Source code for thermosteam._settings

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# BioSTEAM: The Biorefinery Simulation and Techno-Economic Analysis Modules
# Copyright (C) 2020-2023, Yoel Cortes-Pena <>
# This module is under the UIUC open-source license. See 
# for license details.
from __future__ import annotations
import thermosteam as tmo
from typing import Optional, Iterable
from .units_of_measure import AbsoluteUnitsOfMeasure
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from .equilibrium import (
    from .mixture import Mixture

__all__ = ('settings', 'ProcessSettings')

# %%

def raise_no_thermo_error():
    raise RuntimeError("no available 'Thermo' object; "
                       "use settings.set_thermo to set the default thermo object")

def raise_no_flashpkg_error():
    raise RuntimeError("no available 'FlashPackage' object; "
                       "use settings.set_flashpkg to set the default flash package object")
# %%
[docs] class ProcessSettings: """ A compilation of all settings that may affect BioSTEAM results, including thermodynamic property packages, utility agents, and characterization factors. Examples -------- Access or change the Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index (CEPCI): >>> from biosteam import settings, Stream >>> settings.CEPCI # Defaults to average for year 2017 567.5 Access or change cooling agents: >>> settings.cooling_agents [<UtilityAgent: cooling_water>, <UtilityAgent: chilled_water>, <UtilityAgent: chilled_brine>, <UtilityAgent: propane>] Access or change heating agents: >>> settings.heating_agents [<UtilityAgent: low_pressure_steam>, <UtilityAgent: medium_pressure_steam>, <UtilityAgent: high_pressure_steam>] Access or change the thermodynamic property package: >>> settings.set_thermo(['Water'], cache=True) >>> Thermo( chemicals=CompiledChemicals([Water]), mixture=IdealMixture(... include_excess_energies=False ), Gamma=DortmundActivityCoefficients, Phi=IdealFugacityCoefficients, PCF=MockPoyintingCorrectionFactors ) Access defined chemicals: >>> settings.chemicals CompiledChemicals([Water]) Access defined mixture property algorithm: >>> IdealMixture(... include_excess_energies=False ) Create stream with default property package: >>> stream = Stream('stream', Water=2) >>> stream.thermo is settings.thermo True """ __slots__ = ( '_thermo', '_flashpkg', ) def __new__(cls): return settings
[docs] def set_thermo(self, thermo: tmo.Thermo|Iterable[str|tmo.Chemical], mixture: Optional[Mixture]=None, Gamma: Optional[type[ActivityCoefficients]]=None, Phi: Optional[type[FugacityCoefficients]]=None, PCF: Optional[type[PoyintingCorrectionFactors]]=None, cache: Optional[bool]=None, skip_checks: Optional[bool]=False, ideal: Optional[bool]=False, ): """ Set the default :class:`~thermosteam.Thermo` object. If `thermo` is not a :class:`~thermosteam.Thermo` object, an attempt is made to convert it to one. Parameters ---------- thermo : Thermodynamic property package. Gamma : Class for computing activity coefficients. Phi : Class for computing fugacity coefficients. PCF : Class for computing poynting correction factors. cache : Whether or not to use cached chemicals. skip_checks : Whether to skip checks for missing or invalid properties. ideal : Whether to use ideal phase equilibrium and mixture property algorithms. """ if not isinstance(thermo, (tmo.Thermo, tmo.IdealThermo)): thermo = tmo.Thermo(thermo, mixture=mixture, cache=cache, skip_checks=skip_checks, Gamma=Gamma, Phi=Phi, PCF=PCF) if ideal: thermo = thermo.ideal() self._thermo = thermo
def get_thermo(self): # For backwards compatibility return self.thermo def get_chemicals(self): # For backwards compatibility return self.chemicals @property def thermo(self) -> tmo.Thermo: """Default thermodynamic property package.""" try: return self._thermo except AttributeError: raise_no_thermo_error() @property def chemicals(self) -> tmo.Chemicals: """Default chemicals.""" return self.thermo.chemicals @property def mixture(self) -> tmo.Mixture: """Default mixture package.""" return self.thermo.mixture
[docs] def define_impact_indicator(self, key: str, units: str): """ Define the units of measure for an LCA impact indicator key. Parameters ---------- key : Name of impact indicator. units : Units of measure for impact indicator. Notes ----- This method is useful for setting characterization factors of streams and utilities in different units of measure. LCA displacement allocation tables also use the impact indicator units of measure defined here. Examples -------- :doc:`../tutorial/Life_cycle_assessment` """ self.impact_indicators[key] = AbsoluteUnitsOfMeasure(units)
def get_impact_indicator_units(self, key): try: return tmo.settings.impact_indicators[key] except KeyError: raise ValueError( f"impact indicator key '{key}' has no defined units; " "units can be defined through `settings.define_impact_indicator`" )
[docs] def get_default_thermo(self, thermo): """ Return the default :class:`~thermosteam.Thermo` object if `thermo` is None. Otherwise, return the same object. Otherwise, of `thermo` is a :class:`~thermosteam.Thermo` object, return the same object. """ if thermo is None: thermo = self.thermo elif not isinstance(thermo, (tmo.Thermo, tmo.IdealThermo)): raise ValueError("thermo must be a 'Thermo' object") return thermo
[docs] def get_default_chemicals(self, chemicals): """ Return the default :class:`~thermosteam.Chemicals` object is chemicals is None. Otherwise, if `chemicals` is a :class:`~thermosteam.Chemicals` object, return the same object. """ if isinstance(chemicals, tmo.Chemicals): chemicals.compile() elif chemicals is None: chemicals = self.chemicals else: raise ValueError("chemicals must be a 'Chemicals' object") return chemicals
[docs] def get_default_mixture(self, mixture): """ Return a default :class:`~thermosteam.Mixture` object. Otherwise, if `mixture` is a :class:`~thermosteam.Mixture` object, return the same object. """ if mixture is None: mixture = self.mixture elif not isinstance(mixture, tmo.Mixture): raise ValueError("chemicals must be a 'Mixture' object") return mixture
[docs] def get_default_flashpkg(self, flashpkg): """ Warnings -------- This method is not yet ready for users. """ if not flashpkg: flashpkg = self.get_flashpkg() return flashpkg
[docs] def get_flashpkg(self): """ Warnings -------- This method is not yet ready for users. """ try: flashpkg = self._flashpkg except AttributeError: self._flashpkg = flashpkg = tmo.equilibrium.FlashPackage() return flashpkg
[docs] def get_default_flasher(self, flasher): """ Warnings -------- This method is not yet ready for users. """ if not flasher: flashpkg = self.get_flashpkg() return flashpkg.flahser() return flasher
[docs] def flasher(self, IDs=None, N_liquid=None, N_solid=None): """ Warnings -------- This method is not yet ready for users. """ return self.get_flashpkg().flasher(IDs, N_liquid, N_solid)
[docs] def set_flashpkg(self, flashpkg): """ Set the default FlashPackage object. Parameters ---------- flashpkg : FlashPackage A FlashPackage object that predefines algorithms for equilibrium calculations. Warnings -------- This method is not yet ready for users. """ if isinstance(flashpkg, tmo.equilibrium.FlashPackage): self._flashpkg = flashpkg else: raise ValueError(f"flashpkg must be a FlashPackage object, not a '{type(flashpkg).__name__}'")
#: settings: ProcessSettings = object.__new__(ProcessSettings)