# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# BioSTEAM: The Biorefinery Simulation and Techno-Economic Analysis Modules
# Copyright (C) 2020-2023, Yoel Cortes-Pena <yoelcortes@gmail.com>
# This module is under the UIUC open-source license. See
# github.com/BioSTEAMDevelopmentGroup/biosteam/blob/master/LICENSE.txt
# for license details.
This module contains unit operations for drying solids.
.. contents:: :local:
.. autoclass:: biosteam.units.drying.DrumDryer
.. [1] Kwiatkowski, J. R.; McAloon, A. J.; Taylor, F.; Johnston, D. B.
Modeling the Process and Costs of Fuel Ethanol Production by the Corn
Dry-Grind Process. Industrial Crops and Products 2006, 23 (3), 288–296.
import flexsolve as flx
import numpy as np
from thermosteam import separations as sep
from .design_tools import (
from .decorators import cost
from .._unit import Unit
__all__ = ('DrumDryer', 'ThermalOxidizer')
# TODO: The drum dryer is carbon steel. Add material factors later
@cost('Peripheral drum area', CE=CEPCI_by_year[2007], ub=7854.0, BM=2.06,
S=1235.35, units='m2', n=0.6, cost=0.52 * 2268000., kW=938.866)
class DrumDryer(Unit):
Create a drum dryer that dries solids by passing hot air
(heated by burning natural gas).
ins :
* [0] Wet solids.
* [1] Dry gas.
* [2] Natural gas.
outs :
* [0] Dried solids
* [1] Hot gas
* [2] Emissions
split : dict[str, float]
Component splits to hot gas (stream [1]).
R : float, optional
Flow of hot gas over evaporation. Defaults to 1.4 wt gas / wt evap.
H : float, optional
Specific evaporation rate [kg/hr/m3]. Defaults to 20.
length_to_diameter : float, optional
Note that the drum is horizontal. Defaults to 25.
T : float, optional
Operating temperature [K]. Defaults to 343.15.
moisture_content : float
Moisture content of solids [wt / wt]. Defaults to 0.10.
The flow rate for gas in the inlet is varied to meet the `R` specification
(i.e. flow of hot gas over flow rate evaporated). The flow rate of inlet natural
gas is also altered to meet the heat demand.
The default parameter values are based on heuristics for drying
dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS).
>>> import biosteam as bst
>>> from biorefineries import corn as c
>>> bst.settings.set_thermo(c.create_chemicals())
>>> feed = bst.Stream('feed', phase='l', T=352.33, P=101325,
... Water=0.6749, Ethanol=5.041e-06, Ash=0.01978, Yeast=0.008452,
... CaO=0.0001446, TriOlein=0.02702, H2SO4=0.001205, Fiber=0.1508,
... SolubleProtein=0.04805, InsolubleProtein=0.06967,
... total_flow=32720, units='kg/hr',
... )
>>> dryer = bst.DrumDryer('D610',
... (feed, 'dryer_air', 'natural_gas'),
... ('dryed_solids', 'hot_air', 'emissions'),
... moisture_content=0.10, split=dict(Ethanol=1.0)
... )
>>> dryer.simulate()
>>> dryer.show('cwt100')
DrumDryer: D610
[0] feed
phase: 'l', T: 352.33 K, P: 101325 Pa
composition (%): Water 67.5
Ethanol 0.000504
Ash 1.98
Yeast 0.845
CaO 0.0145
TriOlein 2.7
H2SO4 0.12
Fiber 15.1
SolubleProtein 4.8
InsolubleProtein 6.97
---------------- 3.27e+04 kg/hr
[1] dryer_air
phase: 'g', T: 298.15 K, P: 1.01325e+06 Pa
composition (%): O2 29.1
N2 70.9
-- 3.22e+04 kg/hr
[2] natural_gas
phase: 'g', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
composition (%): CH4 100
--- 1.11e+03 kg/hr
[0] dryed_solids
phase: 'l', T: 343.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
composition (%): Water 10
Ash 5.48
Yeast 2.34
CaO 0.04
TriOlein 7.48
H2SO4 0.334
Fiber 41.7
SolubleProtein 13.3
InsolubleProtein 19.3
---------------- 1.18e+04 kg/hr
[1] hot_air
phase: 'g', T: 343.15 K, P: 1.01325e+06 Pa
composition (%): Water 39.4
Ethanol 0.000311
O2 17.6
N2 43
------- 5.31e+04 kg/hr
[2] emissions
phase: 'g', T: 373.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
composition (%): Water 45
CO2 55
----- 5.56e+03 kg/hr
>>> dryer.results()
Drum dryer Units D610
Electricity Power kW 845
Cost USD/hr 66
Natural gas (inlet) Flow kg/hr 1.11e+03
Cost USD/hr 243
Design Evaporation kg/hr 2.09e+04
Volume 1.05e+03
Diameter m 3.76
Length 94
Peripheral drum area m2 1.11e+03
Purchase cost Drum dryer USD 1.2e+06
Total purchase cost USD 1.2e+06
Utility cost USD/hr 309
# auxiliary_unit_names = ('heat_exchanger',)
_units = {'Evaporation': 'kg/hr',
'Peripheral drum area': 'm2',
'Diameter': 'm'}
_N_ins = 3
_N_outs = 3
def isplit(self):
"""[ChemicalIndexer] Componentwise split of feed to 0th outlet stream."""
return self._isplit
def split(self):
"""[Array] Componentwise split of feed to 0th outlet stream."""
return self._isplit.data
def natural_gas(self):
"""[Stream] Natural gas to satisfy steam and electricity requirements."""
return self.ins[2]
def _init(self, split, R=1.4, H=20., length_to_diameter=25, T=343.15, P=10*101325,
moisture_content=0.15, utility_agent='Natural gas', gas_composition=None,
self._isplit = self.chemicals.isplit(split)
self.define_utility('Natural gas', self.natural_gas)
self.P = P
self.T = T
self.R = R
self.H = H
self.gas_composition = gas_composition
self.length_to_diameter = length_to_diameter
self.moisture_content = moisture_content
self.utility_agent = utility_agent
self.moisture_ID = moisture_ID
def utility_agent(self):
return self._utility_agent
def utility_agent(self, utility_agent):
if utility_agent not in ('Natural gas', 'Steam'):
raise ValueError(f"utility agent must be either 'Steam' or 'Natural gas'; not '{utility_agent}'")
self._utility_agent = utility_agent
def _run(self):
wet_solids, air, natural_gas = self.ins
dry_solids, hot_air, emissions = self.outs
wet_solids.split_to(hot_air, dry_solids, self.split)
sep.adjust_moisture_content(dry_solids, hot_air, self.moisture_content, self.moisture_ID)
hot_air.P = air.P = self.P
emissions.phase = air.phase = natural_gas.phase = hot_air.phase = 'g'
design_results = self.design_results
design_results['Evaporation'] = evaporation = hot_air.F_mass
gas_composition = self.gas_composition
if gas_composition is None:
gas_composition = [('N2', 0.78), ('O2', 0.32)]
total_gas_flow = self.R * evaporation
for ID, x in gas_composition:
air.imass[ID] = x * total_gas_flow
hot_air.mol += air.mol
dry_solids.T = hot_air.T = self.T
emissions.T = self.T + 30.
if self.utility_agent == 'Natural gas':
LHV = self.chemicals.CH4.LHV
def f(CH4):
CO2 = CH4
H2O = 2. * CH4
natural_gas.imol['CH4'] = CH4
emissions.imol['CO2', 'H2O'] = [CO2, H2O]
duty = (dry_solids.H + hot_air.H + emissions.H) - (wet_solids.H + air.H + natural_gas.H)
CH4 = duty / LHV
return CH4
flx.wegstein(f, 0., 1e-3)
def _design(self):
length_to_diameter = self.length_to_diameter
design_results = self.design_results
design_results['Volume'] = volume = design_results['Evaporation'] / self.H
design_results['Diameter'] = diameter = cylinder_diameter_from_volume(volume, length_to_diameter)
design_results['Length'] = length = diameter * length_to_diameter
design_results['Peripheral drum area'] = cylinder_area(diameter, length)
if self.utility_agent == 'Steam':
self.add_heat_utility(self.H_out - self.H_in, self.T)
class ThermalOxidizer(Unit):
Create a ThermalOxidizer that burns any remaining combustibles.
ins :
[0] Feed gas
[1] Air
[2] Natural gas
outs :
tau : float, optional
Residence time [hr]. Defaults to 0.00014 (0.5 seconds).
duty_per_kg : float, optional
Duty per kg of feed. Defaults to 105858 kJ / kg.
V_wf : float, optional
Fraction of working volume. Defaults to 0.95.
Adiabatic operation is assumed. Simulation and cost is based on [1]_.
_N_ins = 3
_N_outs = 1
max_volume = 20. # m3
_F_BM_default = {'Vessels': 2.06} # Assume same as dryer
def natural_gas(self):
"""[Stream] Natural gas to satisfy steam and electricity requirements."""
return self.ins[2]
def _init(self, tau=0.00014, duty_per_kg=61., V_wf=0.95):
self.define_utility('Natural gas', self.natural_gas)
self.tau = tau
self.duty_per_kg = duty_per_kg
self.V_wf = V_wf
def _run(self):
feed, air, ng = self.ins
ng.imol['CH4'] = self.duty_per_kg * feed.F_mass / self.chemicals.CH4.LHV
ng.phase = 'g'
emissions, = self.outs
ng_burned = ng.copy()
combustion_rxns = self.chemicals.get_combustion_reactions()
# Enough oxygen must be present in air to burn natural gas
O2 = max(-ng_burned.imol['O2'], 0.)
air.imol['N2', 'O2'] = [0.79/0.21 * O2, O2]
# Enough oxygen must be present in air to burn feed as well
dummy_emissions = emissions.copy()
O2 = max(-dummy_emissions.imol['O2'], 0.) # Missing oxygen
air.imol['N2', 'O2'] += [0.79/0.21 * O2, O2]
# Account for temperature raise
def _design(self):
design_results = self.design_results
volume = self.tau * self.outs[0].F_vol / self.V_wf
V_max = self.max_volume
design_results['Number of vessels'] = N = np.ceil(volume / V_max)
design_results['Vessel volume'] = volume / N
design_results['Total volume'] = volume
def _cost(self):
design_results = self.design_results
N = design_results['Number of vessels']
vessel_volume = design_results['Vessel volume']
C = self.baseline_purchase_costs
C['Vessels'] = N * 918300. * (vessel_volume / 13.18)**0.6