
class Compressor(ID='', ins=None, outs=(), thermo=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Abstract class for compressors that includes design and costing. Child classes should implement the _run method for mass and energy balances. Preliminary design and costing is estimated according to [1].

class IsothermalCompressor(ID='', ins=None, outs=(), thermo=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Create an isothermal compressor.

  • ins (Stream]]) – Inlet fluid.

  • outs (Stream]]) – Outlet fluid.

  • P (float) – Outlet pressure [Pa].

  • eta (float) – Isothermal efficiency.

  • vle (bool) – Whether to perform phase equilibrium calculations on the outflow. If False, the outlet will be assumed to be the same phase as the inlet.

  • type (str) – Type of compressor : blower/centrifugal/reciprocating. If None, the type will be determined automatically.


Default compressor selection, design and cost algorithms are adapted from [2].


Simulate reversible isothermal compression of gaseous hydrogen. Note that we set include_excess_energies=True to correctly account for the non-ideal behavior of hydrogen at high pressures. We further use the Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK) equation of state instead of the default Peng-Robinson (PR) because it is more accurate in this regime.

>>> import biosteam as bst
>>> from thermo import SRK
>>> thermo = bst.Thermo([bst.Chemical('H2', eos=SRK)])
>>> thermo.mixture.include_excess_energies = True
>>> bst.settings.set_thermo(thermo)
>>> feed = bst.Stream('feed', H2=1, T=298.15, P=20e5, phase='g')
>>> K = bst.units.IsothermalCompressor('K', ins=feed, outs='outlet', P=350e5, eta=1)
>>> K.simulate()
IsothermalCompressor: K
[0] feed
    phase: 'g', T: 298.15 K, P: 2e+06 Pa
    flow (kmol/hr): H2  1
[0] outlet
    phase: 'g', T: 298.15 K, P: 3.5e+07 Pa
    flow (kmol/hr): H2  1
>>> K.results()
Isothermal compressor                          Units               K
Electricity         Power                         kW            2.47
                    Cost                      USD/hr           0.193
Chilled water       Duty                       kJ/hr       -7.26e+03
                    Flow                     kmol/hr            7.53
                    Cost                      USD/hr          0.0363
Design              Type                               Reciprocating
                    Compressors in parallel                        1
                    Driver                            Electric motor
                    Ideal power                   kW             2.1
                    Ideal duty                 kJ/hr       -7.26e+03
                    Driver efficiency                           0.85
Purchase cost       Compressor(s)                USD             470
Total purchase cost                              USD             470
Utility cost                                  USD/hr            0.23
class IsentropicCompressor(ID='', ins=None, outs=(), thermo=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Create an isentropic compressor.

  • ins (Stream]]) – Inlet fluid.

  • outs (Stream]]) – Outlet fluid.

  • P (float) – Outlet pressure [Pa].

  • eta (float) – Isentropic efficiency.

  • vle (bool) – Whether to perform phase equilibrium calculations on the outflow. If False, the outlet will be assumed to be the same phase as the inlet.

  • type (str) – Type of compressor : blower/centrifugal/reciprocating. If None, the type will be determined automatically.


Default compressor selection, design and cost algorithms are adapted from [2].


Simulate isentropic compression of gaseous hydrogen with 70% efficiency:

>>> import biosteam as bst
>>> bst.settings.set_thermo(["H2"])
>>> feed = bst.Stream('feed', H2=1, T=25 + 273.15, P=101325, phase='g')
>>> K = bst.units.IsentropicCompressor('K1', ins=feed, outs='outlet', P=50e5, eta=0.7)
>>> K.simulate()
IsentropicCompressor: K1
[0] feed
    phase: 'g', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
    flow (kmol/hr): H2  1
[0] outlet
    phase: 'g', T: 1152 K, P: 5e+06 Pa
    flow (kmol/hr): H2  1
>>> K.results()
Isentropic compressor                          Units             K1
Electricity         Power                         kW              0
                    Cost                      USD/hr              0
High pressure steam Duty                       kJ/hr           12.7
                    Flow                     kmol/hr       0.000396
                    Cost                      USD/hr       0.000126
Design              Ideal power                   kW           4.92
                    Ideal duty                 kJ/hr              0
                    Type                                Centrifugal
                    Compressors in parallel                       1
                    Driver                            Steam turbine
                    Driver efficiency                          0.65
Purchase cost       Compressor(s)                USD       5.87e+04
Total purchase cost                              USD       5.87e+04
Utility cost                                  USD/hr       0.000126

Per default, the outlet phase is assumed to be the same as the inlet phase. If phase changes are to be accounted for, set vle=True:

>>> import biosteam as bst
>>> bst.settings.set_thermo(["H2O"])
>>> feed = bst.MultiStream('feed', T=372.75, P=1e5, l=[('H2O', 0.1)], g=[('H2O', 0.9)])
>>> K = bst.units.IsentropicCompressor('K2', ins=feed, outs='outlet', P=100e5, eta=1.0, vle=True)
>>> K.simulate()
IsentropicCompressor: K2
[0] feed
    phases: ('g', 'l'), T: 372.75 K, P: 100000 Pa
    flow (kmol/hr): (g) H2O  0.9
                    (l) H2O  0.1
[0] outlet
    phases: ('g', 'l'), T: 798.63 K, P: 1e+07 Pa
    flow (kmol/hr): (g) H2O  1
>>> K.results()
Isentropic compressor                          Units             K2
Electricity         Power                         kW              0
                    Cost                      USD/hr              0
High pressure steam Duty                       kJ/hr            9.8
                    Flow                     kmol/hr       0.000305
                    Cost                      USD/hr       9.66e-05
Design              Ideal power                   kW           5.42
                    Ideal duty                 kJ/hr              0
                    Type                                Centrifugal
                    Compressors in parallel                       1
                    Driver                            Steam turbine
                    Driver efficiency                          0.65
Purchase cost       Compressor(s)                USD       4.98e+04
Total purchase cost                              USD       4.98e+04
Utility cost                                  USD/hr       9.66e-05
>>> K.results()
Isentropic compressor                          Units             K2
Electricity         Power                         kW              0
                    Cost                      USD/hr              0
High pressure steam Duty                       kJ/hr            9.8
                    Flow                     kmol/hr       0.000305
                    Cost                      USD/hr       9.66e-05
Design              Ideal power                   kW           5.42
                    Ideal duty                 kJ/hr              0
                    Type                                Centrifugal
                    Compressors in parallel                       1
                    Driver                            Steam turbine
                    Driver efficiency                          0.65
Purchase cost       Compressor(s)                USD       4.98e+04
Total purchase cost                              USD       4.98e+04
Utility cost                                  USD/hr       9.66e-05
>>> K.results()
Isentropic compressor                          Units             K2
Electricity         Power                         kW              0
                    Cost                      USD/hr              0
High pressure steam Duty                       kJ/hr            9.8
                    Flow                     kmol/hr       0.000305
                    Cost                      USD/hr       9.66e-05
Design              Ideal power                   kW           5.42
                    Ideal duty                 kJ/hr              0
                    Type                                Centrifugal
                    Compressors in parallel                       1
                    Driver                            Steam turbine
                    Driver efficiency                          0.65
Purchase cost       Compressor(s)                USD       4.98e+04
Total purchase cost                              USD       4.98e+04
Utility cost                                  USD/hr       9.66e-05

Per default, the outlet phase is assumed to be the same as the inlet phase. If phase changes are to be accounted for, set vle=True:

>>> import biosteam as bst
>>> bst.settings.set_thermo(["H2O"])
>>> feed = bst.MultiStream('feed', T=372.75, P=1e5, l=[('H2O', 0.1)], g=[('H2O', 0.9)])
>>> K = bst.units.IsentropicCompressor('K2', ins=feed, outs='outlet', P=100e5, eta=1.0, vle=True)
>>> K.simulate()
IsentropicCompressor: K2
[0] feed
    phases: ('g', 'l'), T: 372.75 K, P: 100000 Pa
    flow (kmol/hr): (g) H2O  0.9
                    (l) H2O  0.1
[0] outlet
    phases: ('g', 'l'), T: 798.63 K, P: 1e+07 Pa
    flow (kmol/hr): (g) H2O  1
>>> K.results()
Isentropic compressor                          Units             K2
Electricity         Power                         kW              0
                    Cost                      USD/hr              0
High pressure steam Duty                       kJ/hr            9.8
                    Flow                     kmol/hr       0.000305
                    Cost                      USD/hr       9.66e-05
Design              Ideal power                   kW           5.42
                    Ideal duty                 kJ/hr              0
                    Type                                Centrifugal
                    Compressors in parallel                       1
                    Driver                            Steam turbine
                    Driver efficiency                          0.65
Purchase cost       Compressor(s)                USD       4.98e+04
Total purchase cost                              USD       4.98e+04
Utility cost                                  USD/hr       9.66e-05
class PolytropicCompressor(ID='', ins=None, outs=(), thermo=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Create a polytropic compressor.

  • ins (Stream]]) – Inlet fluid.

  • outs (Stream]]) – Outlet fluid.

  • P (float) – Outlet pressure [Pa].

  • eta (float) – Polytropic efficiency.

  • vle (bool) – Whether to perform phase equilibrium calculations on the outflow. If False, the outlet will be assumed to be the same phase as the inlet.

  • method (str) – ‘schultz’/’hundseid’. Calculation method for polytropic work. ‘hundseid’ is recommend for real gases at high pressure ratios.

  • n_steps (int) – Number of virtual steps used in numerical integration for hundseid method.

  • compressor_type (str) – Type of compressor : blower/centrifugal/reciprocating. If None, the type will be determined automatically.


Default compressor selection, design and cost algorithms are adapted from [2].


Simulate polytropic compression of hydrogen with 70% efficiency using the Schultz method [3]:

>>> import biosteam as bst
>>> thermo = bst.Thermo([bst.Chemical('H2')])
>>> thermo.mixture.include_excess_energies = True
>>> bst.settings.set_thermo(thermo)
>>> feed = bst.Stream('feed', H2=1, T=25 + 273.15, P=20e5, phase='g')
>>> K = bst.units.PolytropicCompressor('K1', ins=feed, outs='outlet', P=350e5, eta=0.7, method='schultz')
>>> K.simulate()
PolytropicCompressor: K1
[0] feed
    phase: 'g', T: 25 degC, P: 2e+06 Pa
    flow (kmol/hr): H2  1
[0] outlet
    phase: 'g', T: 713 degC, P: 3.5e+07 Pa
    flow (kmol/hr): H2  1
>>> K.results()
Polytropic compressor                         Units              K1
Electricity         Power                        kW            6.76
                    Cost                     USD/hr           0.529
Design              Polytropic work                        2.07e+04
                    Type                              Reciprocating
                    Compressors in parallel                       1
                    Driver                           Electric motor
                    Driver efficiency                          0.85
Purchase cost       Compressor(s)               USD        1.62e+03
Total purchase cost                             USD        1.62e+03
Utility cost                                 USD/hr           0.529

Repeat using Hundseid method [4]:

>>> K = bst.units.PolytropicCompressor('K1', ins=feed, outs='outlet', P=350e5, eta=0.7, method='hundseid', n_steps=200)
>>> K.simulate()
PolytropicCompressor: K1
[0] feed
    phase: 'g', T: 298.15 K, P: 2e+06 Pa
    flow (kmol/hr): H2  1
[0] outlet
    phase: 'g', T: 958.07 K, P: 3.5e+07 Pa
    flow (kmol/hr): H2  1
>>> K.results()
Polytropic compressor                         Units              K1
Electricity         Power                        kW            6.48
                    Cost                     USD/hr           0.507
Design              Polytropic work                        1.98e+04
                    Type                              Reciprocating
                    Compressors in parallel                       1
                    Driver                           Electric motor
                    Driver efficiency                          0.85
Purchase cost       Compressor(s)               USD        1.54e+03
Total purchase cost                             USD        1.54e+03
Utility cost                                 USD/hr           0.507
>>> K.results()
Polytropic compressor                         Units              K1
Electricity         Power                        kW            6.48
                    Cost                     USD/hr           0.507
Design              Polytropic work                        1.98e+04
                    Type                              Reciprocating
                    Compressors in parallel                       1
                    Driver                           Electric motor
                    Driver efficiency                          0.85
Purchase cost       Compressor(s)               USD        1.54e+03
Total purchase cost                             USD        1.54e+03
Utility cost                                 USD/hr           0.507

Repeat using Hundseid method [4]:

>>> K = bst.units.PolytropicCompressor('K1', ins=feed, outs='outlet', P=350e5, eta=0.7, method='hundseid', n_steps=200)
>>> K.simulate()
PolytropicCompressor: K1
[0] feed
    phase: 'g', T: 298.15 K, P: 2e+06 Pa
    flow (kmol/hr): H2  1
[0] outlet
    phase: 'g', T: 958.07 K, P: 3.5e+07 Pa
    flow (kmol/hr): H2  1
>>> K.results()
Polytropic compressor                         Units              K1
Electricity         Power                        kW            6.48
                    Cost                     USD/hr           0.507
Design              Polytropic work                        1.98e+04
                    Type                              Reciprocating
                    Compressors in parallel                       1
                    Driver                           Electric motor
                    Driver efficiency                          0.85
Purchase cost       Compressor(s)               USD        1.54e+03
Total purchase cost                             USD        1.54e+03
Utility cost                                 USD/hr           0.507
class MultistageCompressor(ID='', ins=None, outs=(), thermo=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Create a multistage compressor. Models multistage polytropic or isentropic compression with intermittent cooling.

There are two setup options:

  • Option 1: Define pr and n_stages (optionally eta, vle, type).

    Creates n_stages identical isentropic compressors. Each compressor is followed by a heat exchanger, which cools the effluent to inlet temperature.

  • Option 2: Define compressors and hxs.

    Takes a list of pre-defined compressors and heat exchangers and connects them in series. This option allows more flexibility in terms of the type of compressor (isentropic/polytropic) and parameterization (e.g. each stage can have different efficiencies and outlet temperatures).

  • ins (Stream]]) – Inlet fluid.

  • outs (Stream]]) – Outlet fluid.

  • pr (float) – (setup option 1) Pressure ratio between isentropic stages.

  • n_stages (float) – (setup option 1) Number of isentropic stages.

  • eta (float) – (setup option 1) Isentropic efficiency.

  • vle (bool) – (setup option 1) Whether to perform phase equilibrium calculations on the outflow of each stage. If False, the outlet will be assumed to be the same phase as the inlet.

  • compressor_type (str) – (setup option 1) Type of compressor : blower/centrifugal/reciprocating. If None, the type will be determined automatically.

  • compressors (list[_CompressorBase]) – (setup option 2) List of compressors to use for each stage.

  • hxs (list[HX]) – (setup option 2) List of heat exchangers to use for each stage.


Default compressor selection, design and cost algorithms are adapted from [2].


Simulate multistage compression of gaseous hydrogen (simple setup). Hydrogen is compressed isentropically (with an efficiency of 70%) from 20 bar to 320 bar in four stages (pressure ratio of two in each stage):

>>> import biosteam as bst
>>> thermo = bst.Thermo([bst.Chemical('H2')])
>>> thermo.mixture.include_excess_energies = True
>>> bst.settings.set_thermo(thermo)
>>> feed = bst.Stream('feed', H2=1, T=298.15, P=20e5, phase='g')
>>> K = bst.units.MultistageCompressor('K', ins=feed, outs='outlet', pr=2, n_stages=4, eta=0.7)
>>> K.simulate()
MultistageCompressor: K
[0] feed
    phase: 'g', T: 298.15 K, P: 2e+06 Pa
    flow (kmol/hr): H2  1
[0] outlet
    phase: 'g', T: 298.15 K, P: 3.2e+07 Pa
    flow (kmol/hr): H2  1
>>> K.results()
Multistage compressor                       Units                      K
Electricity         Power                      kW                      0
                    Cost                   USD/hr                      0
High pressure steam Duty                    kJ/hr                   5.68
                    Flow                  kmol/hr               0.000177
                    Cost                   USD/hr                5.6e-05
Chilled water       Duty                    kJ/hr              -1.12e+04
                    Flow                  kmol/hr                   7.42
                    Cost                   USD/hr                 0.0559
Design              Type                           Multistage compressor
                    Area                     ft^2                   1.54
Purchase cost       K k1 - Compressor(s)      USD               1.45e+04
                    K h1 - Double pipe        USD                    568
                    K k2 - Compressor(s)      USD               1.46e+04
                    K h2 - Double pipe        USD                    675
                    K k3 - Compressor(s)      USD               1.48e+04
                    K h3 - Double pipe        USD                    956
                    K k4 - Compressor(s)      USD               1.52e+04
                    K h4 - Double pipe        USD               1.78e+03
Total purchase cost                           USD                6.3e+04
Utility cost                               USD/hr                  0.056

Show the fluid state at the outlet of each heat exchanger:

>>> for hx in K.hxs:
...  hx.outs[0].show()
Stream: K_H1__K_K2 from <HXutility: K_H1> to <IsentropicCompressor: K_K2>
phase: 'g', T: 298.15 K, P: 4e+06 Pa
flow (kmol/hr): H2  1
Stream: K_H2__K_K3 from <HXutility: K_H2> to <IsentropicCompressor: K_K3>
phase: 'g', T: 298.15 K, P: 8e+06 Pa
flow (kmol/hr): H2  1
Stream: K_H3__K_K4 from <HXutility: K_H3> to <IsentropicCompressor: K_K4>
phase: 'g', T: 298.15 K, P: 1.6e+07 Pa
flow (kmol/hr): H2  1
Stream: outlet from <MultistageCompressor: K>
phase: 'g', T: 298.15 K, P: 3.2e+07 Pa
flow (kmol/hr): H2  1

If we want to setup more complex multistage compression schemes, we can pre-define the compressors and heat exchangers and pass them as a list to MultistageCompressor:

>>> ks = [
...     bst.units.IsentropicCompressor(P=30e5, eta=0.6),
...     bst.units.PolytropicCompressor(P=50e5, eta=0.65),
...     bst.units.IsentropicCompressor(P=90e5, eta=0.70),
...     bst.units.PolytropicCompressor(P=170e5, eta=0.75),
...     bst.units.IsentropicCompressor(P=320e5, eta=0.80),
... ]
>>> hxs = [bst.units.HXutility(T=T) for T in [310, 350, 400, 350, 298]]
>>> K = bst.units.MultistageCompressor('K2', ins=feed, outs='outlet', compressors=ks, hxs=hxs)
>>> K.simulate()
MultistageCompressor: K2
[0] feed
    phase: 'g', T: 298.15 K, P: 2e+06 Pa
    flow (kmol/hr): H2  1
[0] outlet
    phase: 'g', T: 298 K, P: 3.2e+07 Pa
    flow (kmol/hr): H2  1
>>> K.results()
Multistage compressor                        Units                     K2
Electricity         Power                       kW                      0
                    Cost                    USD/hr                      0
High pressure steam Duty                     kJ/hr                   6.48
                    Flow                   kmol/hr               0.000202
                    Cost                    USD/hr               6.39e-05
Chilled water       Duty                     kJ/hr              -5.63e+03
                    Flow                   kmol/hr                   3.73
                    Cost                    USD/hr                 0.0282
Cooling water       Duty                     kJ/hr              -7.15e+03
                    Flow                   kmol/hr                   4.88
                    Cost                    USD/hr                0.00238
Design              Type                            Multistage compressor
                    Area                      ft^2                   1.14
Purchase cost       K2 k1 - Compressor(s)      USD               1.11e+04
                    K2 h1 - Double pipe        USD                    297
                    K2 k2 - Compressor(s)      USD                1.3e+04
                    K2 h2 - Double pipe        USD                    199
                    K2 k3 - Compressor(s)      USD               1.44e+04
                    K2 h3 - Double pipe        USD                    129
                    K2 k4 - Compressor(s)      USD               1.64e+04
                    K2 h4 - Double pipe        USD                    753
                    K2 k5 - Compressor(s)      USD               1.45e+04
                    K2 h5 - Double pipe        USD               2.03e+03
Total purchase cost                            USD               7.27e+04
Utility cost                                USD/hr                 0.0306

Show the fluid state at the outlet of each heat exchanger:

>>> for hx in K.hxs:
...  hx.outs[0].show()
Stream: K2_H1__K2_K2 from <HXutility: K2_H1> to <PolytropicCompressor: K2_K2>
phase: 'g', T: 310 K, P: 3e+06 Pa
flow (kmol/hr): H2  1
Stream: K2_H2__K2_K3 from <HXutility: K2_H2> to <IsentropicCompressor: K2_K3>
phase: 'g', T: 350 K, P: 5e+06 Pa
flow (kmol/hr): H2  1
Stream: K2_H3__K2_K4 from <HXutility: K2_H3> to <PolytropicCompressor: K2_K4>
phase: 'g', T: 400 K, P: 9e+06 Pa
flow (kmol/hr): H2  1
Stream: K2_H4__K2_K5 from <HXutility: K2_H4> to <IsentropicCompressor: K2_K5>
phase: 'g', T: 350 K, P: 1.7e+07 Pa
flow (kmol/hr): H2  1
Stream: outlet from <MultistageCompressor: K2>
phase: 'g', T: 298 K, P: 3.2e+07 Pa
flow (kmol/hr): H2  1

Show the fluid state at the outlet of each heat exchanger:

>>> for hx in K.hxs:
...  hx.outs[0].show()
Stream: K2_H1__K2_K2 from <HXutility: K2_H1> to <PolytropicCompressor: K2_K2>
phase: 'g', T: 310 K, P: 3e+06 Pa
flow (kmol/hr): H2  1
Stream: K2_H2__K2_K3 from <HXutility: K2_H2> to <IsentropicCompressor: K2_K3>
phase: 'g', T: 350 K, P: 5e+06 Pa
flow (kmol/hr): H2  1
Stream: K2_H3__K2_K4 from <HXutility: K2_H3> to <PolytropicCompressor: K2_K4>
phase: 'g', T: 400 K, P: 9e+06 Pa
flow (kmol/hr): H2  1
Stream: K2_H4__K2_K5 from <HXutility: K2_H4> to <IsentropicCompressor: K2_K5>
phase: 'g', T: 350 K, P: 1.7e+07 Pa
flow (kmol/hr): H2  1
Stream: outlet from <MultistageCompressor: K2>
phase: 'g', T: 298 K, P: 3.2e+07 Pa
flow (kmol/hr): H2  1

If we want to setup more complex multistage compression schemes, we can pre-define the compressors and heat exchangers and pass them as a list to MultistageCompressor:

>>> ks = [
...     bst.units.IsentropicCompressor(P=30e5, eta=0.6),
...     bst.units.PolytropicCompressor(P=50e5, eta=0.65),
...     bst.units.IsentropicCompressor(P=90e5, eta=0.70),
...     bst.units.PolytropicCompressor(P=170e5, eta=0.75),
...     bst.units.IsentropicCompressor(P=320e5, eta=0.80),
... ]
>>> hxs = [bst.units.HXutility(T=T) for T in [310, 350, 400, 350, 298]]
>>> K = bst.units.MultistageCompressor('K2', ins=feed, outs='outlet', compressors=ks, hxs=hxs)
>>> K.simulate()
MultistageCompressor: K2
[0] feed
    phase: 'g', T: 298.15 K, P: 2e+06 Pa
    flow (kmol/hr): H2  1
[0] outlet
    phase: 'g', T: 298 K, P: 3.2e+07 Pa
    flow (kmol/hr): H2  1
>>> K.results()
Multistage compressor                        Units                     K2
Electricity         Power                       kW                      0
                    Cost                    USD/hr                      0
High pressure steam Duty                     kJ/hr                   6.48
                    Flow                   kmol/hr               0.000202
                    Cost                    USD/hr               6.39e-05
Chilled water       Duty                     kJ/hr              -5.63e+03
                    Flow                   kmol/hr                   3.73
                    Cost                    USD/hr                 0.0282
Cooling water       Duty                     kJ/hr              -7.15e+03
                    Flow                   kmol/hr                   4.88
                    Cost                    USD/hr                0.00238
Design              Type                            Multistage compressor
                    Area                      ft^2                   1.14
Purchase cost       K2 k1 - Compressor(s)      USD               1.11e+04
                    K2 h1 - Double pipe        USD                    297
                    K2 k2 - Compressor(s)      USD                1.3e+04
                    K2 h2 - Double pipe        USD                    199
                    K2 k3 - Compressor(s)      USD               1.44e+04
                    K2 h3 - Double pipe        USD                    129
                    K2 k4 - Compressor(s)      USD               1.64e+04
                    K2 h4 - Double pipe        USD                    753
                    K2 k5 - Compressor(s)      USD               1.45e+04
                    K2 h5 - Double pipe        USD               2.03e+03
Total purchase cost                            USD               7.27e+04
Utility cost                                USD/hr                 0.0306
