aeration. """ return alpha * C_x ** beta * (P_a / V) ** gamma * v_s ** delta def _kLa_surface(alpha, beta, P, V): """ Auxiliary function to calculate kla for surface aeration. """ return 1/exp(alpha) * (P/V) ** beta
[docs] @register def kLa_stirred_Galaction( aeration_type: str, V, C_x, v_s, P_a=None, P=None, organism_type=None, coefficients=None, ): """ Return the kLa for a stirred tank reactor based on the Galaction et al. (2004) correlation [10]_. Parameters ---------- aeration_type: str Type of aireation, in this case either 'Surface' or 'Submerged' P_a: float power consumption for mixing of aerated broths, [W] P: float power consumption for mixing of non-aerated broths, [W] V: float volume of the medium, [m**3] C_x: float Biomass concentration, [g/l dry weight] v_s: float superficial air velocity, [m/s] """ if aeration_type == 'Submerged': if organism_type == 'P.shermanii': if coefficients is None: coefficients = (6.586, -0.282, 0.0286, 0.429) alpha, beta, gamma, delta = coefficients return _kLa_submerged(alpha, beta, gamma, delta, C_x, P_a, V, v_s) elif organism_type == 'S.cerevisiae': if coefficients is None: coefficients = (52.44, -0.702, -0.0762, 0.514) alpha, beta, gamma, delta = coefficients return _kLa_submerged(alpha, beta, gamma, delta, C_x, P_a, V, v_s) elif organism_type == 'P.chrysogenum_pellet': if coefficients is None: coefficients = (0.193, -0.269, 0.0288, 0.257) alpha, beta, gamma, delta = coefficients return _kLa_submerged(alpha, beta, gamma, delta, C_x, P_a, V, v_s) elif organism_type == 'P.chrysogenum_mycelia': if coefficients is None: coefficients = (33.59, -1.012, -0.0463, 0.94) alpha, beta, gamma, delta = coefficients return _kLa_submerged(alpha, beta, gamma, delta, C_x, P_a, V, v_s) else: raise ValueError("Please provide a valid organism_type (in this case 'P.shermanii', 'S.cerevisiae', 'P.chrysogenum_pellet' or 'P.chrysogenum_mycelia')") elif aeration_type == 'Surface': if organism_type == 'P.shermanii': alpha = 10.35 + 0.63 *log(C_x) beta = 0.694 - 0.069 * log(C_x) return _kLa_surface(alpha, beta, P, V) elif organism_type == 'S.cerevisiae': alpha = 11.64 + 0.307 * log(C_x) beta = 1.14 - 0.187 * log(C_x) return _kLa_surface(alpha, beta, P, V) elif organism_type == 'P.chrysogenum_pellet': alpha = 12.77 + 0.227 * log(C_x) beta = 0.62 - 0.109 * log(C_x) return _kLa_surface(alpha, beta, P, V) elif organism_type == 'P.chrysogenum_mycelia': alpha = 11.46 + 0.729 * log(C_x) beta = 0.093 + 0.057 * log(C_x) return _kLa_surface(alpha, beta, P, V) else: raise ValueError("Please provide a valid organism_type (in this case 'P.shermanii', 'S.cerevisiae', 'P.chrysogenum_pellet' or 'P.chrysogenum_mycelia')") else: raise ValueError("Please provide a valid aeration_type (in this case 'Surface' or 'Submerged')")
[docs] def P_at_kLa_Riet(kLa, V, U, coefficients=None): """ Return the gassed power input (P; W) given the lumped mass transfer coefficient and the mean bubble specific interfacial area (k_L*a; 1/s), the total volume (V; m3), and the gas superficial velocity in the reactor (m/s). Other Parameters ---------------- coefficients : Iterable[float]|str, optional Name of author or an iterable in the form of a, b, c. Notes ------ The correlation is kLa = a * (P/V) ** b * U ** c from [1]_. """ if coefficients is None: a, b, c = _kLa_coefficients_Riet['Figueiredo & Calderbank'] elif isinstance(coefficients, str): a, b, c = _kLa_coefficients_Riet[coefficients] else: a, b, c = coefficients return (kLa / (a * U ** c)) ** (1 / b) * V
[docs] def log_mean_driving_force(C_sat_out, C_sat_in, C_out, C_in=None): """ Return the driving force for mass transfer. In small vessels (<1 m tall) where both liquid concentration and saturation are almost constant, the simple form is adequate [11]_. In tall vessels, the log-mean driving force should be used for more accuracy, since both the local concentration and the saturation concentration are different in the top and bottom of a bioreactor [11]_. Parameters ---------- C_sat_out : float Saturated concentration entering the bioreactor. C_sat_out : float Saturated concentration exiting the bioreactor. C_out : float, optional Outlet concentration. C_in : float Inlet concentration. Defaults to the outlet concentration, which assumes perfect mixing and oxygen uptake rate is the same everywhere. """ if C_in is None: C_in = C_out # Assume perfect mixing and oxygen uptake rate is the same everywhere. dC_out = C_sat_out - C_out dC_in = C_sat_in - C_in if dC_out < 1e-9: # This is not theoretically possible, but may be an assumption dC_out = 1e-9 # Assume it near zero return (dC_out - dC_in) / log(dC_out / dC_in)
if __name__ == "__main__": print('hola') repeated_names = [ ('U_g', ('U_G', 'V_G')), ] fermentation_variables_bub_col = { 'Dashpande': { 'epsilon_g': (0.5, 1.2), 'K': (0.016, 0.028), # for coarse bubble diffusers 'K': (0.07, 0.1), # for fine bubble diffusers 'M_l': 0.018, # kg/mol 'Rhat': 8.314, # J/mol-K 'T': 298.15, # K 'rho_l': 1000, # kg/m^3 'U_g': (0.01,0.1), # m/s }, 'DeJesus': { 'Q':(0, 1.6), # vvm 'mu': (0.001, 0.1), # Pa.s 'k': (0.1, 100), # Pa.s^n 'n': (0, 2) # Flow behavior index <1 for pseudoplastic, >1 for dilatant, 1 for Newtonian }, 'Akita_Yoshida': { 'D': 0.15, # m 'H': 4, # m 'V_g': (0, 0.33), # m/s 'mu_l': (0.5, 100), # Cp 1 water, 100 xanthan 'rho_l': (995, 1043), # kg/m^3 'D_l': (1.68 * 10**-9, 3.24 * 10**-9) , # m^2/s 'g': 9.81, # m/s^2 'sigma_l': (0.0348,0.0728), # N/m 'epsilon_g': (0.01, 1) # m/s }, 'Posarac_Tekic': { 'D': 0.1, # m 'H': 2.5, # m 'V_g': (0.008, 0.08), # m/s 'mu_l': (0.5, 100), # Cp 1 water, 100 xanthan 'rho_l': (995, 1043), # kg/m^3 'D_l': (1.68 * 10**-9, 3.24 * 10**-9), # m^2/s 'sigma_l': (0.0348,0.0728), # N/m 'epsilon_g': (0.01, 1) # m/s }, 'Seno': { 'D': 0.0464, # m 'H': 1.36, # m 'V_g': (0.005, 0.04), # m/s 'V_l': (0.005, 0.1), # m/s 'rho_l': (995, 1043), # kg/m^3 'mu_l': (0.653, 1.31), # Cp 1 water, 100 xanthan 'D_l': (1.68 * 10**-9, 3.24 * 10**-9), # m^2/s 'g': 9.81, # m/s^2 'sigma_l': (0.0348,0.0728), # N/m 'epsilon_g': (0.01, 1) # m/s }, 'Suh': { 'D': 0.15, # m 'H': 2.9, # m 'V_g': (0.005, 0.04), # m/s 'rho_l': (1001, 1264), # kg/m^3 'mu_l': (0.653, 1.31), # Cp 1 water, 100 xanthan 'D_l': (0.318 * 10**-9, 2.5 * 10**-9) , # m^2/s 'g': 9.81, # m/s^2 'sigma_l': (0.0656,0.0746), # N/m 'epsilon_g': (0.01, 1) # m/s }, 'Shah': { 'D': 0.29, # m 'H': 0.2, # m 'V_g': (0.021, 0.105), # m/s 'V_l': (0.0005, 0.002), # m/s 'rho_l': (1, 50), # kg/m^3 'mu_l': (1, 50), # Cp 1 water, 100 xanthan }, } fermentation_variables_stirred = { 'Labik':{ 'N': (4.17, 14.17), # s^-1 'D':(0.1, 0.2), # m 'v_s': (2.12 * 1e-3, 8.48 * 1e-3) , # m/s 'P0': (100, 10000), }, 'Galaction':{ # look into what is better for the P_a/V and P/V 'P_a/V' : (30,120), # W/m^3 'v_s': (0.8 * 1e-3, 5 * 1e-3), # m/s 'C_x': (5, 150), # g/l dry weight 'P/V': (10, 1900), # W/m^3 } }