
class Flash(ID='', ins=None, outs=(), thermo=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Create an equlibrium based flash drum with the option of having light non-keys and heavy non-keys completly separate into their respective phases. Design procedure is based on heuristics by Wayne D. Monnery & William Y. Svrcek [1]. Purchase costs are based on correlations by Mulet et al. [2] [3] as compiled by Warren et. al. [4].

  • ins (Stream], optional) – Inlet fluid.

  • outs (Stream], optional) –

    • [0] Vapor product

    • [1] Liquid product

  • P=None (float) – Operating pressure [Pa].

  • Q=None (float) – Duty [kJ/hr].

  • T=None (float) – Operating temperature [K].

  • V=None (float) – Molar vapor fraction.

  • x=None (float) – Molar composition of liquid (for binary mixtures).

  • y=None (float) – Molar composition of vapor (for binary mixtures).

  • vessel_material (str, optional) – Vessel construction material. Defaults to ‘Carbon steel’.

  • vacuum_system_preference ('Liquid-ring pump', 'Steam-jet ejector', or 'Dry-vacuum pump') – If a vacuum system is needed, it will choose one according to this preference. Defaults to ‘Liquid-ring pump’.

  • has_glycol_groups=False (bool) – True if glycol groups are present in the mixture.

  • has_amine_groups=False (bool) – True if amine groups are present in the mixture.

  • vessel_type=None ('Horizontal' or 'Vertical', optional) – Vessel separation type. If not specified, the vessel type will be chosen according to heuristics.

  • holdup_time=15.0 (float) – Time it takes to raise liquid to half full [min].

  • surge_time=7.5 (float) – Time it takes to reach from normal to maximum liquied level [min].

  • has_mist_eliminator (bool) – True if using a mist eliminator pad.


You may only specify two of the following parameters: P, Q, T, V, x, and y. Additionally, If x or y is specified, the other parameter must be either P or T (e.g., x and V is invalid).


>>> from biosteam.units import Flash
>>> from biosteam import Stream, settings
>>> settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Glycerol'], cache=True)
>>> feed = Stream('feed', Glycerol=300, Water=1000)
>>> bp = feed.bubble_point_at_P() # Feed at bubble point T
>>> feed.T = bp.T
>>> F1 = Flash('F1',
...            ins=feed,
...            outs=('vapor', 'crude_glycerin'),
...            P=101325, # Pa
...            T=410.15) # K
>>> F1.simulate()
>>> F1.show(T='degC', P='atm')
Flash: F1
[0] feed
    phase: 'l', T: 100.67 degC, P: 1 atm
    flow (kmol/hr): Water     1e+03
                    Glycerol  300
[0] vapor
    phase: 'g', T: 137 degC, P: 1 atm
    flow (kmol/hr): Water     958
                    Glycerol  2.32
[1] crude_glycerin
    phase: 'l', T: 137 degC, P: 1 atm
    flow (kmol/hr): Water     42.4
                    Glycerol  298
>>> F1.results()
Flash                                                   Units            F1
Medium pressure steam Duty                              kJ/hr      4.81e+07
                      Flow                            kmol/hr      1.33e+03
                      Cost                             USD/hr           366
Design                Vessel type                                Horizontal
                      Length                               ft          8.46
                      Diameter                             ft           5.5
                      Weight                               lb      2.51e+03
                      Wall thickness                       in         0.312
                      Vessel material                          Carbon steel
Purchase cost         Horizontal pressure vessel          USD      1.47e+04
                      Platform and ladders                USD      3.22e+03
                      Heat exchanger - Floating head      USD      4.48e+04
Total purchase cost                                       USD      6.26e+04
Utility cost                                           USD/hr           366


auxiliary_unit_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('heat_exchanger', 'vacuum_system', 'vapor_condenser')#

Auxiliary unit operation names.

property P#

Operating pressure (Pa).

property vapor#

Outlet vapor stream (equivalent to outs[0]).

property liquid#

Outlet liquid stream (equivalent to outs[1]).

line: str = 'Flash'#

class-attribute Name denoting the type of Unit class. Defaults to the class name of the first child class


Run mass and energy balance. This method also runs specifications user defined specifications unless it is being run within a specification (to avoid infinite loops).

See also

_run, specifications, add_specification, add_bounded_numerical_specification