Material and specification factors as compiled by [1].
- vessel_material_factors = {'Carbon steel': 1.0, 'Copper': 1.2, 'Nickel': 2.5, 'Stainless steel': 2.0, 'Titanium': 6.0, 'Titanium clad': 3.0}#
Material factors for ordinary vessels
- pressure_vessel_material_factors = {'Carbon steel': 1.0, 'Carpenter 20CB-3': 3.2, 'Incoloy-825': 3.7, 'Inconel-600': 3.9, 'Low-alloy steel': 1.2, 'Monel-400': 3.6, 'Nickel-200': 5.4, 'Stainless steel 304': 1.7, 'Stainless steel 316': 2.1, 'Titanium': 7.7}#
Material factors for pressure vessels
- material_densities_lb_per_ft3 = {'Carbon steel': 490, 'Carpenter 20CB-3': None, 'Incoloy-825': None, 'Inconel-600': None, 'Low-alloy steel': None, 'Monel-400': None, 'Nickel-200': None, 'Stainless steel 304': 499.4, 'Stainless steel 316': 499.4, 'Titanium': None}#
Material densities in lb/ft^3
- material_densities_lb_per_in3 = {'Carbon steel': 0.284, 'Carpenter 20CB-3': None, 'Incoloy-825': None, 'Inconel-600': None, 'Low-alloy steel': None, 'Monel-400': None, 'Nickel-200': None, 'Stainless steel 304': 0.289, 'Stainless steel 316': 0.289, 'Titanium': None}#
Material densities in lb/in^3
- pump_material_factors = {'Bronze': 1.9, 'Cast iron': 1, 'Cast steel': 1.35, 'Ductile iron': 1.15, 'Hastelloy C': 2.95, 'Monel': 3.3, 'Nickel': 3.5, 'Stainless steel': 2, 'Titanium': 9.7}#
Material factors for pumps
- pump_gear_factors = {'EnclosedFanCooled': 1.4, 'ExplosionProofEnclosure': 1.8, 'OpenDripProof': 1}#
Gear-type cost factors for pumps
- pump_centrifugal_factors = {'2+HSC3600': 8.9, '2HSC3600': 2.7, 'HSC1800': 2, 'HSC3600': 1.7, 'VSC1800': 1.5, 'VSC3600': 1}#
Centrifugal-type cost factors for pumps. Keys are case-split orientation and shaft rpm.
- distillation_tray_type_factor = {'Bubble cap': 1.87, 'Sieve': 1, 'Valve': 1.18}#
Tray-type cost factors for distillation columns.
- tray_material_factor_functions = {'Carbon steel': <function compute_carbon_steel_material_factor>, 'Carpenter 20CB-3': <function compute_carpenter_20CB3_material_factor>, 'Monel': <function compute_monel_material_factor>, 'Stainless steel 304': <function compute_stainless_steel_304_material_factor>, 'Stainless steel 316': <function compute_stainless_steel_316_material_factor>}#
Material cost factors for distillation column trays.
- distillation_column_material_factors = {'Carbon steel': 1.0, 'Carpenter 20CB-3': 3.2, 'Incoloy-825': 3.7, 'Inconel-600': 3.9, 'Low-alloy steel': 1.2, 'Monel-400': 3.6, 'Nickel-200': 5.4, 'Stainless steel 304': 1.7, 'Stainless steel 316': 2.1, 'Titanium': 7.7}#
Material cost factors for distillation columns.
- shell_and_tube_material_factor_coefficients = {'Carbon steel/Cr-Mo steel': (1.55, 0.05), 'Carbon steel/Monel': (2.1, 0.13), 'Carbon steel/brass': (1.08, 0.05), 'Carbon steel/carbon steel': (0, 0), 'Carbon steel/stainles steel': (1.75, 0.13), 'Carbon steel/titanium': (5.2, 0.16), 'Cr-Mo steel/Cr-Mo steel': (1.7, 0.07), 'Monel/Monel': (3.3, 0.08), 'Stainless steel/stainless steel': (2.7, 0.07), 'Titanium/titanium': (9.6, 0.06)}#
dict[str, tuple[float, float]] Material factor coefficients of shell and tube heat exchangers. Keys are materials of construction of shell/tube and coefficients are a and b in Eq. (16.44).