Source code for biorefineries.biodiesel.units.glycerolysis_reactor

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from thermosteam.reaction import Reaction, ParallelReaction
import thermosteam as tmo
import biosteam as bst
Rxn = tmo.reaction.Reaction
ParallelRxn = tmo.reaction.ParallelReaction

__all__ = (

[docs] class GlycerolysisReactor(bst.CSTR): _ins_size_is_fixed = False _N_ins = 2 _N_outs = 2 T_default = 273.15 + 230 P_default = 101325 tau_default = 2 def _setup(self): super()._setup() # End result is near 100% conversion of FFAs with selectivity # of 42% MAG, 47% DAG, 11% TAG: # [1] Erik Anderson. Superior Process Technologies. # Glycerolysis for Lowering Free Fatty Acid Levels # [2] Kapil Mamtani, KavehShahbaz Mohammed M.Farid. # Glycerolysis of free fatty acids: A review. # self.glycerolysis_baseline = ParallelReaction([ Reaction('FFA + Glycerol -> MAG + H2O', reactant='FFA', X=1.00), Reaction('DAG + Glycerol -> 2MAG', reactant='DAG', X=1.00), Reaction('TAG + 2Glycerol -> 3MAG', reactant='TAG', X=1.00), ]) self.glycerolysis = ParallelReaction([ Reaction('2MAG -> DAG + Glycerol', reactant='MAG', X=0.49), Reaction('3MAG -> TAG + 2Glycerol', reactant='MAG', X=0.13), ]) # Alternative preliminary modeling for legacy purposes: # self.glycerolysis = ParallelReaction([ # Reaction('FFA + Glycerol -> MAG + H2O', reactant='FFA', X=0.80), # Reaction('2FFA + Glycerol -> DAG + 2H2O', reactant='FFA', X=0.15), # Reaction('3FFA + Glycerol -> TAG + 3H2O', reactant='FFA', X=0.05), # ]) def _run(self): feed, *other, N2 = self.ins vent, effluent = self.outs vent.P = effluent.P = self.P vent.T = effluent.T = self.T vent.phase = 'g' effluent.mix_from(self.ins, energy_balance=False) self.glycerolysis_baseline.force_reaction(effluent) self.glycerolysis(effluent) effluent.mol.remove_negatives() # The correct glycerol flow rate is taken care of in a unit specification vent.copy_flow(effluent, ('N2', 'Water'), remove=True)