# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# BioSTEAM: The Biorefinery Simulation and Techno-Economic Analysis Modules
# Copyright (C) 2020-2023, Yoel Cortes-Pena <yoelcortes@gmail.com>
# This module is under the UIUC open-source license. See
# github.com/BioSTEAMDevelopmentGroup/biosteam/blob/master/LICENSE.txt
# for license details.
import flexsolve as flx
from ..utils import Cache
from .equilibrium import Equilibrium
from .activity_coefficients import IdealActivityCoefficients
from chemicals import solubility_eutectic
import numpy as np
__all__ = ('SLE', 'SLECache')
class SLE(Equilibrium, phases='ls'):
Create an SLE object that performs solid-liquid equilibrium for a given solute
when called with a temperature and pressure.
imol=None : :class:`~thermosteam.indexer.MaterialIndexer`, optional
Molar chemical phase data is stored here.
thermal_condition=None : :class:`~thermosteam.ThermalCondition`, optional
The temperature and pressure used in calculations are stored here.
thermo=None : :class:`~thermosteam.Thermo`, optional
Themodynamic property package for equilibrium calculations.
Defaults to `thermosteam.settings.get_thermo()`.
activity_coefficient=None : float
Activity coefficient of solute in the liquid; only valid if
`thermo.Gamma` is :class:`~thermosteam.equilibrium.activity_coefficients.IdealActivityCoefficients`.
Solve SLE of glucose in water:
>>> from thermosteam import Chemical, indexer, equilibrium, settings
>>> Glucose = Chemical('Glucose', Tm=419.15, Hfus=19930)
>>> Glucose.Cn.s.add_model(224.114064, top_priority=True)
>>> Glucose.Cn.l.add_model(360.312, top_priority=True) # More or less in solution
>>> settings.set_thermo(['Water', Glucose], cache=True)
>>> imol = indexer.MolarFlowIndexer(l=[('Water', 10), ('Glucose', 1)], phases=('s', 'l'))
>>> sle = equilibrium.SLE(imol)
>>> sle('Glucose', T=298.15) # Given T
>>> sle
l=[('Water', 10), ('Glucose', 0.01308)],
s=[('Glucose', 0.9869)]),
thermal_condition=ThermalCondition(T=298.15, P=101325))
>>> sle('Glucose', H=0.) # Given H
>>> sle
l=[('Water', 10), ('Glucose', 0.01306)],
s=[('Glucose', 0.9869)]),
thermal_condition=ThermalCondition(T=298.06, P=101325))
Results may not be too accurate sometimes, but the solubility
(mol fraction of solute in solvent) may be specified:
>>> sle('Glucose', T=298.15, solubility=0.0833) # Given T
>>> sle
l=[('Water', 10), ('Glucose', 0.9087)],
s=[('Glucose', 0.09131)]),
thermal_condition=ThermalCondition(T=298.15, P=101325))
>>> sle('Glucose', H=90, solubility=0.0833) # Given H
>>> sle
l=[('Water', 10), ('Glucose', 0.9087)],
s=[('Glucose', 0.09131)]),
thermal_condition=ThermalCondition(T=292.41, P=101325))
Solve SLE of tetradecanol in octanol:
>>> from thermosteam import indexer, equilibrium, settings
>>> settings.set_thermo(['Methanol', 'Tetradecanol'], cache=True)
>>> imol = indexer.MolarFlowIndexer(l=[('Methanol', 10), ('Tetradecanol', 30)], phases=('s', 'l'))
>>> sle = equilibrium.SLE(imol)
>>> sle('Tetradecanol', T=300) # Given T
>>> sle
l=[('Methanol', 10), ('Tetradecanol', 19.07)],
s=[('Tetradecanol', 10.93)]),
thermal_condition=ThermalCondition(T=300.00, P=101325))
>>> sle('Tetradecanol', H=0.) # Given H
>>> sle
l=[('Methanol', 10), ('Tetradecanol', 6.116)],
s=[('Tetradecanol', 23.88)]),
thermal_condition=ThermalCondition(T=287.31, P=101325))
Solve SLE of pure tetradecanol:
>>> from thermosteam import indexer, equilibrium, settings
>>> settings.set_thermo(['Octanol', 'Tetradecanol'], cache=True)
>>> imol = indexer.MolarFlowIndexer(l=[('Tetradecanol', 30)], phases=('s', 'l'))
>>> sle = equilibrium.SLE(imol)
>>> sle('Tetradecanol', T=300) # Under melting point given T
>>> sle
SLE(imol=MolarFlowIndexer(phases=('l', 's'),
s=[('Tetradecanol', 30)]),
thermal_condition=ThermalCondition(T=300.00, P=101325))
>>> sle('Tetradecanol', T=320) # Over melting point given T
>>> sle
SLE(imol=MolarFlowIndexer(phases=('l', 's'),
l=[('Tetradecanol', 30)]),
thermal_condition=ThermalCondition(T=320.00, P=101325))
>>> sle('Tetradecanol', H=0.) # Under melting point given H
>>> sle
SLE(imol=MolarFlowIndexer(phases=('l', 's'),
s=[('Tetradecanol', 30)]),
thermal_condition=ThermalCondition(T=298.15, P=101325))
>>> sle('Tetradecanol', H=1000000) # Over melting point given H
>>> sle
SLE(imol=MolarFlowIndexer(phases=('l', 's'),
l=[('Tetradecanol', 30)]),
thermal_condition=ThermalCondition(T=317.59, P=101325))
>>> sle('Tetradecanol', H=500000) # At melting point given H
>>> sle
l=[('Tetradecanol', 13.2)],
s=[('Tetradecanol', 16.8)]),
thermal_condition=ThermalCondition(T=312.65, P=101325))
__slots__ = ('_x', # [float] Fraction of solute as a solid.
'_gamma', # [ActivityCoefficients] Estimates activity coefficients of a liquid.
'_liquid_mol', # [1d array] Liquid molar data.
'_solid_mol', # [1d array] Solid molar data.
'_phase_data', # tuple[str, 1d array] Phase-data pairs.
'_index', # [1d array] Index of chemicals in equilibrium.
'_chemical', # [Chemical] Single chemical in equilibrium.
'_nonzero', # [1d array(bool)] Chemicals present in the mixture
'_mol_solute', # [float] Solute molar data.
'_solute_index', # [int] Solute index
'_solute_gamma_index', # [int] Solute index for activity coefficients
'activity_coefficient', # [float] Activity coefficient of solute in the liquid; only valid thermo.Gamma is IdealActivityCoefficients.
def __init__(self, imol=None, thermal_condition=None, thermo=None,
super().__init__(imol, thermal_condition, thermo)
self._phase_data = tuple(imol)
self._nonzero = None
self._index = ()
self._chemical = None
self._x = None
self.activity_coefficient = activity_coefficient
def _setup(self):
# Get flow rates
imol = self._imol
self._phase_data = tuple(imol)
self._liquid_mol = liquid_mol = imol['l']
self._solid_mol = solid_mol = imol['s']
mol = liquid_mol + solid_mol
solute_index = self._solute_index
self._mol_solute = mol_solute = mol[solute_index]
if not mol_solute:
raise RuntimeError('no solute available')
nonzero = frozenset(mol.nonzero_keys())
if self._nonzero == nonzero:
index = self._index
chemicals = self.chemicals
# Set up indices for both equilibrium and non-equilibrium species
index = chemicals.get_lle_indices(nonzero)
N = len(index)
if N == 1:
self._chemical = chemicals.tuple[solute_index]
# Set equilibrium objects
eq_chems = chemicals.tuple
eq_chems = [eq_chems[i] for i in index]
self._nonzero = nonzero
self._index = index
thermo = self._thermo
self._gamma = thermo.Gamma(eq_chems)
self._solute_gamma_index = self._index.index(solute_index)
def __call__(self, solute, T=None, P=None, H=None, solubility=None):
Perform solid-liquid equilibrium.
T : float, optional
Operating temperature [K].
P : float, optional
Operating pressure [Pa].
H : float, optional
Operating enthalpy [kJ]
solubility : float, optional
Mol fraction of solute at maximum solubility.
thermal_condition = self.thermal_condition
chemicals = self.chemicals
mixture = self.mixture
phase_data = self._phase_data
self._solute_index = solute_index = chemicals.get_index(solute)
T_given = T is not None
H_given = H is not None
if not (T_given or H_given):
raise ValueError('must pass T or H; none passed')
if T_given and H_given:
raise ValueError('must pass either T or H; not both')
if P: thermal_condition.P = P
else: P = thermal_condition.P
if T_given: thermal_condition.T = T
else: T = thermal_condition.T
if solubility is not None:
solute_index = self._solute_index
self._mol_solute = (
self._solid_mol[solute_index] + self._liquid_mol[solute_index]
self._index = slice(None)
if T_given:
thermal_condition.T = T
elif H_given:
thermal_condition.T = mixture.xsolve_T_at_HP(phase_data, H, T, P)
raise Exception('Unknown')
mol_solute = self._mol_solute
liquid_mol = self._liquid_mol
solid_mol = self._solid_mol
if T_given:
if self._chemical:
thermal_condition.T = T
Tm = self._chemical.Tm
if T > Tm:
liquid_mol[solute_index] = mol_solute
solid_mol[solute_index] = 0.
liquid_mol[solute_index] = 0.
solid_mol[solute_index] = mol_solute
solubility = self._solve_x(T)
elif H_given:
if self._chemical:
# Set temperature in equilibrium
self._thermal_condition.T = T = Tm = self._chemical.Tm
# Check if liquid
liquid_mol[solute_index] = mol_solute
solid_mol[solute_index] = 0.
H_liq = mixture.xH(phase_data, T, P)
if H >= H_liq:
self._thermal_condition.T = mixture.xsolve_T_at_HP(phase_data, H, T, P)
# Check if subcooled liquid
liquid_mol[solute_index] = 0.
solid_mol[solute_index] = mol_solute
H_sol = mixture.xH(phase_data, T, P)
if H <= H_sol:
self._thermal_condition.T = mixture.xsolve_T_at_HP(phase_data, H, T, P)
# Adjust liquid fraction accordingly
L = (H - H_sol)/(H_liq - H_sol)
liquid_mol[solute_index] = L * mol_solute
solid_mol[solute_index] = mol_solute - liquid_mol[solute_index]
elif H_given:
def f(T):
solubility = self._solve_x(T)
return mixture.xsolve_T_at_HP(phase_data, H, T, P)
self._thermal_condition.T = T = flx.aitken(
f, mixture.xsolve_T_at_HP(phase_data, H, T, P),
1e-3, (), 50, checkiter=False
raise Exception('unknown')
def _update_solubility(self, x):
solute_index = self._solute_index
liquid_mol = self._liquid_mol
solid_mol = self._solid_mol
F_mol_liquid = liquid_mol[self._index].sum() - liquid_mol[solute_index]
mol_solute = self._mol_solute
x_max = mol_solute / (F_mol_liquid + mol_solute)
if x < 0.:
liquid_mol[solute_index] = 0.
solid_mol[solute_index] = mol_solute
elif x >= x_max:
liquid_mol[solute_index] = mol_solute
solid_mol[solute_index] = 0.
liquid_mol[solute_index] = mol_solute_liquid = F_mol_liquid * x / (1 - x)
solid_mol[solute_index] = mol_solute - mol_solute_liquid
def _solve_x(self, T):
solute_chemical = self.chemicals.tuple[self._solute_index]
Tm = solute_chemical.Tm
if Tm is None: raise RuntimeError(f"solute {solute_chemical} does not have a melting temperature, Tm")
Cpl = solute_chemical.Cn.l(T)
Cps = solute_chemical.Cn.s(T)
Hm = solute_chemical.Hfus
if Hm is None: raise RuntimeError(f"solute {solute_chemical} does not have a heat of fusion, Hfus")
gamma = 1.
x = solubility_eutectic(T, Tm, Hm, Cpl, Cps, gamma) # Initial guess
args = (T, Tm, Hm, Cpl, Cps)
if isinstance(self._gamma, IdealActivityCoefficients):
return solubility_eutectic(T, Tm, Hm, Cpl, Cps, self.activity_coefficient or 1.)
return flx.aitken(self._x_iter, x, xtol=1e-6, args=args, checkiter=False, maxiter=100)
def _x_iter(self, x, T, Tm, Hm, Cpl, Cps):
liquid_mol = self._liquid_mol[self._index]
F_mol_liquid = liquid_mol.sum()
x_l = liquid_mol / F_mol_liquid
gamma = self._gamma(x_l, T)
return solubility_eutectic(T, Tm, Hm, Cpl, Cps, gamma[self._solute_gamma_index])
class SLECache(Cache): load = SLE
del Cache, Equilibrium