
class Chemical(ID, cache=None, *, search_ID=None, eos=None, phase_ref=None, CAS=None, default=False, phase=None, search_db=True, V=None, Cn=None, mu=None, Cp=None, rho=None, sigma=None, kappa=None, epsilon=None, Psat=None, Hvap=None, method=None, **data)[source]#

Creates a Chemical object which contains constant chemical properties, as well as thermodynamic and transport properties as a function of temperature and pressure.

  • ID (str) –

    One of the following [-]:
    • Name, in IUPAC form or common form or an alias registered in PubChem

    • InChI name, prefixed by ‘InChI=1S/’ or ‘InChI=1/’

    • InChI key, prefixed by ‘InChIKey=’

    • PubChem CID, prefixed by ‘PubChem=’

    • SMILES (prefix with ‘SMILES=’ to ensure smiles parsing)

    • CAS number

  • cache (optional) – Whether or not to use cached chemicals and cache new chemicals.

  • search_ID (str, optional) – ID to search through database. Pass this key-word argument when you’d like to give a custom name to the chemical, but cannot find the chemical with that name.

  • eos (GCEOS subclass, optional) – Equation of state class for solving thermodynamic properties. Defaults to Peng-Robinson.

  • phase_ref ({'s', 'l', 'g'}, optional) – Reference phase of chemical.

  • CAS (str, optional) – CAS number of chemical.

  • phase ({'s', 'l' or 'g'}, optional) – Phase to set state of chemical.

  • search_db=True (bool, optional) – Whether to search the data base for chemical.

  • Cn (float or function(T), optional) – Molar heat capacity model [J/mol] as a function of temperature [K].

  • sigma (float or function(T), optional) – Surface tension model [N/m] as a function of temperature [K].

  • epsilon (float or function(T), optional) – Relative permittivity model [-] as a function of temperature [K].

  • Psat (float or function(T), optional) – Vapor pressure model [N/m] as a function of temperature [K].

  • Hvap (float or function(T), optional) – Heat of vaporization model [J/mol] as a function of temperature [K].

  • V (float or function(T, P), optional) – Molar volume model [m3/mol] as a function of temperature [K] and pressure [Pa].

  • mu (float or function(T, P), optional) – Dynamic viscosity model [Pa*s] as a function of temperature [K] and pressure [Pa].

  • kappa (float or function(T, P), optional) – Thermal conductivity model [W/m/K] as a function of temperature [K] and pressure [Pa].

  • Cp (float, optional) – Constant heat capacity model [J/g].

  • rho (float, optional) – Constant density model [kg/m3].

  • default=False (bool, optional) – Whether to default any missing chemical properties such as molar volume, heat capacity, surface tension, thermal conductivity, and molecular weight to that of water (on a weight basis).

  • **data (float or str) – User data (e.g. Tb, formula, etc.).


Chemical objects contain the same thermodynamic models and data as thermo’s Chemical objects, but present an API more suitable for BioSTEAM’s needs. Chemical objects contain pure component properties:

>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> # Initialize with an identifier
>>> # (e.g. by name, CAS, InChI...)
>>> Water = tmo.Chemical('Water')
>>> #
>>> # Chemical: Water (phase_ref='l')
>>> # [Names]  CAS: 7732-18-5
>>> #          InChI: H2O/h1H2
>>> #          InChI_key: XLYOFNOQVPJJNP-U...
>>> #          common_name: water
>>> #          iupac_name: ('oxidane',)
>>> #          pubchemid: 962
>>> #          smiles: O
>>> #          formula: H2O
>>> # [Groups] Dortmund: <1H2O>
>>> #          UNIFAC: <1H2O>
>>> #          PSRK: <1H2O>
>>> #          NIST: <Empty>
>>> # [Data]   MW: 18.015 g/mol
>>> #          Tm: 273.15 K
>>> #          Tb: 373.12 K
>>> #          Tt: 273.16 K
>>> #          Tc: 647.1 K
>>> #          Pt: 611.65 Pa
>>> #          Pc: 2.2064e+07 Pa
>>> #          Vc: 5.5948e-05 m^3/mol
>>> #          Hf: -2.8582e+05 J/mol
>>> #          S0: 70 J/K/mol
>>> #          LHV: -44011 J/mol
>>> #          HHV: -0 J/mol
>>> #          Hfus: 6010 J/mol
>>> #          Sfus: None
>>> #          omega: 0.3443
>>> #          dipole: 1.85 Debye
>>> #          similarity_variable: 0.16653
>>> #          iscyclic_aliphatic: 0
>>> #          combustion: {'H2O': 1.0}

All fields shown are accessible:

>>> Water.CAS

Functional group identifiers (e.g. Dortmund, UNIFAC, PSRK) allow for the estimation of activity coefficients through group contribution methods. In other words, these attributes define the functional groups for thermodynamic equilibrium calculations:

>>> Water.Dortmund
<DortmundGroupCounts: 1H2O>

Temperature (in Kelvin) and pressure (in Pascal) dependent properties can be computed:

>>> # Vapor pressure (Pa)
>>> Water.Psat(T=373.15)
>>> # Surface tension (N/m)
>>> Water.sigma(T=298.15)
>>> # Molar volume (m^3/mol)
>>> Water.V(phase='l', T=298.15, P=101325)

Note that the reference state of all chemicals is 25 degC and 1 atm:

>>> (Water.T_ref, Water.P_ref)
(298.15, 101325.0)
>>> # Enthalpy at reference conditions (J/mol; without excess energies)
>>> Water.H(T=298.15, phase='l')

Constant pure component properties are also available:

>>> # Molecular weight (g/mol)
>>> Water.MW
>>> # Boiling point (K)
>>> Water.Tb

Temperature dependent properties are managed by objects:

>>> # Water.Psat
>>> # VaporPressure(CASRN="7732-18-5", Tb=373.124, Tc=647.14, Pc=22048320.0, omega=0.344, extrapolation="AntoineAB|DIPPR101_ABC", method="HEOS_FIT")

Phase dependent properties have attributes with model handles for each phase:

>>> Water.V
<PhaseTPHandle(phase, T, P=None) -> V [m^3/mol]>
>>> # Water.V.l
>>> # VolumeLiquid(CASRN="7732-18-5", MW=18.01528, Tb=373.124, Tc=647.14, Pc=22048320.0, Vc=5.6-05, Zc=0.2294727, omega=0.344, dipole=1.85, Psat=VaporPressure(CASRN="7732-18-5", Tb=373.124, Tc=647.14, Pc=22048320.0, omega=0.344, extrapolation="AntoineAB|DIPPR101_ABC", method="WAGNER_MCGARRY"), eos=[PR(Tc=647.14, Pc=22048320.0, omega=0.344, T=298.15, P=101325.0)], extrapolation="constant", method="VDI_PPDS", method_P="COSTALD_COMPRESSED", tabular_extrapolation_permitted=True)

A new model can be added easily using add_method, for example:

>>> def User_antoine_model(T):
...     return 10.0**(10.116 -  1687.537 / (T - 42.98))
>>> # Water.Psat.add_method(f=User_antoine_model, Tmin=273.20, Tmax=473.20)
>>> # Water.Psat
>>> # VaporPressure(CASRN="7732-18-5", Tb=373.124, Tc=647.14, Pc=22048320.0, omega=0.344, extrapolation="AntoineAB|DIPPR101_ABC", method="USER_METHOD")

The add_method method is a high level interface that even lets you create a constant model:

>>> # Water.Cn.l.add_method(75.31)
>>> # Water.Cn('l', 350)


Because no bounds were given, the model assumes it is valid across all temperatures and pressures.

Choose what model to use through the method attribute:

>>> # list(sorted(Water.Cn.l.all_methods))
>>> # Water.Cn.l.method = 'ZABRANSKY_SPLINE_C'


For details on the available methods and the capabilities of objects like VaporPressure and VolumeLiquid, visit thermo’s documentation.

mu(phase, T, P)#

Dynamic viscosity [Pa*s].

kappa(phase, T, P)#

Thermal conductivity [W/m/K].

V(phase, T, P)#

Molar volume [m^3/mol].

Cn(phase, T)#

Molar heat capacity [J/mol/K].


Vapor pressure [Pa].


Heat of vaporization [J/mol]


Surface tension [N/m].


Relative permittivity [-]

S(phase, T, P)#

Entropy [J/mol].

H(phase, T)#

Enthalpy [J/mol].

S_excess(T, P)#

Excess entropy [J/mol].

H_excess(T, P)#

Excess enthalpy [J/mol].


alias of PR

T_ref = 298.15#

[float] Reference temperature in Kelvin

P_ref = 101325.0#

[float] Reference pressure in Pascal

H_ref = 0.0#

[float] Reference enthalpy in J/mol

chemical_cache = {}#

dict[str, Chemical] Cached chemicals

cache = False#

[bool] Wheather or not to search cache by default

classmethod new(ID, CAS, eos=None, phase_ref=None, phase=None, **data)[source]#

Create a new chemical from data without searching through the database, and load all possible models from given data.

classmethod blank(ID, CAS=None, phase_ref=None, phase=None, formula=None, aliases=None, synonyms=None, free_energies=True, atoms=None, **data)[source]#

Return a new Chemical object without any thermodynamic models or data (unless provided).

  • ID (str) – Chemical identifier.

  • CAS (str, optional) – CAS number. If none provided, it defaults to the ID.

  • phase_ref (str, optional) – Phase at the reference state (T=298.15, P=101325).

  • phase (str, optional) – Phase to set state as a single phase chemical.

  • **data – Any data to fill chemical with.


>>> from thermosteam import Chemical
>>> Substance = Chemical.blank('Substance')
Chemical: Substance (phase_ref='l')
[Names]  CAS: Substance
         InChI: None
         InChI_key: None
         common_name: None
         iupac_name: None
         pubchemid: None
         smiles: None
         formula: None
[Groups] Dortmund: <Empty>
         UNIFAC: <Empty>
         PSRK: <Empty>
         NIST: <Empty>
[Data]   MW: None
         Tm: None
         Tb: None
         Tt: None
         Tc: None
         Pt: None
         Pc: None
         Vc: None
         Hf: None
         S0: 0 J/K/mol
         LHV: None
         HHV: None
         Hfus: None
         Sfus: None
         omega: None
         dipole: None
         similarity_variable: None
         iscyclic_aliphatic: None
         combustion: None
property charge#

Charge of chemical as described in the chemical formula.

copy(ID, CAS=None, **data)[source]#

Return a copy of the chemical with a new ID.


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> Glucose = tmo.Chemical('Glucose')
>>> Mannose = Glucose.copy('Mannose')
>>> assert Mannose.MW == Glucose.MW
rho(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Return density given thermal condition [kg/m^3].


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> Water = tmo.Chemical('Water', cache=True)
>>> Water.rho('l', 298.15, 101325)
Cp(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Return heat capacity given thermal condition [J/g/K].


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> Water = tmo.Chemical('Water', cache=True)
>>> Water.Cp('l', 298.15, 101325)
alpha(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Return thermal diffusivity given thermal condition [m^2/s].


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> Water = tmo.Chemical('Water', cache=True)
>>> Water.alpha('l', 298.15, 101325)
nu(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Return kinematic viscosity given thermal condition [m^2/s].


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> Water = tmo.Chemical('Water', cache=True)
>>>'l', 298.15, 101325)
Pr(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Return the Prandtl number given thermal condition [-].


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> Water = tmo.Chemical('Water', cache=True)
>>> Water.Pr('l', 298.15, 101325)
get_property(name, units, *args, **kwargs)[source]#

Return property in requested units.

  • name (str) – Name of stream property.

  • units (str) – Units of measure.

  • *args – Thermal condition.

  • **kwargs – Thermal condition.


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> Water = tmo.Chemical('Water', cache=True)
>>> Water.get_property('sigma', 'N/m', 300.) # Surface tension
>>> Water.get_property('rho', 'g/cm3', 'l', 300., 101325) # Density
property phase_ref#

{‘s’, ‘l’, ‘g’} Phase at 298 K and 101325 Pa.

property ID#

[str] Identification of chemical.

property CAS#

[str] CAS number of chemical.

property aliases#

set[str] User-defined aliases.

property synonyms#

set[str] User-defined aliases.

property InChI#

[str] IUPAC International Chemical Identifier.

property InChI_key#

[str] IUPAC International Chemical Identifier shorthand.

property common_name#

[str] Common name identifier.

property iupac_name#

[tuple[str]] Standard names as defined by IUPAC.

property pubchemid#

[str] Chemical identifier as defined by PubMed.

property smiles#

[str] Chemical SMILES formula.

property formula#

[str] Chemical atomic formula.

property Dortmund#

[DortmundGroupCounts] Dictionary-like object with functional group numerical identifiers as keys and the number of groups as values.

property UNIFAC#

[UNIFACGroupCounts] Dictionary-like object with functional group numerical identifiers as keys and the number of groups as values.

property PSRK#

[PSRKGroupCounts] Dictionary-like object with functional group numerical identifiers as keys and the number of groups as values.

property NIST#

[NISTGroupCounts] Dictionary-like object with functional group numerical identifiers as keys and the number of groups as values.

property eos#

[object] Instance for solving equations of state.

property mu#

Dynamic viscosity [Pa*s].

property kappa#

Thermal conductivity [W/m/K].

property V#

Molar volume [m^3/mol].

property Cn#

Molar heat capacity [J/mol/K].

property Psat#

Vapor pressure [Pa].

property Hvap#

Heat of vaporization [J/mol].

property Hsub#

Heat of sublimation [J/mol].

property Psub#

Sublimation pressure [Pa].

property sigma#

Surface tension [N/m].

property epsilon#

Relative permittivity [-].

property S#

Entropy [J/mol].

property H#

Enthalpy [J/mol].

property S_excess#

Excess entropy [J/mol].

property H_excess#

Excess enthalpy [J/mol].

property MW#

Molecular weight [g/mol].

property Tm#

Normal melting temperature [K].

property Tb#

Normal boiling temperature [K].

property Pt#

Triple point pressure [Pa].

property Tt#

Triple point temperature [K].

property Tc#

Critical point temperature [K].

property Pc#

Critical point pressure [Pa].

property Vc#

Critical point molar volume [m^3/mol].

property Hfus#

Heat of fusion [J/mol].

property Sfus#

Entropy of fusion [J/mol].

property omega#

Acentric factor [-].

property dipole#

Dipole moment [Debye].

property similarity_variable#

Similarity variable [-].

property iscyclic_aliphatic#

Whether the chemical is cyclic-aliphatic.

property Hf#

Heat of formation at reference phase and temperature [J/mol].

property LHV#

Lower heating value [J/mol].

property HHV#

Higher heating value [J/mol].

property combustion#

dict[str, int] Combustion reaction.

property Stiel_Polar#

[float] Stiel Polar factor for computing surface tension.

property Zc#

[float] Compressibility factor.

property has_hydroxyl#

[bool] Whether or not chemical contains a hydroxyl functional group, as determined by the Dortmund/UNIFAC/PSRK functional groups.

property atoms#

int] Atom-count pairs based on formula.



get_combustion_reaction(chemicals=None, conversion=1.0)[source]#

Return a Reaction object defining the combustion of this chemical. If no combustion stoichiometry is available, return None.

get_phase(T=298.15, P=101325.0)[source]#

Return phase of chemical at given thermal condition.


>>> from thermosteam import Chemical
>>> Water = Chemical('Water', cache=True)
>>> Water.get_phase(T=400, P=101325)
Tsat(P, Tguess=None, Tmin=None, Tmax=None, *, check_validity=True)[source]#

Return the saturated temperature (in Kelvin) given the pressure (in Pascal).

reset(CAS, eos=None, phase_ref=None, smiles=None, InChI=None, InChI_key=None, pubchemid=None, iupac_name=None, common_name=None, formula=None, MW=None, Tm=None, Tb=None, Tc=None, Pc=None, Vc=None, omega=None, Tt=None, Pt=None, Hf=None, S0=None, LHV=None, combustion=None, HHV=None, Hfus=None, dipole=None, similarity_variable=None, iscyclic_aliphatic=None, aliases=None, synonyms=None, *, metadata=None, phase=None, free_energies=True)[source]#

Reset all chemical properties.

  • CAS (str) – CAS number of chemical to load.

  • eos (optional) – Equation of state. The default is Peng Robinson.

  • phase_ref (str, optional) – Phase reference. Defaults to the phase at 298.15 K and 101325 Pa.


Reset combustion data (LHV, HHV, and combustion attributes) based on the molecular formula and the heat of formation.


Reset the H, S, H_excess, and S_excess functors.


Return the attribute names of key properties required to model a process.


Default all properties with the chemical properties of water. If no properties given, all essential chemical properties that are missing are defaulted. properties which are still missing are returned as set.


properties (Iterable[str], optional) – Names of chemical properties to default.


missing_properties – Names of chemical properties that are still missing.

Return type:



>>> from thermosteam import Chemical
>>> Substance = Chemical.blank('Substance')
>>> missing_properties = Substance.default()
>>> sorted(missing_properties)
['Dortmund', 'Hvap', 'PSRK', 'Pc', 'Psat', 'Pt', 'Tb', 'Tc', 'Tm', 'Tt', 'UNIFAC', 'Vc', 'dipole', 'iscyclic_aliphatic', 'omega', 'similarity_variable']

Note that missing properties does not include essential properties volume, heat capacity, and conductivity.


Return a list all missing thermodynamic properties.


>>> from thermosteam import Chemical
>>> Substance = Chemical.blank('Substance', phase_ref='l')
>>> sorted(Substance.get_missing_properties())
['Cn', 'Dortmund', 'H', 'HHV', 'H_excess', 'Hf', 'Hfus', 'Hvap', 'LHV', 'MW', 'PSRK', 'Pc', 'Psat', 'Pt', 'S', 'S_excess', 'Sfus', 'Tb', 'Tc', 'Tm', 'Tt', 'UNIFAC', 'Vc', 'combustion', 'dipole', 'epsilon', 'iscyclic_aliphatic', 'kappa', 'mu', 'omega', 'sigma', 'similarity_variable']
copy_models_from(other, names=None)[source]#

Copy models from other.

property locked_state#

[str] Constant phase of chemical.

property N_solutes#

[int] Number of molecules formed when solvated.

at_state(phase, copy=False, reset_free_energies=True)[source]#

Set the state of chemical.


>>> from thermosteam import Chemical
>>> N2 = Chemical('N2')
>>> N2.at_state(phase='g')
>>> N2.H(298.15, None) # No longer a function of phase

Print all specifications