# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# BioSTEAM: The Biorefinery Simulation and Techno-Economic Analysis Modules
# Copyright (C) 2020-2023, Yoel Cortes-Pena <yoelcortes@gmail.com>
# This module is under the UIUC open-source license. See
# github.com/BioSTEAMDevelopmentGroup/biosteam/blob/master/LICENSE.txt
# for license details.
from ..units_of_measure import chemical_units_of_measure, definitions, format_plot_units, convert
from .. import utils
from .. import functors
from inspect import signature
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
__all__ = ("functor", "Functor", "TFunctor",
"TPFunctor", 'display_asfunctor',
'functor_lookalike', 'functor_matching_params',
'parse_var', 'get_units', 'var_with_units')
# %% Utilities
def functor_name(functor):
return functor.__name__ if hasattr(functor, "__name__") else type(functor).__name__
def display_asfunctor(functor, var=None, name=None, show_var=True):
name = name or functor_name(functor)
info = f"{name}{str(signature(functor)).replace('self, ', '')}"
units = functor.units if hasattr(functor, 'units') else None
var = var or (functor.var if hasattr(functor, 'var') else None)
if var:
if show_var:
info += " -> " + var_with_units(var, units)
units = get_units(var, units)
if units: info += f" -> {units}"
return info
def functor_lookalike(cls):
cls.__repr__ = Functor.__repr__
cls.__str__ = Functor.__str__
return cls
def functor_matching_params(params):
N_total = len(params)
N = base._N_args
if N <= N_total and base._args == params[:N]: return base
raise ValueError("could not match function signature to registered functors")
def functor_arguments(params):
base = functor_matching_params(params)
return base, params[base._N_args:]
def parse_var(var):
return var.split(".") if '.' in var else (var, "")
def get_units(var, units=None):
name, phase = parse_var(var)
if isinstance(units, dict):
units = units.get(name)
if not units:
units = chemical_units_of_measure.get(name)
return units
def var_with_units(var, units=None):
name, _ = parse_var(var)
units = get_units(name)
if units: var += f' [{units}]'
return var
# %% Plotting utilities
def convert_var(value, var, units):
if var and units:
var, *_ = var.split('.')
return convert(value, chemical_units_of_measure[var].units, units)
return value
def describe_parameter(var, units):
info = definitions.get(var) or var
if info:
var, *_ = var.split('.')
units = units or chemical_units_of_measure.get(var)
units = format_plot_units(units)
if units: info += f" [{units}]"
else: info += " [-]"
return info
def create_axis_labels(Xvar, X_units, Yvar, Y_units):
Xvar_description = describe_parameter(Xvar, X_units)
Yvar_description = describe_parameter(Yvar, Y_units)
def plot_functors_vs_T(fs, T_range=None, T_units=None, units=None,
P=101325, label_axis=True, **plot_kwargs): # pragma: no cover
for f in fs: f.plot_vs_T(T_range, T_units, units, P, False, **plot_kwargs)
if label_axis: create_axis_labels('T', T_units, f.var, units)
def plot_functors_vs_P(fs, P_range=None, P_units=None, units=None,
T=298.15, label_axis=True, **plot_kwargs): # pragma: no cover
for f in fs: f.plot_vs_P(P_range, P_units, units, T, False, **plot_kwargs)
if label_axis: create_axis_labels('P', P_units, f.var, units)
# %% Decorator
def functor(f=None, var=None, units=None):
Decorate a function of temperature, or both temperature and pressure
to have an attribute, `functor`, that serves to create its functor counterpart.
f : function(T, *args) or function(T, P, *args)
Function that calculates a thermodynamic property based on temperature,
or both temperature and pressure.
var : str, optional
Name of variable returned (useful for bookkeeping).
units : dict, optional
Units of measure for functor signature.
f : function(T, *args) or function(T, P, *args)
Same function, but with an attribute `functor` that can create
its `Functor` counterpart.
The functor decorator checks the signature of the function to find the
names of the parameters that should be stored as data.
Create a functor of temperature that returns the vapor pressure
in Pascal:
>>> # Describe the return value with `var`.
>>> # Thermosteam's chemical units of measure are always assumed.
>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> @tmo.functor(var='Psat')
... def Antoine(T, a, b, c):
... return 10.0**(a - b / (T + c))
>>> Antoine(T=373.15, a=10.116, b=1687.5, c=-42.98) # functional
>>> f = Antoine.functor(a=10.116, b=1687.5, c=-42.98) # as functor object
>>> f.show()
Functor: Antoine(T, P=None) -> Psat [Pa]
a: 10.116
b: 1687.5
c: -42.98
>>> f(T=373.15)
All functors are saved in the `functors` module:
>>> tmo.functors.Antoine
<class 'thermosteam.functors.Antoine'>
if f:
params = tuple(signature(f).parameters)
base, params = functor_arguments(params)
dct = {'__slots__': (),
'function': staticmethod(f),
'params': params,
'units': units,
'var': var}
name = f.__name__
f.functor = cls = type(name, (base,), dct)
cls.__module__ = functors.__name__
setattr(functors, name, cls)
return lambda f: functor(f, var, units)
return f
# %% Functors
class Functor:
__slots__ = ('__dict__',)
hook = None
def __init_subclass__(cls, args=None):
if args:
cls._args = args = tuple(args)
cls._N_args = N_args = len(args)
assert args not in REGISTERED_ARGS, (
f"abstract functor with args={args} already implemented")
index = 0
for index, Functor in enumerate(REGISTERED_FUNCTORS):
if Functor._N_args <= N_args: break
REGISTERED_FUNCTORS.insert(index, cls)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
for i, j in zip(self.params, args): kwargs[i] = j
self.__dict__ = kwargs
def copy(self):
cls = self.__class__
new = cls.__new__(cls)
new.__dict__ = self.__dict__.copy()
return new
def from_other(cls, other):
self = cls.__new__(cls)
self.__dict__ = other.__dict__
return self
def from_args(cls, data):
self = cls.__new__(cls)
self.__dict__ = dict(zip(self.params, data))
return self
def from_kwargs(cls, data):
self = cls.__new__(cls)
self.__dict__ = data
return self
def from_obj(cls, data):
self = cls.__new__(cls)
self.__dict__ = dict(zip(self.params, utils.get_obj_values(data, self.params)))
return self
def __str__(self):
return display_asfunctor(self)
def __repr__(self):
return f"<{self}>"
def show(self):
info = f"Functor: {self}"
data = self.__dict__
for key, value in data.items():
if callable(value):
value = display_asfunctor(value, show_var=False)
info += f"\n {key}: {value}"
info += f"\n {key}: {value:.5g}"
info += f"\n {key}: {value}"
key, *_ = key.split('_')
u = get_units(key, self.units)
if u: info += ' ' + str(u)
_ipython_display_ = show
class TFunctor(Functor, args=('T',)):
__slots__ = ()
kind = "functor of temperature (T; in K)"
def __call__(self, T, P=None):
return self.function(T, **self.__dict__)
def tabulate_vs_T(self, Tmin, Tmax, T_units=None, units=None, P=101325):
Ts = np.linspace(Tmin, Tmax)
Ys = np.array([self(T) for T in Ts])
if T_units: Ts = convert_var(Ts, 'T', T_units)
if units: Ys = convert_var(Ys, self.var, units)
return Ts, Ys
def tabulate_vs_P(self, Pmin, Pmax, P_units=None, units=None, T=298.15):
Ps = np.linspace(Pmin, Pmax)
Y = self(T)
Ys = np.array([Y, Y])
if P_units: Ps = convert_var(Ps, 'P', P_units)
if units: Ys = convert_var(Ys, self.var, units)
return Ps, Ys
def plot_vs_T(self, Tmin, Tmax, T_units=None, units=None, P=101325,
label_axis=True, **plot_kwargs):
Ts, Ys = self.tabulate_vs_T(Tmin, Tmax, T_units, units, P)
plot_kwargs['label'] = plot_kwargs.get('label') or self.name
plt.plot(Ts, Ys, **plot_kwargs)
if label_axis: create_axis_labels('T', T_units, self.var, units)
def plot_vs_P(self, Pmin, Pmax, P_units=None, units=None, T=298.15,
label_axis=True, **plot_kwargs):
Ps, Ys = self.tabulate_vs_P(Pmin, Pmax, P_units, units, T)
plot_kwargs['label'] = plot_kwargs.get('label') or self.name
plt.plot(Ps, Ys, **plot_kwargs)
if label_axis: create_axis_labels('P', P_units, self.var, units)
class TPFunctor(Functor, args=('T', 'P')):
__slots__ = ()
kind = "functor of temperature (T; in K) and pressure (P; in Pa)"
def __call__(self, T, P):
return self.function(T, P, **self.__dict__)
def tabulate_vs_T(self, Tmin, Tmax, T_units=None, units=None, P=101325):
Ts = np.linspace(Tmin, Tmax)
Ys = np.array([self(T, P) for T in Ts])
if T_units: Ts = convert_var(Ts, 'T', T_units)
if units: Ys = convert_var(Ys, self.var, units)
return Ts, Ys
def tabulate_vs_P(self, Pmin, Pmax, P_units=None, units=None, T=298.15):
Ps = np.linspace(Pmin, Pmax)
Ys = np.array([self(T, P) for P in Ps])
if P_units: Ps = convert_var(Ps, 'P', P_units)
if units: Ys = convert_var(Ys, self.var, units)
return Ps, Ys
plot_vs_T = TFunctor.plot_vs_T
plot_vs_P = TFunctor.plot_vs_P