# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# BioSTEAM: The Biorefinery Simulation and Techno-Economic Analysis Modules
# Copyright (C) 2020-2023, Yoel Cortes-Pena <yoelcortes@gmail.com>
# This module is under the UIUC open-source license. See
# github.com/BioSTEAMDevelopmentGroup/biosteam/blob/master/LICENSE.txt
# for license details.
from .ideal import ideal
import thermosteam as tmo
from thermo.interaction_parameters import IPDB
from thermo import eos_mix
from fluids.constants import R_inv
import numpy as np
__all__ = ('FugacityCoefficients',
class FugacityCoefficients:
Abstract class for the estimation of fugacity coefficients. Non-abstract subclasses should implement the following methods:
__init__(self, chemicals: Iterable[:class:`~thermosteam.Chemical`]):
Should use pure component data from chemicals to setup future calculations of fugacity coefficients.
__call__(self, y: 1d array, T: float, P:float):
Should accept an array of vapor molar compositions `y`, temperature `T` (in Kelvin), and pressure `P` (in Pascal), and return an array of fugacity coefficients. Note that the molar compositions must be in the same order as the chemicals defined when creating the FugacityCoefficients object.
__slots__ = ()
def __repr__(self):
chemicals = ", ".join([i.ID for i in self.chemicals])
return f"<{type(self).__name__}([{chemicals}])>"
class IdealFugacityCoefficients(FugacityCoefficients):
Create an IdealFugacityCoefficients object that estimates all fugacity coefficients to be 1 when called with composition, temperature (K), and pressure (Pa).
chemicals : Iterable[:class:`~thermosteam.Chemical`]
__slots__ = ('_chemicals')
def __init__(self, chemicals):
self.chemicals = chemicals
def chemicals(self):
"""tuple[Chemical] All chemicals involved in the calculation of fugacity coefficients."""
return self._chemicals
def chemicals(self, chemicals):
self._chemicals = tuple(chemicals)
def __call__(self, y, T, P):
return 1.
class GCEOSFugacityCoefficients(FugacityCoefficients):
Abstract class for estimating fugacity coefficients using a generic cubic equation of state
when called with composition, temperature (K), and pressure (Pa).
chemicals : Iterable[:class:`~thermosteam.Chemical`]
__slots__ = ('_chemicals', '_eos')
EOS = None # type[GCEOSMIX] Subclasses must implement this attribute.
cache = None # [dict] Subclasses must implement this attribute.
chemsep_db = None # Optional[str] Name of chemsep data base for interaction parameters.
def __new__(cls, chemicals):
chemicals = tuple(chemicals)
cache = cls.cache
if chemicals in cache:
return cache[chemicals]
self = super().__new__(cls)
self._chemicals = chemicals
cache[chemicals] = self
return self
def subclass(cls, EOS, name=None):
if name is None: name = EOS.__name__.replace('MIX', '') + 'FugacityCoefficients'
return type(name, (cls,), dict(EOS=EOS, cache={}))
def chemicals(self):
"""tuple[Chemical] All chemicals involved in the calculation of fugacity coefficients."""
return self._chemicals
def eos(self, zs, T, P):
if zs.__class__ is np.ndarray: zs = [float(i) for i in zs]
self._eos = eos = self._eos.to_TP_zs_fast(T=T, P=P, zs=zs, only_g=True, full_alphas=False)
data = tmo.ChemicalData(self.chemicals)
if self.chemsep_db is None:
kijs = None
kijs = IPDB.get_ip_asymmetric_matrix(self.chemsep_db, data.CASs, 'kij')
kijs = None
self._eos = eos = self.EOS(
zs=zs, T=T, P=P, Tcs=data.Tcs, Pcs=data.Pcs, omegas=data.omegas, kijs=kijs,
return eos
def __call__(self, x, T, P=101325):
eos = self.eos(x, T, P)
log_phis = np.array(eos.dlnphi_dns(eos.Z_g)) + eos.G_dep_g * R_inv / T
return np.exp(log_phis)
return 1.
f = __call__
args = ()
dct = globals()
clsnames = []
for name in ('PRMIX', 'SRKMIX', 'PR78MIX', 'VDWMIX', 'PRSVMIX',
'PRMIXTranslatedConsistent', 'PRMIXTranslatedPPJP', 'PRMIXTranslated',
'SRKMIXTranslatedConsistent', 'PSRK', 'MSRKMIXTranslated',
cls = GCEOSFugacityCoefficients.subclass(getattr(eos_mix, name))
clsname = cls.__name__
dct[clsname] = cls
dct['PRFugacityCoefficients'].chemsep_db = 'ChemSep PR'
__all__ = (*__all__, *clsnames)
del dct, clsnames