Source code for biosteam.units.design_tools.flash_vessel_design

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# BioSTEAM: The Biorefinery Simulation and Techno-Economic Analysis Modules
# Copyright (C) 2020-2023, Yoel Cortes-Pena <>
# This module is under the UIUC open-source license. See 
# for license details.
General functional algorithms for the design and purchase cost estimation
of flash pressure vessels.

.. [1] Seider, W. D., Lewin,  D. R., Seader, J. D., Widagdo, S., Gani, R.,
    & Ng, M. K. (2017). Product and Process Design Principles. Wiley.
    Cost Accounting and Capital Cost Estimation (Chapter 16)
.. [2] "Design Two-Phase Separators Within the Right Limits", Chemical
    Engineering Progress Oct, 1993.

from numpy import log as ln, pi, exp, round
from numba import njit
import biosteam as bst
__all__ = ('compute_horizontal_vessel_purchase_cost',
           'GTable', 'HNATable', 'ceil_half_step',

def _compute_horizontal_vessel_purchase_cost(W, CE):
    lnW = ln(W)
    C_v = exp(5.6336 + 0.4599 * lnW + 0.00582 * lnW * lnW)
    return CE/567 * C_v

[docs] def compute_horizontal_vessel_purchase_cost(W): """ Return the purchase cost [Cp; in USD] of a horizontal vessel, without the cost of the platform and ladders. Parameters ---------- W : float Weight [lb]. Examples -------- >>> compute_horizontal_vessel_purchase_cost(W=1e3) 8857.9578 Notes ----- The purchase cost is given by [1]_. See source code for details. The purchase cost is scaled according to BioSTEAM's Chemical Plant Cost Index, `biosteam.CE`. """ return _compute_horizontal_vessel_purchase_cost(W, bst.CE)
@njit(cache=True) def _compute_horizontal_vessel_platform_and_ladders_purchase_cost(D, CE): C_pl = 2275.*D**0.20294 return CE/567. * C_pl
[docs] def compute_horizontal_vessel_platform_and_ladders_purchase_cost(D): """ Return the purchase cost [Cp; in USD] of the platform and ladders for a horizontal vessel. Parameters ---------- D : float Diameter [ft]. Examples -------- >>> compute_horizontal_vessel_platform_and_ladders_purchase_cost(D=4) 3016.7982 Notes ----- The purchase cost is given by [1]_. See source code for details. The purchase cost is scaled according to BioSTEAM's Chemical Plant Cost Index, `biosteam.CE`. """ return _compute_horizontal_vessel_platform_and_ladders_purchase_cost(D, bst.CE)
@njit(cache=True) def _compute_vertical_vessel_purchase_cost(W, CE): lnW = ln(W) C_v = exp(7.1390 + 0.18255 * lnW + 0.02297 * lnW * lnW) return CE/567. * C_v
[docs] def compute_vertical_vessel_purchase_cost(W): """ Return the purchase cost [Cp; in USD] of a vertical vessel, without the cost of the platform and ladders. Parameters ---------- W : float Weight [lb]. Examples -------- >>> compute_vertical_vessel_purchase_cost(1e3) 13319.0892 Notes ----- The purchase cost is given by [1]_. See source code for details. The purchase cost is scaled according to BioSTEAM's Chemical Plant Cost Index, `biosteam.CE`. """ return _compute_vertical_vessel_purchase_cost(W, bst.CE)
@njit(cache=True) def _compute_vertical_vessel_platform_and_ladders_purchase_cost(D, L, CE): C_pl = 410*D**0.7396*L**0.70684 return CE/567 * C_pl
[docs] def compute_vertical_vessel_platform_and_ladders_purchase_cost(D, L): """ Return the purchase cost [Cp; in USD] of the platform and ladders for a vertical vessel. Parameters ---------- D : float Diameter [ft]. L : float Length [ft]. Examples -------- >>> compute_vertical_vessel_platform_and_ladders_purchase_cost(3, 10) 4708.5321 Notes ----- The purchase cost is given by [1]_. See source code for details. The purchase cost is scaled according to BioSTEAM's Chemical Plant Cost Index, `biosteam.CE`. """ return _compute_vertical_vessel_platform_and_ladders_purchase_cost(D, L, bst.CE)
[docs] def GTable(DRho, Hlr): """ Return the allowable downflow (baffle liquid load) in gph/ft2, usually used for vertical vessel. Parameters ---------- DRho : float Density difference between light liquid and vapor [lb/ft^3 ?] Hlr : float Height of liquid level above the interphase of light liquid and heavy liquid [ft] Notes ----- This function is not currently in use, nor has it been tested. """ A = {} B = {} C = {} D = {} # TODO: Add errors when outside the range! if Hlr > 30.0: Hlr = 30 if Hlr < 18.0: Hlr = 18 if DRho > 50.0: DRho = 50 if DRho < 10.0: DRho = 10 Hlr = round(Hlr, 0) A[18] = -9000.0 B[18] = 1275.4 C[18] = -31.3571 D[18] = 0.255556 A[19] = -4690.0 B[19] = 900.117 C[19] = -20.5252 D[19] = 0.157254 A[20] = -9980.0 B[20] = 1367.91 C[20] = -33.0163 D[20] = 0.26476 A[21] = -8120.0 B[21] = 1147.46 C[21] = -25.3 D[21] = 0.184444 A[22] = -16800.0 B[22] = 1964.89 C[22] = -48.8627 D[22] = 0.399498 A[23] = -7900.0 B[23] = 1255.35 C[23] = -29.9142 D[23] = 0.235632 A[24] = -11200.0 B[24] = 1561.48 C[24] = -38.7335 D[24] = 0.318511 A[25] = -11100.0 B[25] = 1554.66 C[25] = -38.0313 D[25] = 0.308026 A[26] = -7410.0 B[26] = 1274.0 C[26] = -30.8013 D[26] = 0.246585 A[27] = -12700.0 B[27] = 1709.78 C[27] = -42.1048 D[27] = 0.342222 A[28] = -10200.0 B[28] = 1507.78 C[28] = -36.422 D[28] = 0.291221 A[29] = -10700.0 B[29] = 1553.51 C[29] = -37.5721 D[29] = 0.300279 A[30] = -9830.0 B[30] = 1513.11 C[30] = -37.1907 D[30] = 0.30379 G = A[Hlr] + (B[Hlr] * DRho) + (C[Hlr] * DRho ** 2) + (D[Hlr] * DRho ** 3) return round(G, 2)
[docs] @njit(cache=True) def HNATable(Type, X): """ Table for cylindrical height and area conversions. Parameters ---------- Type: int 1 if given H/D and find A/At, 2 if given A/At and find H/D. X: float H/D or A/At. Notes ----- Equations are given by [2]_. See source code for details. """ # Type = 1 is where H/D is known, find A/At, Type = 2 is where A/At is known, find H/D if (Type == 1): a = -0.0000475593 b = 3.924091 c = 0.174875 d = -6.358805 e = 5.668973 f = 4.018448 g = -4.916411 h = -1.801705 i = -0.145348 Y = (a + c * X + e * X ** 2 + g * X ** 3 + i * X ** 4) / \ (1.0 + b * X + d * X ** 2 + f * X ** 3 + h * X ** 4) else: a = 0.00153756 b = 26.787101 c = 3.299201 d = -22.923932 e = 24.353518 f = -14.844824 g = -36.999376 h = 10.529572 i = 9.892851 Y = (a + c * X + e * X ** 2 + g * X ** 3 + i * X ** 4) / \ (1.0 + b * X + d * X ** 2 + f * X ** 3 + h * X ** 4) return Y
[docs] @njit(cache=True) def compute_vessel_weight_and_wall_thickness(P, D, L, rho_M, Je=0.85): """ Return vessel weight and wall thickness. Parameters ---------- P : float Pressure [psia]. D : float Diameter [ft]. L: float Vessel length [ft]. rho_M: float Density of Material [lb/ft^3]. Je: float Joint efficiency (1.0 for X-Rayed joints, 0.85 for thin carbon steel), Examples -------- >>> compute_vessel_weight_and_wall_thickness(14.7, 3, 10, 490) (1116.83, 0.25) Notes ----- Equations are given by [2]_. See source code for details. Warning ------- This function is only applicable to positive internal pressures (no vacuums). Vacuum pressure vessels may require stiffening rings and higher vessel thickness. """ S = 15000.0 # Vessel material stress value (assume carbon-steel) Ca = 1.0/8.0 # Corrosion Allowance in inches P_gauge = abs(P - 14.7) P1 = P_gauge + 30.0 P2 = 1.1 * P_gauge if P1 > P2: PT = P1 else: PT = P2 # Calculate the wall thickness and surface area # Shell SWT = (PT * D*12.0) / (2.0 * S * Je - 1.2 * PT) + Ca SSA = pi * D * L if D < 15.0 and PT > (100 - 14.7): # Elliptical Heads HWT = (PT * D*12.0) / (2.0 * S * Je - 0.2 * PT) + Ca HSA = 1.09 * D ** 2 elif D > 15.0: # Hemispherical Heads HWT = (PT * D*12.0) / (4.0 * S * Je - 0.4 * PT) + Ca HSA = 1.571 * D ** 2 else: # Dished Heads HWT = 0.885 * (PT * D*12.0) / (S * Je - 0.1 * PT) + Ca HSA = 0.842 * D ** 2 # Approximate the vessel wall thickness, whichever is larger if SWT > HWT: ts = SWT else: ts = HWT # Minimum thickness for vessel rigidity may be larger if D < 4: ts_min = 1/4 elif D < 6: ts_min = 5/16 elif D < 8: ts_min = 3/8 elif D < 10: ts_min = 7/16 elif D < 12: ts_min = 1/2 else: ts_min = ts if ts < ts_min: ts = ts_min VW = rho_M * ts/12 * (SSA + 2.0 * HSA) # in lb VW = round(VW, 2) return VW, ts
@njit(cache=True) def compute_low_liq_level_height(Type, P, D): """ Return the height of the lowest liquid level [Hlll; in ft] for two-phase separators. Parameters ---------- Type : int 1 for vertical, 2 for horizontal. P : float Pressure [psia]. D: float Diameter [ft]. Notes ----- Equations are given by [2]_. See source code for details. """ if Type == 1: Hlll = 0.5 if P < 300: Hlll = 1.25 elif Type == 2: if D <= 4.0: Hlll = 9.0/12.0 elif D > 4.0 and D <= 7.0: Hlll = 10.0/12.0 elif D > 7.0 and D <= 9.0: Hlll = 11.0/12.0 elif D > 9.0 and D <= 11.0: Hlll = 1.0 elif D > 11.0 and D <= 15.0: Hlll = 13.0/12.0 else: Hlll = 15.0/12.0 return Hlll # in ft
[docs] @njit(cache=True) def compute_Stokes_law_York_Demister_K_value(P): """ Return K-constant in Stoke's Law using the York-Demister equation. Parameters ---------- P : float Pressure [psia]. Examples -------- >>> compute_Stokes_law_York_Demister_K_value(14) 0.34409663 >>> compute_Stokes_law_York_Demister_K_value(20) 0.35 >>> compute_Stokes_law_York_Demister_K_value(125) 0.31894878 Notes ----- Equations are given by [2]_. See source code for details. """ if P >= 0 and P <= 15.0: K = 0.1821+(0.0029*P)+(0.046*ln(P)) elif P > 15.0 and P <= 40.0: K = 0.35 elif P > 40.0 and P <= 5500.0: K = 0.43 - 0.023*ln(P) elif P < 0: raise ValueError('invalid Pressure of over 5500 psia') else: raise ValueError('invalid Pressure of over 5500 psia') return K
[docs] @njit(cache=True) def ceil_half_step(value): """Return value to the next highest 0.5 units""" intval = round(value) if value > intval: return intval + 0.5 elif value == intval: return value else: return intval - 0.5