Source code for thermosteam.functional

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# BioSTEAM: The Biorefinery Simulation and Techno-Economic Analysis Modules
# Copyright (C) 2020-2023, Yoel Cortes-Pena <>
# This module is under the UIUC open-source license. See 
# for license details.
from chemicals import *
from chemicals.utils import *
from fluids.core import Pr, alpha
from thermosteam.base import functor
from numba import njit
import numpy as np

def horner(T, coeffs):
    tot = 0
    for c in coeffs: tot = tot * T + c
    return tot 

[docs] @njit(cache=True) def normalize(array, sum_array=None, minimum=1e-16): """ Return a normalized array to a magnitude of 1. If magnitude is zero, all fractions will have equal value. """ if sum_array is None: sum_array = array.sum() if sum_array < minimum: size = array.size return np.ones(size)/size else: return array/sum_array
[docs] def first_true_index(x): """ Return index of first true value. """ for index, i in enumerate(x): if i: return index
[docs] @njit(cache=True) def mixing_simple(z, y): r''' Return a weighted average of `y` given the weights, `z`. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> mixing_simple(np.array([0.1, 0.9]), np.array([0.01, 0.02])) 0.019000000000000003 ''' return (z * y).sum()
[docs] @njit(cache=True) def mixing_logarithmic(z, y): r''' Return the logarithmic weighted average `y` given weights, `z`. .. math:: y = \sum_i z_i \cdot \log(y_i) Notes ----- Does not work on negative values. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> mixing_logarithmic(np.array([0.1, 0.9]), np.array([0.01, 0.02])) 0.01866065983073615 ''' return np.exp((z*np.log(y)).sum())
[docs] @njit(cache=True) def mu_to_nu(mu, rho): r""" Return the kinematic viscosity (nu) given the dynamic viscosity (mu) and density (rho). .. math:: \nu = \frac{\mu}{\rho} Examples -------- >>> mu_to_nu(0.000998, 998.) 1.0e-06 """ return mu/rho
[docs] @njit(cache=True) def V_to_rho(V, MW): r''' Return the density (rho) in kg/m^3 given the molar volume (V) in m^3/mol and molecular weight (MW) in g/mol. .. math:: \rho = \frac{MW}{1000\cdot V} Parameters ---------- V : float Molar volume, [m^3/mol] MW : float Molecular weight, [g/mol] Returns ------- rho : float Density, [kg/m^3] Examples -------- >>> V_to_rho(0.000132, 86.18) 652.878... ''' return MW/V/1000.
[docs] @njit(cache=True) def rho_to_V(rho, MW): r''' Return the molar volume (V) in m^3/mol given the density (rho) in kg/m^3 and molecular weight (MW) in g/mol. .. math:: V = \left(\frac{1000 \rho}{MW}\right)^{-1} Parameters ---------- rho : float Density, [kg/m^3] MW : float Molecular weight, [g/mol] Returns ------- V : float Molar volume, [m^3/mol] Examples -------- >>> rho_to_V(652.9, 86.18) 0.0001319957... ''' return MW/rho/1000.
def remove_negligible_negative_values(material): negative_index = material.negative_index() if negative_index: material_sum = abs(material).sum() if material_sum > 1e-16: negligible = material[negative_index] / material_sum > -1e-16 material[negligible] = 0. else: material[negative_index] = 0. del njit