# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# BioSTEAM: The Biorefinery Simulation and Techno-Economic Analysis Modules
# Copyright (C) 2020-2023, Yoel Cortes-Pena <yoelcortes@gmail.com>
# This module is under the UIUC open-source license. See
# github.com/BioSTEAMDevelopmentGroup/biosteam/blob/master/LICENSE.txt
# for license details.
from .._settings import settings
from ..utils import colors, style_axis
from chemicals.identifiers import to_searchable_format
from .bubble_point import BubblePoint
from .lle import LLE
from ..indexer import MaterialIndexer
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from math import floor
import thermosteam as tmo
import numpy as np
__all__ = ('plot_vle_binary_phase_envelope',
# %% Utilities
def ternary_composition_grid(N, grid=None): # pragma: no cover
grid = grid or []
for z in np.linspace(0, 1 - 1/N, N):
xs = np.linspace(0, 1-z, N)
ys = 1 - z - xs
zs = z * np.ones(N)
mesh = np.array([xs, ys, zs])
mesh = np.array([0, 0, 1]).reshape([3, 1])
return np.hstack(grid).transpose()
def as_thermo(thermo, chemicals): # pragma: no cover
thermo = settings.get_default_thermo(thermo)
thermo = tmo.Thermo(chemicals)
thermo = tmo.Thermo(chemicals,
return thermo
# %% Plot functions
def plot_vle_binary_phase_envelope(chemicals, T=None, P=None, vc=None, lc=None, thermo=None,
yticks=None): # pragma: no cover
Plot the binary phase envelope of two chemicals at a given temperature or pressure.
chemicals : Iterable[Chemical or str]
Chemicals in equilibrium.
T : float, optional
Temperature [K].
P : float, optional
Pressure [Pa].
vc : str, optional
Color of vapor line.
lc : str, optional
Color of liquid line.
thermo : Thermo, optional
Thermodynamic property package.
>>> # from thermosteam import equilibrium as eq
>>> # eq.plot_vle_binary_phase_envelope(['Ethanol', 'Water'], P=101325)
.. figure:: ../images/water_ethanol_binary_phase_envelope.png
thermo = as_thermo(thermo, chemicals)
chemical_a, chemical_b = chemicals = [thermo.as_chemical(i) for i in chemicals]
BP = tmo.BubblePoint(chemicals, thermo)
zs_a = np.linspace(0, 1)
zs_b = 1 - zs_a
zs = np.vstack([zs_a, zs_b]).transpose()
if P:
assert not T, "must pass either T or P, but not both"
bps = [BP(z, P=P) for z in zs]
ms = [bp.T for bp in bps]
ylabel = 'Temperature [K]'
elif T:
assert not P, "must pass either T or P, but not both"
bps = [BP(z, T=T) for z in zs]
ms = [bp.P for bp in bps]
ylabel = 'Pressure [Pa]'
raise AssertionError("must pass either T or P")
ms = np.array(ms)
ys_a = np.array([bp.y[0] for bp in bps])
top, bottom = (chemical_a, chemical_b) if ys_a.mean() > 0.5 else (chemical_a, chemical_b)
plt.xlim([0, 1])
plt.plot(ys_a, ms, c=vc if vc is not None else colors.red.RGBn, label=f"{top}-rich vapor")
plt.plot(zs_a, ms, c=lc if lc is not None else colors.blue.RGBn, label=f'{bottom}-rich liquid')
plt.ylim([ms.min(), ms.max()])
if yticks is None: yticks, ytext = plt.yticks()
plt.xlabel(f'{chemical_a} molar fraction')
style_axis(xticks=np.linspace(0, 1, 5), yticks=yticks)
def plot_lle_ternary_diagram(carrier, solvent, solute, T, P=101325, thermo=None, color=None,
method='shgo'): # pragma: no cover
Plot the ternary phase diagram of chemicals in liquid-liquid equilibrium.
carrier : Chemical
solvent : Chemical
solute : Chemical
T : float, optional
Temperature [K].
P : float, optional
Pressure [Pa]. Defaults to 101325.
thermo : Thermo, optional
Thermodynamic property package.
color : str, optional
Color of equilibrium line.
tie_line_points : 1d array(size=3), optional
Additional composition points to create tie lines.
tie_color : str, optional
Color of tie lines.
N_tie_lines : int, optional
Number of tie lines. The default is 15.
N_equilibrium_grids : int, optional
Number of solute composition points to plot. The default is 15.
>>> # from thermosteam import equilibrium as eq
>>> # eq.plot_lle_ternary_diagram('Water', 'Ethanol', 'EthylAcetate', T=298.15)
.. figure:: ../images/water_ethanol_ethyl_acetate_ternary_diagram.png
import ternary
chemicals = [carrier, solvent, solute]
thermo = as_thermo(thermo, chemicals)
chemicals = thermo.chemicals
IDs = chemicals.IDs
imol = MaterialIndexer(['l', 'L'], chemicals=chemicals)
data = imol.data
lle = LLE(imol, thermo=thermo, method=method)
composition_grid = ternary_composition_grid(N_equilibrium_grids, tie_line_points)
tie_lines = []
MW = chemicals.MW
for zs in composition_grid:
data[:] = 0
data[0] = zs
lle(T, P)
mass = data * MW
lL = mass.sum(1, keepdims=True)
if (abs(lL) > 1e-5).all():
tie_line = 100 * mass / lL
tie_diff = np.abs(tie_line[0] - tie_line[1]) ** 0.75
if tie_diff.sum() > 0.2:
tie_points = np.vstack(tie_lines)
tie_points = tie_points[np.argsort(tie_points[:, 0])]
scale = 100.
fig, tax = ternary.figure(scale=scale)
label = "-".join(IDs) + " Phase Diagram"
tax.gridlines(color=colors.grey_tint.RGBn, multiple=10)
fontsize = 12
offset = 0.14
C, A, S = [to_searchable_format(i) for i in IDs]
tax.right_corner_label(8*' ' + 'Carrier', fontsize=fontsize)
tax.top_corner_label('Solute\n', fontsize=fontsize)
tax.left_corner_label('Solvent' + 8*' ', fontsize=fontsize)
tax.left_axis_label(f'{S} wt. %', fontsize=fontsize,
tax.right_axis_label(f'{A} wt. %', fontsize=fontsize,
tax.bottom_axis_label(f'{C} wt. %', fontsize=fontsize,
if color is None: color = 'k'
tax.plot(tie_points, c=colors.neutral_shade.RGBn, label=label)
if tie_line_points is None:
assert N_tie_lines, "must specify number of tie lines if no equilibrium points are given"
xs, ys = zip(*tie_lines)
xs = np.array(xs)
ys = np.array(ys)
index = np.argsort(xs[:, 0])
N_total_lines = len(tie_lines)
step = floor(N_total_lines / N_tie_lines) or 1
partition_index = np.arange(0, N_total_lines, step, dtype=int)
index = index[partition_index]
xs = [xs[i] for i in index]
ys = [ys[i] for i in index]
tie_lines = list(zip(xs, ys))
assert N_tie_lines is None, "cannot specify number of tie lines if equilibrium points are given"
N_tie_lines = len(tie_line_points)
tie_lines = tie_lines[:N_tie_lines]
if tie_color is None: tie_color = colors.grey_shade.RGBn
for x, y in tie_lines:
tax.line(x, y, ls='--', c=tie_color)
tax.ticks(axis='lbr', multiple=10, linewidth=1, offset=0.025)