
class PoyintingCorrectionFactors(chemicals)[source]#

Abstract class for the estimation of Poyinting correction factors. Non-abstract subclasses should implement the following methods:

__init__(self, chemicals: Iterable[Chemical]):

Should use pure component data from chemicals to setup future calculations of Poyinting correction factors.

__call__(self, T: float, P: float):

Should accept the temperature T (in Kelvin) and pressure P (in Pascal), and return an array of Poyinting correction factors.

class MockPoyintingCorrectionFactors(chemicals)[source]#

Create a MockPoyintingCorrectionFactors object that estimates all poyinting correction factors to be 1 when called with a temperature (K) and pressure (Pa).


chemicals (Iterable[Chemical])

__call__(T, P, Psats=None)[source]#

Call self as a function.

class IdealGasPoyintingCorrectionFactors(chemicals)[source]#

Create an IdealGasPoyintingCorrectionFactors object that estimates poyinting correction factors assuming ideal gas when called with a temperature (K) and pressure (Pa).


chemicals (Iterable[Chemical])

__call__(T, P, Psats=None)[source]#

Call self as a function.