Source code for thermosteam._thermo_data

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# BioSTEAM: The Biorefinery Simulation and Techno-Economic Analysis Modules
# Copyright (C) 2020-2023, Yoel Cortes-Pena <>
# This module is under the UIUC open-source license. See 
# for license details.
from import Iterable
import thermosteam as tmo

__all__ = ('ThermoData',)

# %% Utilities

def as_IDs(IDs):
    isa = isinstance
    if isa(IDs, Iterable):
        for i in IDs: 
            if not isa(i, str):
                raise ValueError('IDs must be an iterable of strings')
        raise ValueError('IDs must be an iterable of strings')
    return IDs

def chemicals_from_data(data, all_data):
    new_chemicals = dict(data)
    chemical_copies = {}
    for ID, kwargs in data.items():
        if kwargs:
            if 'Copy of' in kwargs:
                chemical_copies[ID] = kwargs
                new_chemicals[ID] = tmo.Chemical(ID, **kwargs)
            new_chemicals[ID] = tmo.Chemical(ID)
    for ID, kwargs in chemical_copies.items():
        kwargs = kwargs.copy()
        copied_ID = kwargs.pop('Copy of')
            copied_chemical = new_chemicals[copied_ID]
        except KeyError:
            new_chemicals[copied_ID] = copied_chemical = tmo.Chemical(copied_ID, **all_data[copied_ID])
        new_chemicals[ID] = copied_chemical.copy(ID, **kwargs)
    return tmo.Chemicals([new_chemicals[i] for i in data])

# %% 

[docs] class ThermoData: """ Create a ThermoData object for creating thermodynamic property packages and streams. Parameters ---------- data : dict Examples -------- >>> import thermosteam as tmo >>> data = { ... 'Chemicals': { ... 'Water': {}, ... 'Ethanol': {}, ... 'O2': {'phase': 'gas'}, ... 'Cellulose': { ... 'search_db': False, ... 'phase': 'solid', ... 'formula': 'C6H10O5', ... 'Hf': -975708.8, ... 'default': True ... }, ... 'Octane': {} ... }, ... 'Streams': { ... 'process_water': { ... 'Water': 500, ... 'units': 'kg/hr', ... 'price': 0.00035, ... }, ... 'gasoline': { ... 'Octane': 400, ... 'units': 'kg/hr', ... 'price': 0.756, ... }, ... } ... } >>> thermo_data = tmo.ThermoData(data) >>> chemicals = thermo_data.create_chemicals() >>> chemicals Chemicals([Water, Ethanol, O2, Cellulose, Octane]) >>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(chemicals) >>> thermo_data.create_streams() [<Stream: process_water>, <Stream: gasoline>] It is also possible to create a ThermoData object from json or yaml files For example, lets say we have a yaml file that looks like this: .. code-block:: yaml # File name: example_chemicals.yaml Chemicals: Water: Ethanol: O2: phase: gas Cellulose: search_db: False phase: solid formula: C6H10O5 Hf: -975708.8 default: True Octane: Then we could create the chemicals in just a few lines: >>> # thermo_data = tmo.ThermoData.from_yaml('example_chemicals.yaml') >>> # thermo_data.create_chemicals() >>> # Chemicals([Water, Ethanol, O2, Cellulose, Octane]) """ __slots__ = ('data',) def __init__(self, data: dict): data_fields = ('Chemicals', 'Streams', 'Synonyms') = {i: data.get(i, {}) for i in data_fields}
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, file): """Create a ThermoData object from a yaml file given its directory.""" import yaml with open(file, 'r') as stream: data = yaml.full_load(stream) assert isinstance(data, dict), 'yaml file must return a dict' return ThermoData(data)
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, file): """Create a ThermoData object from a json file given its directory.""" import json with open(file, 'r') as stream: data = json.load(stream) assert isinstance(data, dict), 'json file must return a dict' return ThermoData(data)
@property def chemical_data(self): try: data =['Chemicals'] except KeyError: raise AttributeError('no chemical data available') return data @property def stream_data(self): try: data =['Streams'] except KeyError: raise AttributeError('no stream data available') return data @property def synonym_data(self): try: data =['Synonyms'] except KeyError: raise AttributeError('no synonym data available') return data
[docs] def create_stream(self, ID): """ Create stream from data. Parameters ---------- ID=None : str ID of stream to create. """ data = self.stream_data[ID] return tmo.Stream(ID, **data) if data else tmo.Stream(ID)
[docs] def create_streams(self, IDs=None): """ Create streams from data. Parameters ---------- IDs=None : Iterable[str], optional IDs of streams to create. Defaults to all streams. """ data = self.stream_data if IDs: data = {i:data[i] for i in as_IDs(IDs)} return [tmo.Stream(i, **(j or {})) for i, j in data.items()]
[docs] def create_chemicals(self, IDs=None): """ Create chemicals from data. Parameters ---------- IDs=None : Iterable[str] or str, optional IDs of chemicals to create. Defaults to all chemicals. """ all_data = self.chemical_data data = all_data if IDs is None else {i: all_data.get(i) for i in as_IDs(IDs)} return chemicals_from_data(data, all_data)