
class PowerUtility(consumption=0.0, production=0.0)[source]#

Create an PowerUtility object that stores data on consumption and production of electricity.


The default price is 0.0782 USD/kWhr as suggested in [1].



Create a PowerUtility object:

>>> pu = PowerUtility()
>>> pu
PowerUtility(consumption=0.0, production=0.0)

PowerUtility objects have consumption and production attributes which are updated when setting the power with the assumption that a positive power means no production (only consumption) and a negative power means no consumption (only production).

>>> pu(power=-500)
>>> pu.consumption, pu.production
(0.0, 500.0)
>>> pu(power=500.)
>>> pu.consumption, pu.production
(500.0, 0.0)

It is possible to have both consumption and production by setting these attributes individually (instead of setting power)

>>> pu.production = 100.
>>> pu.power

Notice how the power is equal to the consumption minus the production.

The cost is available as a property:

>>> pu.cost # USD/hr

It may be useful to print results in different units of measure:

>>> pu.show(power='BTU/s')
 consumption: 474 BTU/s
 production: 94.8 BTU/s
 power: 379 BTU/s
 cost: 31.3 USD/hr
characterization_factors: dict[tuple[str, str], float] = {}#

Characterization factors for life cycle assessment [impact/kWhr] by impact key and kind (None, ‘consumption’, or ‘production’).

display_units: DisplayUnits = DisplayUnits(power='kW', cost='USD/hr')#

Units of measure for IPython display

consumption: float#

Electricity consumption [kW]

production: float#

Electricity production [kW]


Set consumption and production to zero.

classmethod get_CF(key, consumption=True, production=True, basis=None, units=None)[source]#

Return the life-cycle characterization factor for consumption and production on a kWhr basis given the impact key.

  • key (str) – Name of impact indicator.

  • consumption (Optional`[:py:class:`bool]) – Whether to return impact indicator for electricity consumption.

  • production (Optional`[:py:class:`bool]) – Whether to return impact indicator for electricity production.

  • basis (Optional`[:py:class:`str]) – Basis of characterization factor. Energy is the only valid dimension. Defaults to ‘kWhr’.

  • units (Optional`[:py:class:`str]) – Units of impact indicator. Before using this argument, the default units of the impact indicator should be defined with settings.define_impact_indicator. Units must also be dimensionally consistent with the default units.

classmethod set_CF(key, consumption=None, production=None, basis=None, units=None)[source]#

Set the life-cycle characterization factors for consumption and production on a kWhr basis given the impact key.

  • key (str) – Name of impact indicator.

  • consumption (Optional`[:py:class:`float]) – Impact indicator for electricity consumption.

  • production (Optional`[:py:class:`float]) – Impact indicator for electricity production.

  • basis (Optional`[:py:class:`str]) – Basis of characterization factor. Energy is the only valid dimension. Defaults to ‘kWhr’.

  • units (Optional`[:py:class:`str]) – Units of impact indicator. Before using this argument, the default units of the impact indicator should be defined with settings.define_impact_indicator. Units must also be dimensionally consistent with the default units.

classmethod default_price()[source]#

Reset price back to BioSTEAM’s default.

property power: float#

Power requirement [kW].

property rate: float#

Power requirement [kW].

property cost: float#

Cost [USD/hr]


Return the impact [impact/hr] given characterization factor keys for consumption and production. If no production key given, it defaults to the consumption key.


Mix in requirements of power utilities.


>>> pus = [PowerUtility(production=100),
...        PowerUtility(consumption=50),
...        PowerUtility(production=20)]
>>> pu = PowerUtility()
>>> pu.mix_from(pus)
>>> print(pu)
PowerUtility(consumption=50.0, production=120.0)

Copy consumption and production from another power utility.


Scale consumption and production accordingly.

classmethod sum(power_utilities)[source]#

Return a PowerUtility object that represents the sum of power utilities.


>>> pus = [PowerUtility(production=100),
...        PowerUtility(consumption=50),
...        PowerUtility(production=20)]
>>> pu = PowerUtility.sum(pus)
>>> print(pu)
PowerUtility(consumption=50.0, production=120.0)
get_property(name, units=None)#

Return property in requested units.

  • name (str) – Name of property.

  • units (Optional`[:py:class:`str]) – Units of measure. Defaults to the property’s original units of measure.

set_property(name, value, units=None)#

Set property in given units.

  • name (str) – Name of property.

  • value (float) – New value of property.

  • units (Optional`[:py:class:`str]) – Units of measure.