Source code for thermosteam.equilibrium.activity_coefficients

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# BioSTEAM: The Biorefinery Simulation and Techno-Economic Analysis Modules
# Copyright (C) 2020, Yoel Cortes-Pena <>
# A significant portion of this module originates from:
# Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
# Copyright (C) 2020 Caleb Bell <>
# This module is under a dual license:
# 1. The UIUC open-source license. See 
# for license details.
# 2. The MIT open-source license. See
# for details.
import numpy as np
from warnings import warn
from numba import njit, prange
from .ideal import ideal
import thermosteam as tmo
from thermo.interaction_parameters import IPDB
from fluids.constants import R_inv
from thermo import eos_mix
import numpy as np

__all__ = ('ActivityCoefficients',

# %% Utilities

def chemgroup_array(chemgroups, index):
    M = len(chemgroups)
    N = len(index)
    array = np.zeros((M, N))
    for i, groups in enumerate(chemgroups):
        for group, count in groups.items():
            array[i, index[group]] = count
    return array

def group_activity_coefficients(x, chemgroups, loggammacs,
                                Qs, psis, cQfs, gpsis):
    weighted_counts = chemgroups.transpose() @ x
    Q_fractions = Qs * weighted_counts 
    Q_fractions /= Q_fractions.sum()
    Q_psis = psis * Q_fractions
    sum1 = Q_psis.sum(1)
    sum2 = -(psis.transpose() / sum1) @ Q_fractions
    loggamma_groups = Qs * (1. - np.log(sum1) + sum2)
    sum1 = cQfs @ gpsis.transpose()
    sum1 = np.where(sum1==0, 1., sum1)
    fracs = - cQfs / sum1
    sum2 = fracs @ gpsis
    chem_loggamma_groups = Qs*(1. - np.log(sum1) + sum2)
    loggammars = ((loggamma_groups - chem_loggamma_groups) * chemgroups).sum(1)
    return np.exp(loggammacs + loggammars)

def get_interaction(all_interactions, i, j, no_interaction):
    if i==j:
        return no_interaction
        return all_interactions[i][j]
        return no_interaction

def get_chemgroups(chemicals, field):
    getfield = getattr
    chemgroups = []
    index = []
    for i, chemical in enumerate(chemicals): 
        group = getfield(chemical, field)
        if group:
            warn(f"{chemical} has no defined {field} groups; "
                  "functional group interactions are ignored",
                  RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=3)
    return np.where(index)[0], chemgroups

def loggammacs_UNIFAC(qs, rs, x):
    r_net =, rs)
    q_net =, qs)
    Vs = rs/r_net
    Fs = qs/q_net
    Vs_over_Fs = Vs/Fs
    return 1. - Vs - np.log(Vs) - 5.*qs*(1. - Vs_over_Fs + np.log(Vs_over_Fs))

def loggammacs_modified_UNIFAC(qs, rs, x):
    r_net =, rs)
    q_net =, qs)
    rs_p = rs**0.75
    r_pnet =, x)
    Vs = rs/r_net
    Fs = qs/q_net
    Vs_over_Fs = Vs/Fs
    Vs_p = rs_p/r_pnet
    return 1. - Vs_p + np.log(Vs_p) - 5.*qs*(1. - Vs_over_Fs + np.log(Vs_over_Fs))

def psi_modified_UNIFAC(T, abc):
    abc[:, :, 0] /= T
    abc[:, :, 2] *= T
    return np.exp(-abc.sum(2)) 

def psi_UNIFAC(T, a):
    return np.exp(-a/T)

def fill_group_psis(group_psis, psis, group_mask):
    M = psis.shape[0]
    N = psis.shape[1]
    for i in range(M):
        for j in range(N):
            if group_mask[i, j]: 
                group_psis[i, j] = psis[i, j]
                group_psis[i, j] = 0.

def gamma_UNIFAC(x, T, interactions, 
                 group_psis, group_mask, qs, rs, Qs,
                 chemgroups, chem_Qfractions, index):
    N_chemicals = index.size
    gamma = np.ones(x.size)
    if N_chemicals > 1:
        interactions = interactions.copy()
        x_sub = np.ones(N_chemicals)
        for i, j in enumerate(index): x[j] = x_sub[i]
        xsum = x_sub.sum()
        if xsum != 0: 
            x_sub /= xsum
            psis = psi_UNIFAC(T, interactions)
            fill_group_psis(group_psis, psis, group_mask)
            gamma_sub = group_activity_coefficients(x_sub, chemgroups,
                                        loggammacs_UNIFAC(qs, rs, x_sub),
                                        Qs, psis,
        for i, j in enumerate(index): 
            value = gamma_sub[i]
            if np.isnan(value): continue
            gamma[j] = value
    return gamma

def gamma_modified_UNIFAC(x, T, interactions, 
                   group_psis, group_mask, qs, rs, Qs,
                   chemgroups, chem_Qfractions, index):
    N_chemicals = index.size
    gamma = np.ones(x.size)
    if N_chemicals > 1:
        interactions = interactions.copy()
        x_sub = np.ones(N_chemicals)
        for i, j in enumerate(index): x_sub[i] = x[j]
        xsum = x_sub.sum()
        if xsum:
            x_sub /= xsum
            psis = psi_modified_UNIFAC(T, interactions)
            fill_group_psis(group_psis, psis, group_mask)
            gamma_sub = group_activity_coefficients(x_sub, chemgroups,
                                        loggammacs_modified_UNIFAC(qs, rs, x_sub),
                                        Qs, psis,
        for i, j in enumerate(index): 
            value = gamma_sub[i]
            if np.isnan(value): continue
            gamma[j] = value
    return gamma
# %% Activity Coefficients

[docs] class ActivityCoefficients: """ Abstract class for the estimation of activity coefficients. Non-abstract subclasses should implement the following methods: __init__(self, chemicals: Iterable[:class:`~thermosteam.Chemical`]): Should use pure component data from chemicals to setup future calculations of activity coefficients. __call__(self, x: 1d array, T: float): Should accept an array of liquid molar compositions `x`, and temperature `T` (in Kelvin), and return an array of activity coefficients. Note that the molar compositions must be in the same order as the chemicals defined when creating the ActivityCoefficients object. """ __slots__ = ('_chemicals',) @property def chemicals(self): """tuple[Chemical] All chemicals involved in the calculation of activity coefficients.""" return self._chemicals def __repr__(self): chemicals = ", ".join([i.ID for i in self.chemicals]) return f"{type(self).__name__}([{chemicals}])"
[docs] @ideal class IdealActivityCoefficients(ActivityCoefficients): """ Create an IdealActivityCoefficients object that estimates all activity coefficients to be 1 when called with a composition and a temperature (K). Parameters ---------- chemicals : Iterable[:class:`~thermosteam.Chemical`] """ __slots__ = () def __init__(self, chemicals): self._chemicals = tuple(chemicals)
[docs] def __call__(self, xs, T): return np.ones(len(xs))
[docs] class GroupActivityCoefficients(ActivityCoefficients): """ Abstract class for the estimation of activity coefficients using group contribution methods. Parameters ---------- chemicals : Iterable[:class:`~thermosteam.Chemical`] """ __slots__ = ('_rs', '_qs', '_Qs','_chemgroups', '_group_psis', '_chem_Qfractions', '_group_mask', '_interactions', '_chemicals', '_index') def __new__(cls, chemicals): chemicals = tuple(chemicals) if chemicals in cls._cached: return cls._cached[chemicals] else: self = super().__new__(cls) index, chemgroups = get_chemgroups(chemicals, self.group_name) if len(index) <= 1: return IdealActivityCoefficients(chemicals) self._index = index all_groups = set() for groups in chemgroups: all_groups.update(groups) index = {group:i for i,group in enumerate(all_groups)} chemgroups = chemgroup_array(chemgroups, index) all_subgroups = self.all_subgroups subgroups = [all_subgroups[i] for i in all_groups] main_group_ids = [i.main_group_id for i in subgroups] self._Qs = Qs = np.array([i.Q for i in subgroups]) Rs = np.array([i.R for i in subgroups]) self._rs = chemgroups @ Rs self._qs = chemgroups @ Qs self._chemgroups = chemgroups chem_Qs = Qs * chemgroups self._chem_Qfractions = cQfs = chem_Qs/chem_Qs.sum(1, keepdims=True) all_interactions = self.all_interactions N_groups = len(all_groups) group_shape = (N_groups, N_groups) no_interaction = self._no_interaction self._interactions = np.array( [[get_interaction(all_interactions, i, j, no_interaction) for i in main_group_ids] for j in main_group_ids]) # Psis array with only symmetrically available groups self._group_psis = np.zeros(group_shape, dtype=float) # Make mask for retrieving symmetrically available groups rowindex = np.arange(N_groups, dtype=int) indices = [rowindex[rowmask] for rowmask in cQfs != 0] self._group_mask = group_mask = np.zeros(group_shape, dtype=bool) for index in indices: for i in index: group_mask[i, index] = True self._cached[chemicals] = self self._chemicals = chemicals return self def __reduce__(self): return type(self), (self.chemicals,) @property def args(self): return (self._interactions, self._group_psis, self._group_mask, self._qs, self._rs, self._Qs, self._chemgroups, self._chem_Qfractions, self._index)
[docs] def activity_coefficients(self, x, T): """ Return activity coefficients of chemicals with defined functional groups. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Molar fractions T : float Temperature [K] """ psis = self.psi(T, self._interactions.copy()) self._group_psis[self._group_mask] = psis[self._group_mask] return group_activity_coefficients(x, self._chemgroups, self.loggammacs(self._qs, self._rs, x), self._Qs, psis, self._chem_Qfractions, self._group_psis)
[docs] def __call__(self, x, T): """ Return activity coefficients. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Molar fractions T : float Temperature [K] Notes ----- Activity coefficients of chemicals with missing groups are default to 1. """ x = np.asarray(x, float) return self.f(x, T, *self.args)
[docs] class UNIFACActivityCoefficients(GroupActivityCoefficients): """ Create a UNIFACActivityCoefficients that estimates activity coefficients using the UNIFAC group contribution method when called with a composition and a temperature (K). Parameters ---------- chemicals : Iterable[:class:`~thermosteam.Chemical`] """ all_subgroups = UFSG all_interactions = UFIP group_name = 'UNIFAC' _no_interaction = 0. _cached = {} @property def f(self): return gamma_UNIFAC @property def loggammacs(self): return loggammacs_UNIFAC @property def psi(self): return psi_UNIFAC
[docs] class DortmundActivityCoefficients(GroupActivityCoefficients): """ Create a DortmundActivityCoefficients that estimates activity coefficients using the Dortmund UNIFAC group contribution method when called with a composition and a temperature (K). Parameters ---------- chemicals : Iterable[:class:`~thermosteam.Chemical`] Examples -------- >>> import thermosteam as tmo >>> chemicals = tmo.Chemicals(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True) >>> Gamma = tmo.equilibrium.DortmundActivityCoefficients(chemicals) >>> composition = [0.5, 0.5] >>> T = 350. >>> Gamma(composition, T) array([1.475, 1.242]) >>> chemicals = tmo.Chemicals(['Dodecane', 'Tridecane'], cache=True) >>> Gamma = tmo.equilibrium.DortmundActivityCoefficients(chemicals) >>> # Note how both hydrocarbons have similar lenghts and structure, >>> # so activities should be very close >>> Gamma([0.5, 0.5], 350.) array([1., 1.]) >>> chemicals = tmo.Chemicals(['Water', 'O2'], cache=True) >>> Gamma = tmo.equilibrium.DortmundActivityCoefficients(chemicals) >>> # The following warning is issued because O2 does not have Dortmund groups >>> # RuntimeWarning: O2 has no defined Dortmund groups; >>> # functional group interactions are ignored >>> Gamma([0.5, 0.5], 350.) array([1., 1.]) """ __slots__ = () all_subgroups = DOUFSG all_interactions = DOUFIP2016 group_name = 'Dortmund' _no_interaction = np.array([0., 0., 0.]) _cached = {} @property def f(self): return gamma_modified_UNIFAC @property def loggammacs(self): return loggammacs_modified_UNIFAC @property def psi(self): return psi_modified_UNIFAC
[docs] class NISTActivityCoefficients(GroupActivityCoefficients): """ Create a NISTActivityCoefficients that estimates activity coefficients using the NIST-modified UNIFAC group contribution method when called with a composition and a temperature (K). Parameters ---------- chemicals : Iterable[:class:`~thermosteam.Chemical`] Examples -------- >>> import thermosteam as tmo >>> Water, Ethanol = chemicals = tmo.Chemicals(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True) >>> Ethanol.NIST.set_group_counts_by_name({'CH3':1, 'CH2':1, 'OH prim':1}) >>> Water.NIST.set_group_counts_by_name({'H2O':1}) >>> Gamma = tmo.equilibrium.NISTActivityCoefficients(chemicals) >>> composition = [0.5, 0.5] >>> T = 350. >>> Gamma(composition, T) array([1.479, 1.238]) """ __slots__ = () all_subgroups = NISTUFSG all_interactions = NISTUFIP group_name = 'NIST' _no_interaction = np.array([0., 0., 0.]) _cached = {} f = DortmundActivityCoefficients.f @property def loggammacs(self): return loggammacs_modified_UNIFAC @property def psi(self): return psi_modified_UNIFAC
class GCEOSActivityCoefficients(ActivityCoefficients): """ Abstract class for estimating fugacity coefficients using a generic cubic equation of state when called with composition, temperature (K), and pressure (Pa). Parameters ---------- chemicals : Iterable[:class:`~thermosteam.Chemical`] """ __slots__ = ('_chemicals', '_eos') EOS = None # type[GCEOSMIX] Subclasses must implement this attribute. chemsep_db = None # Optional[str] Name of chemsep data base for interaction parameters. cache = None # [dict] Subclasses must implement this attribute. def __new__(cls, chemicals): chemicals = tuple(chemicals) cache = cls.cache if chemicals in cache: return cache[chemicals] else: self = super().__new__(cls) self._chemicals = chemicals cache[chemicals] = self return self @classmethod def subclass(cls, EOS, name=None): if name is None: name = EOS.__name__[:-3] + 'ActivityCoefficients' return type(name, (cls,), dict(EOS=EOS, cache={})) @property def chemicals(self): """tuple[Chemical] All chemicals involved in the calculation of fugacity coefficients.""" return self._chemicals def eos(self, zs, T, P): if zs.__class__ is np.ndarray: zs = [float(i) for i in zs] try: self._eos = eos = self._eos.to_TP_zs_fast(T=T, P=P, zs=zs, only_l=True, full_alphas=False) except: data = tmo.ChemicalData(self.chemicals) if self.chemsep_db is None: kijs = None else: try: kijs = IPDB.get_ip_asymmetric_matrix(self.chemsep_db, data.CASs, 'kij') except: kijs = None self._eos = eos = self.EOS( zs=zs, T=T, P=P, Tcs=data.Tcs, Pcs=data.Pcs, omegas=data.omegas, kijs=kijs, only_l=True ) return eos def __call__(self, x, T, P=101325): eos = self.eos(x, T, P) try: log_phis = np.array(eos.dlnphi_dns(eos.Z_l)) + eos.G_dep_l * R_inv / T return np.exp(log_phis) except: return np.ones(len(x)) f = __call__ args = () dct = globals() clsnames = [] for name in ('PRMIX', 'SRKMIX', 'PR78MIX', 'VDWMIX', 'PRSVMIX', 'PRSV2MIX', 'TWUPRMIX', 'TWUSRKMIX', 'APISRKMIX', 'IGMIX', 'RKMIX', 'PRMIXTranslatedConsistent', 'PRMIXTranslatedPPJP', 'PRMIXTranslated', 'SRKMIXTranslatedConsistent', 'PSRK', 'MSRKMIXTranslated', 'SRKMIXTranslated'): cls = GCEOSActivityCoefficients.subclass(getattr(eos_mix, name)) clsname = cls.__name__ clsnames.append(clsname) dct[clsname] = cls dct['PRActivityCoefficients'].chemsep_db = 'ChemSep PR' __all__ = (*__all__, *clsnames) del dct, clsnames