.. raw:: html .. role:: red .. role:: green .. role:: orange .. role:: blue ThermoSTEAM: BioSTEAM's Premier Thermodynamic Engine ==================================================== .. figure:: class_diagram_light.png :class: only-light :align: center .. figure:: class_diagram_dark.png :class: only-dark :align: center - :blue:`Properties:` ThermoSTEAM builds upon `chemicals `_ and `thermo `_, from the Chemical Engineering Design Library, for thermodynamic models and data which become encapsulated as callable property classes. - :green:`Data:` Chemical objects manage the thermodynamic methods and makes sure to use a valid method at given temperatures and pressures whenever estimating properties. - :red:`Interface:` A thermodynamic property package is first defined through a Thermo object, which defines the working chemicals, mixing rules, and equlibrium estimation methods. Then, Stream objects can be used to estimate thermodynamic equilibrium, mixture properties, and mass and energy balances. - :orange:`Equilibrium:` Phase equilibrium calculations are handled by callable equilibrium objects. The main vapor-liquid equilibrium algorithm solves the modified Raoult’s law equation with activity coefficients estimated through interaction parameters for UNIQUAC Functional-group Activity Coefficients. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: Chemical Chemicals Thermo Stream MultiStream ThermalCondition ThermoData functor functional equilibrium/index reaction/index indexer/index mixture/index separations Related Projects ---------------- There are many third party open-source Python libraries that may provide additional resources for designing and modeling chemical processes: * `thermo `_: Chemical properties component of Chemical Engineering Design Library. * `chemicals `_: Chemical database component of Chemical Engineering Design Library. * `fluids `_: Fluid dynamics component of Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL) * `chempy `_: A package useful for chemistry written in Python. * `thermochem `_: Useful Python modules for Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry. * `chemics `_: A Python package for chemical reactor engineering. * `ase `_: The Atomic Simulation Environment. * `pMuTT `_: The Python Multiscale Thermochemistry Toolbox.