Source code for biosteam.units._flash

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# BioSTEAM: The Biorefinery Simulation and Techno-Economic Analysis Modules
# Copyright (C) 2020, Yoel Cortes-Pena <>
# This module is under the UIUC open-source license. See 
# for license details.
from .. import Unit, PowerUtility
from thermosteam import MultiStream, separations
from math import pi
import numpy as np
from . import design_tools as design
from .splitting import Splitter
from .heat_exchange import HX, HXutility
from thermosteam._graphics import vertical_vessel_graphics
import biosteam as bst

exp = np.exp
ln = np.log

# USDA Biodiesel: 
#V = np.pi*D**2/4*Ht*0.3048**3
#if not (0.1 < V < 70):
#    raise DesignError(f"Volume is out of bounds for costing")
#lambda V, CE: CE*13*V**0.62 # V (m3)
__all__ = ('Flash', 'SplitFlash')

# %% Flash

[docs] class Flash(design.PressureVessel, Unit): """ Create an equlibrium based flash drum with the option of having light non-keys and heavy non-keys completly separate into their respective phases. Design procedure is based on heuristics by Wayne D. Monnery & William Y. Svrcek [1]_. Purchase costs are based on correlations by Mulet et al. [2]_ [3]_ as compiled by Warren et. al. [4]_. Parameters ---------- ins : Inlet fluid. outs : * [0] Vapor product * [1] Liquid product P=None : float Operating pressure [Pa]. Q=None : float Duty [kJ/hr]. T=None : float Operating temperature [K]. V=None : float Molar vapor fraction. x=None : float Molar composition of liquid (for binary mixtures). y=None : float Molar composition of vapor (for binary mixtures). vessel_material : str, optional Vessel construction material. Defaults to 'Carbon steel'. vacuum_system_preference : 'Liquid-ring pump', 'Steam-jet ejector', or 'Dry-vacuum pump' If a vacuum system is needed, it will choose one according to this preference. Defaults to 'Liquid-ring pump'. has_glycol_groups=False : bool True if glycol groups are present in the mixture. has_amine_groups=False : bool True if amine groups are present in the mixture. vessel_type=None : 'Horizontal' or 'Vertical', optional Vessel separation type. If not specified, the vessel type will be chosen according to heuristics. holdup_time=15.0 : float Time it takes to raise liquid to half full [min]. surge_time=7.5 : float Time it takes to reach from normal to maximum liquied level [min]. has_mist_eliminator : bool True if using a mist eliminator pad. Notes ----- You may only specify two of the following parameters: P, Q, T, V, x, and y. Additionally, If x or y is specified, the other parameter must be either P or T (e.g., x and V is invalid). Examples -------- >>> from biosteam.units import Flash >>> from biosteam import Stream, settings >>> settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Glycerol'], cache=True) >>> feed = Stream('feed', Glycerol=300, Water=1000) >>> bp = feed.bubble_point_at_P() # Feed at bubble point T >>> feed.T = bp.T >>> F1 = Flash('F1', ... ins=feed, ... outs=('vapor', 'crude_glycerin'), ... P=101325, # Pa ... T=410.15) # K >>> F1.simulate() >>>'degC', P='atm') Flash: F1 ins... [0] feed phase: 'l', T: 100.67 degC, P: 1 atm flow (kmol/hr): Water 1e+03 Glycerol 300 outs... [0] vapor phase: 'g', T: 137 degC, P: 1 atm flow (kmol/hr): Water 958 Glycerol 2.32 [1] crude_glycerin phase: 'l', T: 137 degC, P: 1 atm flow (kmol/hr): Water 42.4 Glycerol 298 >>> F1.results() Flash Units F1 Medium pressure steam Duty kJ/hr 4.81e+07 Flow kmol/hr 1.33e+03 Cost USD/hr 366 Design Vessel type Horizontal Length ft 8.46 Diameter ft 5.5 Weight lb 2.51e+03 Wall thickness in 0.312 Vessel material Carbon steel Purchase cost Horizontal pressure vessel USD 1.47e+04 Platform and ladders USD 3.22e+03 Heat exchanger - Floating head USD 4.48e+04 Total purchase cost USD 6.26e+04 Utility cost USD/hr 366 References ---------- .. [1] "Design Two-Phase Separators Within the Right Limits", Chemical Engineering Progress Oct, 1993. .. [2] Mulet, A., A. B. Corripio, and L. B. Evans, “Estimate Costs of Pressure Vessels via Correlations,” Chem. Eng., 88(20), 145–150 (1981a). .. [3] Mulet, A., A.B. Corripio, and L.B.Evans, “Estimate Costs of Distillation and Absorption Towers via Correlations,” Chem. Eng., 88(26), 77–82 (1981b). .. [4] Seider, W. D., Lewin, D. R., Seader, J. D., Widagdo, S., Gani, R., & Ng, M. K. (2017). Product and Process Design Principles. Wiley. Cost Accounting and Capital Cost Estimation (Chapter 16) """ auxiliary_unit_names = ('heat_exchanger', 'vacuum_system', 'vapor_condenser') _auxin_index = { 'heat_exchanger': 0 } _units = {'Length': 'ft', 'Diameter': 'ft', 'Weight': 'lb', 'Wall thickness': 'in', 'Total volume': 'ft3'} _max_agile_design = ( 'Length', 'Diameter', 'Weight', 'Wall thickness', ) _F_BM_default = {'Liquid-ring pump': 1.0, **design.PressureVessel._F_BM_default} _graphics = vertical_vessel_graphics _N_outs = 2 def _init(self, V=None, T=None, Q=None, P=None, y=None, x=None, vessel_material='Carbon steel', vacuum_system_preference='Liquid-ring pump', has_glycol_groups=False, has_amine_groups=False, vessel_type=None, holdup_time=15, surge_time=7.5, has_mist_eliminator=False, flash_inlet=True, has_vapor_condenser=None, ): #: Enforced molar vapor fraction self.V = V #: Enforced operating temperature (K) self.T = T #: [array_like] Molar composition of vapor (for binary mixture) self.y = y #: [array_like] Molar composition of liquid (for binary mixture) self.x = x #: Enforced duty (kJ/hr) self.Q = Q #: Operating pressure (Pa) self.P = P #: [str] Vessel construction material self.vessel_material = vessel_material #: [str] If a vacuum system is needed, it will choose one according to this preference. self.vacuum_system_preference = vacuum_system_preference #: [bool] True if glycol groups are present in the mixture self.has_glycol_groups = has_glycol_groups #: [bool] True if amine groups are present in the mixture self.has_amine_groups = has_amine_groups #: [str] 'Horizontal', 'Vertical', or 'Default' self.vessel_type = vessel_type #: [float] Time it takes to raise liquid to half full (min) self.holdup_time = holdup_time #: [float] Time it takes to reach from normal to maximum liquied level (min) self.surge_time = surge_time #: [bool] True if using a mist eliminator pad self.has_mist_eliminator = has_mist_eliminator #: [bool] Whether to flash inlet. If inlet is already flashed, #: False can save simulation time. self.flash_inlet = flash_inlet #: [bool] Whether to condense the vapor leaving the flash. This allows #: vacuum systems to operate more efficiently. self.has_vapor_condenser = has_vapor_condenser self._load_components() def _load_components(self): self._multi_stream = ms = MultiStream(None, thermo=self.thermo) self.auxiliary( 'heat_exchanger', HXutility, ins=self.feed, outs=ms ) if self.has_vapor_condenser: self.auxiliary( 'vapor_condenser', HXutility, ins='vapor', outs=self.outs[0], V=0, rigorous=True, ) def reset_cache(self, isdynamic=None): self._multi_stream.reset_cache() self.heat_exchanger.reset_cache() @property def P(self): """Operating pressure (Pa).""" return self._P @P.setter def P(self, P): if P and P < 101325 and not self.power_utility: self.power_utility = PowerUtility() self._P = P @property def vapor(self): """Outlet vapor stream (equivalent to outs[0]).""" return self._outs[0] @vapor.setter def vapor(self, vapor): self._outs[0] = vapor @property def liquid(self): """Outlet liquid stream (equivalent to outs[1]).""" return self._outs[1] @liquid.setter def liquid(self, liquid): self._outs[1] = liquid def _default_vessel_type(self): vap, liq = self.outs F_mass_vap = vap.F_mass F_mass_liq = liq.F_mass return 'Vertical' if F_mass_vap / F_mass_liq >= 1 else 'Horizontal' def _run(self): separations.vle(self.ins[0], *self.outs, self.T, self.P, self.V, self.Q, self.x, self.y, self._multi_stream) if self.has_vapor_condenser: self.vapor_condenser.ins[0].copy_like(self.outs[0]) def _size_flash_vessel(self): vap, liq, *_ = self.outs self.no_vessel_needed = vap.isempty() or liq.isempty() if self.no_vessel_needed: self.design_results.clear() else: vessel_type = self.vessel_type if vessel_type == 'Vertical': args = self._vertical_vessel_pressure_diameter_and_length() elif vessel_type == 'Horizontal': args = self._horizontal_vessel_pressure_diameter_and_length() else: raise RuntimeError('unknown vessel type') # pragma: no cover self.design_results.update( self._vessel_design(*args) ) def _design(self): self._size_flash_vessel() if self.Q == 0.: self.heat_exchanger._setup() # Removes results else: self.heat_exchanger.simulate_as_auxiliary_exchanger(self.ins, self.outs, vle=self.flash_inlet) def _cost(self): D = self.design_results if not self.no_vessel_needed: self.baseline_purchase_costs.update( self._vessel_purchase_cost(D['Weight'], D['Diameter'], D['Length']) ) self._cost_vacuum() def _cost_vacuum(self): P = self.P if not P or P > 101320: self.vacuum_system = None else: Design = self.design_results R = Design['Diameter'] * 0.5 volume = 0.02832 * np.pi * Design['Length'] * R * R # Volume ft3 to m3 self.vacuum_system = bst.VacuumSystem( self, self.vacuum_system_preference, vessel_volume=volume, ) def _design_parameters(self): # Retrieve run_args and properties vap, liq, *_ = self._outs rhov = vap.get_property('rho', 'lb/ft3') rhol = liq.get_property('rho', 'lb/ft3') P = liq.get_property('P', 'psi') # Pressure (psi) vessel_type = self.vessel_type Th = self.holdup_time Ts = self.surge_time has_mist_eliminator = self.has_mist_eliminator # Calculate the volumetric flowrate Qv = vap.get_total_flow('ft^3 / s') Qll = liq.get_total_flow('ft^3 / min') # Calculate Ut and set Uv K = design.compute_Stokes_law_York_Demister_K_value(P) # Adjust K value if not has_mist_eliminator and vessel_type == 'Vertical': K /= 2 # Adjust for amine or glycol groups: if self.has_glycol_groups: K *= 0.6 elif self.has_amine_groups: K *= 0.8 Ut = K*((rhol - rhov) / rhov)**0.5 Uv = 0.75*Ut # Calculate Holdup and Surge volume Vh = Th*Qll Vs = Ts*Qll return rhov, rhol, P, Th, Ts, has_mist_eliminator, Qv, Qll, Ut, Uv, Vh, Vs def _vertical_vessel_pressure_diameter_and_length(self): rhov, rhol, P, Th, Ts, has_mist_eliminator, Qv, Qll, Ut, Uv, Vh, Vs = self._design_parameters() # Calculate internal diameter, Dvd Dvd = (4.0*Qv/(pi*Uv))**0.5 if has_mist_eliminator: D = design.ceil_half_step(Dvd + 0.4) else: D = design.ceil_half_step(Dvd) # Obtaining low liquid level height, Hlll Hlll = 0.5 if P < 300: Hlll = 1.25 # Calculate the height from Hlll to Normal liquid level, Hnll Hh = Vh/(pi/4.0*Dvd**2) if Hh < 1.0: Hh = 1.0 # Calculate the height from Hnll to High liquid level, Hhll Hs = Vs/(pi/4.0*Dvd**2) if Hs < 0.5: Hs = 0.5 # Calculate dN Qm = Qll / 60 + Qv lamda = Qll / 60 / Qm rhoM = rhol * lamda + rhov * (1 - lamda) dN = (4*Qm / (pi * 60.0 / (rhoM**0.5)))**0.5 dN = design.ceil_half_step(dN) # Calculate Hlin, assume with inlet diverter Hlin = 1.0 + dN # Calculate the vapor disengagement height Hv = 0.5*Dvd Hv2 = (2.0 if has_mist_eliminator else 3.0) + dN/2.0 # pragma: no cover if Hv2 < Hv: Hv = Hv2 Hv = Hv # Calculate total height, Ht Hme = 1.5 if has_mist_eliminator else 0.0 Ht = Hlll + Hh + Hs + Hlin + Hv + Hme Ht = design.ceil_half_step(Ht) # Find maximum and normal liquid level # Hhll = Hs + Hh + Hlll # Hnll = Hh + Hlll return P, D, Ht def _horizontal_vessel_pressure_diameter_and_length(self): rhov, rhol, P, Th, Ts, has_mist_eliminator, Qv, Qll, Ut, Uv, Vh, Vs = self._design_parameters() # Initialize LD if P > 0 and P <= 264.7: LD = 1.5/250.0*(P-14.7)+1.5 elif P > 264.7 and P <= 514.7: # pragma: no cover LD = 1.0/250.0*(P-14.7)+2.0 elif P > 514.7: # pragma: no cover LD = 5.0 D = (4.0*(Vh+Vs)/(0.6*pi*LD))**(1.0/3.0) if D <= 4.0: D = 4.0 else: D = design.ceil_half_step(D) for outerIter in range(50): At = pi*(D**2)/4.0 # Total area # Calculate Lower Liquid Area Hlll = round(0.5*D + 7.0) Hlll = Hlll/12.0 # D is in ft but Hlll is in inches X = Hlll/D Y = design.HNATable(1, X) Alll = Y*At # Calculate the Vapor disengagement area, Av Hv = 0.2*D if has_mist_eliminator and Hv <= 2.0: Hv = 2.0 elif Hv <= 1.0: Hv = 1.0 else: Hv = design.ceil_half_step(Hv) Av = design.HNATable(1, Hv/D)*At # Calculate minimum length for surge and holdup L = (Vh + Vs)/(At - Av - Alll) # Calculate liquid dropout Phi = Hv/Uv # Calculate actual vapor velocity Uva = Qv/Av # Calculate minimum length for vapor disengagement Lmin = Uva*Phi Li = L for innerIter in range(50): if L < 0.8*Lmin: Hv += 0.5 elif L > 1.2*Lmin: if has_mist_eliminator and Hv <= 2.0: Hv = 2.0 elif not has_mist_eliminator and Hv <= 1.0: Hv = 1.0 else: Hv -= 0.5 else: break Av = design.HNATable(1, Hv/D)*At Alll = design.HNATable(1, Hlll/D)*At Li = (Vh + Vs)/(At - Av - Alll) Phi = Hv/Uv Uva = Qv/Av Lmin = Uva*Phi L = Li LD = L/D # Check LD if LD < 1.2: if D <= 4.0: break else: D -= 0.5 if LD > 7.2: # pragma: no cover D += 0.5 else: break # Recalculate LD so it lies between 1.5 - 6.0 while True: LD = L / D if (LD < 1.5) and D <= 4.0: L += 0.5 elif LD < 1.5: D -= 0.5 elif (LD > 6.0): D += 0.5 else: break # # To check minimum Hv value # if int(has_mist_eliminator) == 1 and Hv <= 2.0: # Hv = 2.0 # if int(has_mist_eliminator) == 0 and Hv <= 1.0: # Hv = 1.0 # Calculate normal liquid level and High liquid level # Hhll = D - Hv # if (Hhll < 0.0): # Hhll = 0.0 # Anll = Alll + Vh/L # X = Anll/At # Y = HNATable(2, X) # Hnll = Y*D return P, D, L
# %% Special class SplitFlash(Flash): line = 'Flash' def _init(self, split, order=None, T=None, P=None, Q=None, vessel_material='Carbon steel', vacuum_system_preference='Liquid-ring pump', has_glycol_groups=False, has_amine_groups=False, vessel_type=None, holdup_time=15, surge_time=7.5, has_mist_eliminator=False, has_vapor_condenser=False, ): Splitter._init(self, split=split, order=order) self.has_vapor_condenser = has_vapor_condenser self._load_components() self.T = T #: Operating temperature (K) self.P = P #: Operating pressure (Pa) self.Q = Q #: Duty (kJ/hr) #: [str] Vessel construction material self.vessel_material = vessel_material #: [str] If a vacuum system is needed, it will choose one according to this preference. self.vacuum_system_preference = vacuum_system_preference #: [bool] True if glycol groups are present in the mixture self.has_glycol_groups = has_glycol_groups #: [bool] True if amine groups are present in the mixture self.has_amine_groups = has_amine_groups #: [str] 'Horizontal', 'Vertical', or 'Default' self.vessel_type = vessel_type #: [float] Time it takes to raise liquid to half full (min) self.holdup_time = holdup_time #: [float] Time it takes to reach from normal to maximum liquied level (min) self.surge_time = surge_time #: [bool] True if using a mist eliminator pad self.has_mist_eliminator = has_mist_eliminator self.flash_inlet = False isplit = Splitter.isplit split = Splitter.split V = None def _run(self): top, bot = self.outs feed, = self.ins feed_mol = feed.mol top.phase = 'g' bot.phase = 'l' top.mol[:] = top_mol = feed_mol * self.split bot.mol[:] = feed_mol - top_mol bot.T = top.T = self.T bot.P = top.P = self.P def _design(self): self.heat_exchanger.simulate_as_auxiliary_exchanger(self.ins, self.outs, vle=False) super()._design() # %% Single Component for MultiEffectEvaporator class Evaporator(Flash): _ins_size_is_fixed = True _N_ins = 2 _N_outs = 3 @property def P(self): return self._P @P.setter def P(self, P): if P is None: self._Hvap = self._P = self._T = None else: chemical = self.chemical self._T = T = chemical.Tsat(P) self._Hvap = chemical.Hvap(T) self._P = P @property def T(self): return self._T @T.setter def T(self, T): # pragma: no cover if T is None: self._Hvap = self._P = self._T = None else: chemical = self.chemical self._P = chemical.Psat(T) self._T = T def _init(self, Q=None, V=None, P=101325, chemical='7732-18-5'): super()._init(vessel_type='Vertical') self.chemical = self.chemicals[chemical] self.P = P self.Q = Q self.V = V def _load_components(self): pass def _run(self): feed, utility_vapor = self.ins vapor, liquid, utility_liquid = self.outs u_given = not utility_vapor.isempty() Q_given = self.Q is not None V_given = self.V is not None N_specs = u_given + Q_given + V_given if N_specs > 1: raise RuntimeError('can specify at most one of the following: Q, V, or utility vapor') if Q_given: Q = self.Q elif u_given: # Q can come from condensing a side stream utility_liquid.copy_like(utility_vapor) utility_liquid.phase = 'l' Q = utility_vapor.Hvap Q_given = True elif V_given: V = self.V else: # Default to no heat transfer Q = 0 Q_given = True feed_H = feed.H # Set exit conditions vapor.T = liquid.T = self.T vapor.P = liquid.P = self.P liquid.phase = 'l' vapor.phase = 'g' liquid.copy_flow(feed) chemical_ID = self.chemical.ID if Q_given: # Energy balance to find vapor fraction f = feed.imol[chemical_ID] H = feed_H + Q if f: Hvap = f * self._Hvap dH = (H - liquid.H) V = dH / Hvap if V < 0: vapor.imol[chemical_ID] = 0 liquid.imol[chemical_ID] = f liquid.H = H elif V > 1: vapor.imol[chemical_ID] = f liquid.imol[chemical_ID] = 0 try: vapor.H = H except RuntimeError: # Extrapolation failed vapor.phase = 'g' vapor.T = vapor.chemicals[chemical_ID].Tc else: vapor.imol[chemical_ID] = f * V liquid.imol[chemical_ID] = (1 - V) * f else: V = 0 Q = 0 elif V_given: # Specify fraction evaporated and compute Q V = self.V chemical_mol = feed.imol[chemical_ID] liquid.copy_flow(feed) liquid.imol[chemical_ID] = (1 - V) * chemical_mol vapor.imol[chemical_ID] = V * chemical_mol Q = liquid.H + vapor.H - feed.H self.design_results['Heat transfer'] = Q