# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# BioSTEAM: The Biorefinery Simulation and Techno-Economic Analysis Modules
# Copyright (C) 2020-2023, Yoel Cortes-Pena <yoelcortes@gmail.com>
# This module is under the UIUC open-source license. See
# github.com/BioSTEAMDevelopmentGroup/biosteam/blob/master/LICENSE.txt
# for license details.
import thermosteam as tmo
from warnings import warn
from flexsolve import IQ_interpolation, aitken_secant
from chemicals.identifiers import pubchem_db
from chemicals.phase_change import (Tb as normal_boiling_point_temperature,
Tm as normal_melting_point_temperature,
Hfus as heat_of_fusion)
from chemicals.critical import (Ihmels,
Tc as critical_point_temperature,
Pc as critical_point_pressure,
Vc as critical_point_volume)
from chemicals.acentric import (omega as acentric_factor,
omega_definition as acentric_factor_definition,
LK_omega as acentric_factor_LK,
Stiel_polar_factor as compute_Stiel_Polar)
from chemicals.triple import (Tt as triple_point_temperature,
Pt as triple_point_pressure)
from chemicals.combustion import combustion_data, combustion_stoichiometry
from chemicals.reaction import (
Hf as heat_of_formation,
S0 as absolute_entropy_of_formation
from chemicals.elements import (
similarity_variable as compute_similarity_variable,
molecular_weight as compute_molecular_weight,
from chemicals.dipole import dipole_moment
from .free_energy import (
Enthalpy, Entropy, EntropyGas,
EnthalpyRefSolid, EnthalpyRefLiquid, EnthalpyRefGas,
EntropyRefSolid, EntropyRefLiquid, EntropyRefGas,
ExcessEnthalpyRefSolid, ExcessEnthalpyRefLiquid, ExcessEnthalpyRefGas,
ExcessEntropyRefSolid, ExcessEntropyRefLiquid, ExcessEntropyRefGas,
from .equilibrium.unifac import (
from .base import (PhaseHandle, PhaseTHandle, PhaseTPHandle,
from .units_of_measure import chemical_units_of_measure
from .utils import copy_maybe, check_valid_ID
from . import functional as fn
from ._phase import check_phase, valid_phases
from . import units_of_measure as thermo_units
from chemicals.utils import Z
from thermo.eos import IG, PR, SRK
from thermo import (
TDependentProperty, TPDependentProperty,
SublimationPressure, EnthalpySublimation,
VolumeSolid, VolumeLiquid, VolumeGas, VolumeSupercriticalLiquid,
HeatCapacitySolid, HeatCapacityLiquid, HeatCapacityGas,
ThermalConductivityLiquid, ThermalConductivityGas,
ViscosityLiquid, ViscosityGas,
# from .solubility import SolubilityParameter
# from .lennard_jones import Stockmayer, MolecularDiameter
# from .environment import GWP, ODP, logP
# from .refractivity import refractive_index
# from .electrochem import conductivity
__all__ = ('Chemical',)
# %% Temporarily here
# TODO: Make a data table for new additions (not just for common sugars).
# Source: PubChem
sugar_solid_densities = {
'50-99-7': 0.0001125975,
'57-48-7': 0.0001063495,
'3458-28-4': 0.00011698,
'25990-60-7': 9.84459e-05,
'59-23-4': 0.000120104,
class CompressibilityFactor:
__slots__ = ('V',)
def __init__(self, V):
self.V = V
def Z(self, T, P):
return Z(T, P, self.V(T, P))
def __repr__(self):
return f"{type(self).__name__}(self.V)"
from CoolProp.CoolProp import PropsSI
class CoolPropFreeEnergy:
__slots__ = ('_ref', 'cache', 'name', 'CAS', 'MW')
def __init__(self, CAS, name, MW):
self.CAS = CAS
self.name = name
self.cache = (None, None)
self._ref = PropsSI(self.name, 'T', 298.15, 'P', 101325., self.CAS) / 1000. * MW
self.MW = MW
def __call__(self, T, P):
return PropsSI(self.name, 'T', T, 'P', P, self.CAS) * self.MW / 1000. - self._ref
# %% Filling missing properties
def get_chemical_data(chemical):
getfield = getattr
return {i:getfield(chemical, i, None) for i in chemical.__slots__}
def unpickle_chemical(chemical_data):
chemical = object.__new__(Chemical)
setfield = setattr
for field, value in chemical_data.items():
setfield(chemical, field, value)
return chemical
# %% Representation
def chemical_identity(chemical, pretty=False):
typeheader = f"{type(chemical).__name__}:"
full_ID = f"{typeheader} {chemical.ID} (phase_ref={repr(chemical.phase_ref)})"
phase = chemical.locked_state
state = ' at ' + f"phase={repr(phase)}" if phase else ""
return full_ID + state
# %% Initialize EOS
def create_eos(eos, Tc, Pc, omega):
try: return eos(T=298.15, P=101325., Tc=Tc, Pc=Pc, omega=omega)
except: return IG(T=298.15, P=101325.)
# %% Resetting data
def reset_constant(chemical, var, value):
getfield = getattr
hasfield = hasattr
setfield = setattr
setfield(chemical, '_'+var, value)
isa = isinstance
for handle in _model_and_phase_handles:
handle = getfield(chemical, handle, None)
if handle is None: continue
if isa(handle, PhaseHandle):
for phase, obj in handle:
if hasfield(obj, var): setfield(obj, var, value)
elif hasfield(handle, var): setfield(handle, var, value)
def reset_energy_constant(chemical, var, value):
getfield = getattr
hasfield = hasattr
setfield = object.__setattr__
setfield(chemical, '_'+var, value)
isa = isinstance
for handle in _energy_handles:
handle = getfield(chemical, handle, None)
if handle is None: continue
if isa(handle, PhaseHandle):
for phase, obj in handle:
if hasfield(obj, var): setfield(obj, var, value)
elif hasfield(handle, var):
setfield(handle, var, value)
def raise_helpful_handle_error(var, handle):
if isinstance(handle, PhaseHandle):
raise AttributeError(
f"cannot set '{var}'; use `add_method` "
f"to modify the thermodynamic properties for "
f"each phase (e.g. {var}.l.add_method(...))")
elif isinstance(handle, TDependentProperty):
raise AttributeError(
f"cannot set '{var}'; use `{var}.add_method` to "
f"modify the thermodynamic property instead")
raise Exception(
'expected either a PhaseHandle or a TDependentProperty object; '
f'got a {type(handle).__name__} object instead')
def raise_helpful_energy_functor_error(energy_functor):
var = energy_functor.var
raise AttributeError(f"cannot set '{var}'; use the `<Chemical>.reset_free_energies` "
"method to reset the free energy models with updated "
"chemical data")
# %% Utilities
def as_chemical(chemical):
return chemical if isinstance(chemical, Chemical) else Chemical(chemical)
# %% Chemical fields
_names = ('_CAS',
_groups = ('_Dortmund',
_model_handles = ('_Psat', '_Hvap', '_sigma', '_epsilon', '_Hsub', '_Psub')
_phase_handles = ('_kappa', '_V', '_Cn', '_mu')
_energy_handles = ('_S_excess', '_H_excess', '_S', '_H')
_model_and_phase_handles = _model_handles + _phase_handles
_model_and_phase_properties = ('Psat', 'Hvap', 'sigma', 'epsilon',
'kappa', 'V', 'Cn', 'mu')
_handles = _model_and_phase_handles + _energy_handles
_data = ('_MW', '_Tm', '_Tb', '_Tt', '_Tc', '_Pt', '_Pc', '_Vc',
'_Hf', '_S0', '_LHV', '_HHV', '_Hfus', '_Sfus', '_omega', '_dipole',
'_similarity_variable', '_iscyclic_aliphatic', '_combustion',)
_functor_data = {'MW', 'Tm', 'Tb', 'Tt', 'Pt', 'Tc', 'Pc', 'Vc',
'Hfus', 'Sfus', 'omega', 'dipole',
'similarity_variable', 'iscyclic_aliphatic'}
_checked_properties = (
'phase_ref', 'eos',
'S_excess', 'H_excess', 'mu', 'kappa', 'V', 'S',
'H', 'Cn', 'Psat', 'Hvap', 'sigma', 'epsilon',
'Dortmund', 'UNIFAC', 'PSRK', 'Hf', 'LHV', 'HHV',
'combustion', *_functor_data
_chemical_fields = {'\n[Names] ': _names,
'\n[Groups] ': _groups,
'\n[Data] ': _data}
# %% Chemical
class Chemical:
Creates a Chemical object which contains constant chemical properties,
as well as thermodynamic and transport properties as a function of
temperature and pressure.
ID : str
One of the following [-]:
* Name, in IUPAC form or common form or an alias registered in PubChem
* InChI name, prefixed by 'InChI=1S/' or 'InChI=1/'
* InChI key, prefixed by 'InChIKey='
* PubChem CID, prefixed by 'PubChem='
* SMILES (prefix with 'SMILES=' to ensure smiles parsing)
* CAS number
cache : optional
Whether or not to use cached chemicals and cache new chemicals.
Other Parameters
search_ID : str, optional
ID to search through database. Pass this key-word argument
when you'd like to give a custom name to the chemical, but
cannot find the chemical with that name.
eos : GCEOS subclass, optional
Equation of state class for solving thermodynamic properties.
Defaults to Peng-Robinson.
phase_ref : {'s', 'l', 'g'}, optional
Reference phase of chemical.
CAS : str, optional
CAS number of chemical.
phase: {'s', 'l' or 'g'}, optional
Phase to set state of chemical.
search_db=True: bool, optional
Whether to search the data base for chemical.
Cn : float or function(T), optional
Molar heat capacity model [J/mol] as a function of temperature [K].
sigma : float or function(T), optional
Surface tension model [N/m] as a function of temperature [K].
epsilon : float or function(T), optional
Relative permittivity model [-] as a function of temperature [K].
Psat : float or function(T), optional
Vapor pressure model [N/m] as a function of temperature [K].
Hvap : float or function(T), optional
Heat of vaporization model [J/mol] as a function of temperature [K].
V : float or function(T, P), optional
Molar volume model [m3/mol] as a function of temperature [K] and pressure [Pa].
mu : float or function(T, P), optional
Dynamic viscosity model [Pa*s] as a function of temperature [K] and pressure [Pa].
kappa : float or function(T, P), optional
Thermal conductivity model [W/m/K] as a function of temperature [K] and pressure [Pa].
Cp : float, optional
Constant heat capacity model [J/g].
rho : float, optional
Constant density model [kg/m3].
default=False : bool, optional
Whether to default any missing chemical properties such as molar volume,
heat capacity, surface tension, thermal conductivity, and molecular weight
to that of water (on a weight basis).
**data : float or str
User data (e.g. Tb, formula, etc.).
Chemical objects contain the same thermodynamic models and data as
`thermo <https://thermo.readthedocs.io/>`_'s Chemical objects, but present
an API more suitable for `BioSTEAM <https://biosteam.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_'s needs.
Chemical objects contain pure component properties:
>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> # Initialize with an identifier
>>> # (e.g. by name, CAS, InChI...)
>>> Water = tmo.Chemical('Water')
>>> # Water.show()
>>> # Chemical: Water (phase_ref='l')
>>> # [Names] CAS: 7732-18-5
>>> # InChI: H2O/h1H2
>>> # InChI_key: XLYOFNOQVPJJNP-U...
>>> # common_name: water
>>> # iupac_name: ('oxidane',)
>>> # pubchemid: 962
>>> # smiles: O
>>> # formula: H2O
>>> # [Groups] Dortmund: <1H2O>
>>> # UNIFAC: <1H2O>
>>> # PSRK: <1H2O>
>>> # NIST: <Empty>
>>> # [Data] MW: 18.015 g/mol
>>> # Tm: 273.15 K
>>> # Tb: 373.12 K
>>> # Tt: 273.16 K
>>> # Tc: 647.1 K
>>> # Pt: 611.65 Pa
>>> # Pc: 2.2064e+07 Pa
>>> # Vc: 5.5948e-05 m^3/mol
>>> # Hf: -2.8582e+05 J/mol
>>> # S0: 70 J/K/mol
>>> # LHV: -44011 J/mol
>>> # HHV: -0 J/mol
>>> # Hfus: 6010 J/mol
>>> # Sfus: None
>>> # omega: 0.3443
>>> # dipole: 1.85 Debye
>>> # similarity_variable: 0.16653
>>> # iscyclic_aliphatic: 0
>>> # combustion: {'H2O': 1.0}
All fields shown are accessible:
>>> Water.CAS
Functional group identifiers (e.g. `Dortmund`, `UNIFAC`, `PSRK`) allow for the estimation of activity coefficients through group contribution methods. In other words, these attributes define the functional groups for thermodynamic equilibrium calculations:
>>> Water.Dortmund
<DortmundGroupCounts: 1H2O>
Temperature (in Kelvin) and pressure (in Pascal) dependent properties can be computed:
>>> # Vapor pressure (Pa)
>>> Water.Psat(T=373.15)
>>> # Surface tension (N/m)
>>> Water.sigma(T=298.15)
>>> # Molar volume (m^3/mol)
>>> Water.V(phase='l', T=298.15, P=101325)
Note that the reference state of all chemicals is 25 degC and 1 atm:
>>> (Water.T_ref, Water.P_ref)
(298.15, 101325.0)
>>> # Enthalpy at reference conditions (J/mol; without excess energies)
>>> Water.H(T=298.15, phase='l')
Constant pure component properties are also available:
>>> # Molecular weight (g/mol)
>>> Water.MW
>>> # Boiling point (K)
>>> Water.Tb
Temperature dependent properties are managed by objects:
>>> # Water.Psat
>>> # VaporPressure(CASRN="7732-18-5", Tb=373.124, Tc=647.14, Pc=22048320.0, omega=0.344, extrapolation="AntoineAB|DIPPR101_ABC", method="HEOS_FIT")
Phase dependent properties have attributes with model handles for each phase:
>>> Water.V
<PhaseTPHandle(phase, T, P=None) -> V [m^3/mol]>
>>> # Water.V.l
>>> # VolumeLiquid(CASRN="7732-18-5", MW=18.01528, Tb=373.124, Tc=647.14, Pc=22048320.0, Vc=5.6-05, Zc=0.2294727, omega=0.344, dipole=1.85, Psat=VaporPressure(CASRN="7732-18-5", Tb=373.124, Tc=647.14, Pc=22048320.0, omega=0.344, extrapolation="AntoineAB|DIPPR101_ABC", method="WAGNER_MCGARRY"), eos=[PR(Tc=647.14, Pc=22048320.0, omega=0.344, T=298.15, P=101325.0)], extrapolation="constant", method="VDI_PPDS", method_P="COSTALD_COMPRESSED", tabular_extrapolation_permitted=True)
A new model can be added easily using `add_method`, for example:
>>> def User_antoine_model(T):
... return 10.0**(10.116 - 1687.537 / (T - 42.98))
>>> # Water.Psat.add_method(f=User_antoine_model, Tmin=273.20, Tmax=473.20)
>>> # Water.Psat
>>> # VaporPressure(CASRN="7732-18-5", Tb=373.124, Tc=647.14, Pc=22048320.0, omega=0.344, extrapolation="AntoineAB|DIPPR101_ABC", method="USER_METHOD")
The `add_method` method is a high level interface that even lets you create a constant model:
>>> # Water.Cn.l.add_method(75.31)
>>> # Water.Cn('l', 350)
.. Note::
Because no bounds were given, the model assumes it is valid across all temperatures and pressures.
Choose what model to use through the `method` attribute:
>>> # list(sorted(Water.Cn.l.all_methods))
>>> # Water.Cn.l.method = 'ZABRANSKY_SPLINE_C'
.. note::
For details on the available methods and the capabilities of objects
like VaporPressure and VolumeLiquid, visit
`thermo's documentation <https://thermo.readthedocs.io/>`_.
mu(phase, T, P) :
Dynamic viscosity [Pa*s].
kappa(phase, T, P):
Thermal conductivity [W/m/K].
V(phase, T, P):
Molar volume [m^3/mol].
Cn(phase, T) :
Molar heat capacity [J/mol/K].
Psat(T) :
Vapor pressure [Pa].
Hvap(T) :
Heat of vaporization [J/mol]
sigma(T) :
Surface tension [N/m].
epsilon(T) :
Relative permittivity [-]
S(phase, T, P) :
Entropy [J/mol].
H(phase, T) :
Enthalpy [J/mol].
S_excess(T, P) :
Excess entropy [J/mol].
H_excess(T, P) :
Excess enthalpy [J/mol].
__slots__ = ('_ID', '_locked_state',
'_phase_ref', '_eos',
'_aliases', *_names, *_groups,
*_handles, *_data,
#: [thermo.GEOS] Default EOS for pure components
EOS_default = PR
#: [float] Reference temperature in Kelvin
T_ref = 298.15
#: [float] Reference pressure in Pascal
P_ref = 101325.
#: [float] Reference enthalpy in J/mol
H_ref = 0.
#: dict[str, Chemical] Cached chemicals
chemical_cache = {}
#: [bool] Wheather or not to search cache by default
cache = False
### Creators ###
def __new__(cls, ID, cache=None, *, search_ID=None,
eos=None, phase_ref=None, CAS=None,
default=False, phase=None, search_db=True,
V=None, Cn=None, mu=None, Cp=None, rho=None,
sigma=None, kappa=None, epsilon=None, Psat=None,
Hvap=None, method=None, **data):
chemical_cache = cls.chemical_cache
if cache is None: cache = cls.cache
if cache and ID in chemical_cache:
if any([search_ID, eos, phase_ref, CAS, default, phase,
V, Cn, mu, Cp, rho, sigma, kappa, epsilon, Psat, Hvap,
warn('cached chemical returned; additional parameters disregarded',
return chemical_cache[ID]
ID = ID.strip()
if not phase and len(ID) > 2 and ID[-2] == ',':
phase = ID[-1]
if phase not in valid_phases:
raise ValueError(f'invalid phase {repr(phase)} encountered while parsing ID')
ID = ID[:-2]
search_ID = search_ID or ID
if search_db:
metadata = pubchem_db.search(search_ID)
data['metadata'] = metadata
self = cls.new(ID, metadata.CASs, eos, phase_ref, phase, free_energies=False, **data)
self = cls.blank(ID, CAS, phase_ref, phase=phase, free_energies=False, **data)
if phase:
if mu: self._mu.add_method(mu)
if Cn: self._Cn.add_method(Cn)
if kappa: self._kappa.add_method(kappa)
if V: self._V.add_method(V)
multi_phase_items = (('mu', mu),
('Cn', Cn),
('kappa', kappa),
('Cp', Cp),
('rho', rho),
('V', V))
for i,j in multi_phase_items:
if j: raise ValueError(f'must specify phase to set {i} model')
if sigma: self._sigma.add_method(sigma)
if epsilon: self._epsilon.add_method(epsilon)
if Psat: self._Psat.add_method(Psat)
if Hvap: self._Hvap.add_method(Hvap)
if phase:
MW = self._MW
if Cp: self._Cn.add_method(Cp if MW is None else Cp * MW)
if rho: self._V.add_method(fn.rho_to_V(rho, 1.) if MW is None else fn.rho_to_V(rho, MW))
if default: self.default()
if cache:
chemical_cache[ID] = self
if len(chemical_cache) > 1000:
for i in chemical_cache:
del chemical_cache[i]
if method: self.set_method(method)
return self
def set_method(self, method):
for name in _model_handles:
model_handle = getattr(self, name)
if method not in model_handle.all_methods: continue
model_handle.method = method
for name in _phase_handles:
obj = getattr(self, name)
if method in model_handle.all_methods:
if isinstance(obj, PhaseHandle):
for phase, model_handle in obj:
model_handle.method = method
obj.method = method
if hasattr(model_handle, 'all_methods_P') and method in model_handle.all_methods_P:
if isinstance(obj, PhaseHandle):
for phase, model_handle in obj:
model_handle.method_P = method
obj.method_P = method
def use_coolprop_free_energies(self):
setattr = object.__setattr__
for name in ('_H', '_S'):
obj = getattr(self, name)
# Phase determined by coolprop
cpfe = CoolPropFreeEnergy(self.CAS, name.strip('_'), self.MW)
if isinstance(obj, PhaseHandle):
for phase, model_handle in obj: setattr(obj, phase, cpfe)
setattr(obj, phase, cpfe)
# Excess energies are always included
f = lambda T, P: 0.
for name in ('_H_excess', '_S_excess'):
obj = getattr(self, name)
if isinstance(obj, PhaseHandle):
for phase, model_handle in obj: setattr(obj, phase, f)
setattr(obj, phase, f)
def new(cls, ID, CAS, eos=None, phase_ref=None, phase=None, **data):
"""Create a new chemical from data without searching through
the database, and load all possible models from given data."""
self = super().__new__(cls)
self._ID = ID
self.reset(CAS, eos, phase_ref, phase=phase, **data)
return self
def blank(cls, ID, CAS=None, phase_ref=None, phase=None,
formula=None, aliases=None, synonyms=None, free_energies=True,
atoms=None, **data):
Return a new Chemical object without any thermodynamic models or data
(unless provided).
ID : str
Chemical identifier.
CAS : str, optional
CAS number. If none provided, it defaults to the `ID`.
phase_ref : str, optional
Phase at the reference state (T=298.15, P=101325).
phase : str, optional
Phase to set state as a single phase chemical.
**data :
Any data to fill chemical with.
>>> from thermosteam import Chemical
>>> Substance = Chemical.blank('Substance')
>>> Substance.show()
Chemical: Substance (phase_ref='l')
[Names] CAS: Substance
InChI: None
InChI_key: None
common_name: None
iupac_name: None
pubchemid: None
smiles: None
formula: None
[Groups] Dortmund: <Empty>
UNIFAC: <Empty>
PSRK: <Empty>
NIST: <Empty>
[Data] MW: None
Tm: None
Tb: None
Tt: None
Tc: None
Pt: None
Pc: None
Vc: None
Hf: None
S0: 0 J/K/mol
LHV: None
HHV: None
Hfus: None
Sfus: None
omega: None
dipole: None
similarity_variable: None
iscyclic_aliphatic: None
combustion: None
self = super().__new__(cls)
self._ID = ID
self._eos = None
self._UNIFAC = UNIFACGroupCounts()
self._Dortmund = DortmundGroupCounts()
self._PSRK = PSRKGroupCounts()
self._NIST = NISTGroupCounts()
self.aliases = aliases or ()
if synonyms:
if isinstance(synonyms, str):
setfield = setattr
for i in _names: setfield(self, i, None)
for i in _data: setfield(self, i, None)
for i in _energy_handles: setfield(self, i, None)
self._phase_ref = phase_ref or phase
self._CAS = CAS or ID
for i,j in data.items(): setfield(self, '_' + i , j)
if formula: self.formula = formula
if atoms: self.atoms = atoms
self._eos = create_eos(self.EOS_default, self._Tc, self._Pc, self._omega)
self._init_handles(CAS, self._MW, self._Tm, self._Tb, self._Pt, self._Tt,
self._Tc, self._Pc, self.Zc, self._Vc,
self._omega, self._dipole, self._similarity_variable,
self._iscyclic_aliphatic, self._eos, self.has_hydroxyl,
self._locked_state = None
if phase:
self.at_state(phase, reset_free_energies=False)
self._set_phase_ref(phase_ref, self._Tm, self._Tb)
self._init_reactions(self._Hf, self._S0, self._LHV, self._HHV,
self._combustion, self.atoms)
if free_energies:
self._init_energies(self._Cn, self._Hvap, self._Psat, self._Hfus, self._Sfus,
self._Tm, self._Tb, self._eos, self._phase_ref, self._S0)
if self._formula and self._Hf is not None: self.reset_combustion_data()
return self
def charge(self):
"""Charge of chemical as described in the chemical formula."""
return charge_from_formula(self.formula)
def copy(self, ID, CAS=None, **data):
Return a copy of the chemical with a new ID.
>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> Glucose = tmo.Chemical('Glucose')
>>> Mannose = Glucose.copy('Mannose')
>>> assert Mannose.MW == Glucose.MW
new = super().__new__(self.__class__)
getfield = getattr
setfield = setattr
for field in self.__slots__:
value = getfield(self, field, None)
setfield(new, field, copy_maybe(value))
for field in _names[:-1]:
setfield(new, field, None)
new._ID = ID
new._CAS = CAS or ID
new._aliases = set()
new._init_energies(new.Cn, new.Hvap, new.Psat, new.Hfus, new.Sfus, new.Tm,
new.Tb, new.eos, new.phase_ref, new.S0)
for i,j in data.items(): setfield(new, i , j)
return new
__copy__ = copy
def __reduce__(self):
return unpickle_chemical, (get_chemical_data(self),)
### Helpful functionality ###
def rho(self, *args, **kwargs):
Return density given thermal condition [kg/m^3].
>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> Water = tmo.Chemical('Water', cache=True)
>>> Water.rho('l', 298.15, 101325)
return fn.V_to_rho(self._V(*args, **kwargs), self._MW)
def Cp(self, *args, **kwargs):
Return heat capacity given thermal condition [J/g/K].
>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> Water = tmo.Chemical('Water', cache=True)
>>> Water.Cp('l', 298.15, 101325)
return self._Cn(*args, **kwargs) / self._MW
def alpha(self, *args, **kwargs):
Return thermal diffusivity given thermal condition [m^2/s].
>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> Water = tmo.Chemical('Water', cache=True)
>>> Water.alpha('l', 298.15, 101325)
return fn.alpha(self._kappa(*args, **kwargs),
self.rho(*args, **kwargs),
self.Cp(*args, **kwargs) * 1000.)
def nu(self, *args, **kwargs):
Return kinematic viscosity given thermal condition [m^2/s].
>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> Water = tmo.Chemical('Water', cache=True)
>>> Water.nu('l', 298.15, 101325)
return fn.mu_to_nu(self._mu(*args, **kwargs),
self.rho(*args, **kwargs))
def Pr(self, *args, **kwargs):
Return the Prandtl number given thermal condition [-].
>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> Water = tmo.Chemical('Water', cache=True)
>>> Water.Pr('l', 298.15, 101325)
return fn.Pr(self.Cp(*args, **kwargs) * 1000,
self._kappa(*args, **kwargs),
self._mu(*args, **kwargs))
def get_property(self, name, units, *args, **kwargs):
Return property in requested units.
name : str
Name of stream property.
units : str
Units of measure.
*args, **kwargs :
Thermal condition.
>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> Water = tmo.Chemical('Water', cache=True)
>>> Water.get_property('sigma', 'N/m', 300.) # Surface tension
>>> Water.get_property('rho', 'g/cm3', 'l', 300., 101325) # Density
value = getattr(self, name)(*args, **kwargs)
units_dct = thermo_units.chemical_units_of_measure
if name in units_dct:
original_units = units_dct[name]
raise ValueError(f"'{name}' is not thermodynamic property")
return original_units.convert(value, units)
def phase_ref(self):
"""{'s', 'l', 'g'} Phase at 298 K and 101325 Pa."""
return self._phase_ref
def phase_ref(self, phase):
if phase not in ('s', 'l', 'g'):
raise ValueError("phase must be either 's', 'l', or 'g'")
self._phase_ref = phase
### Unchangeable properties ###
def ID(self):
"""[str] Identification of chemical."""
return self._ID
def CAS(self):
"""[str] CAS number of chemical."""
return self._CAS
### Names ###
def aliases(self):
"""set[str] User-defined aliases."""
return self._aliases
def aliases(self, aliases):
self._aliases = set([aliases]) if isinstance(aliases, str) else set(aliases)
synonyms = aliases
def InChI(self):
"""[str] IUPAC International Chemical Identifier."""
return self._InChI
def InChI(self, InChI):
self._InChI = str(InChI)
def InChI_key(self):
"""[str] IUPAC International Chemical Identifier shorthand."""
return self._InChI_key
def InChI_key(self, InChI_key):
self._InChI_key = str(InChI_key)
def common_name(self):
"""[str] Common name identifier."""
return self._common_name
def common_name(self, common_name):
self._common_name = str(common_name)
def iupac_name(self):
"""[tuple[str]] Standard names as defined by IUPAC."""
return self._iupac_name
def iupac_name(self, iupac_name):
if isinstance(iupac_name, str):
self._iupac_name = (iupac_name,)
self._iupac_name = iupac_name
def pubchemid(self):
"""[str] Chemical identifier as defined by PubMed."""
return self._pubchemid
def pubchemid(self, pubchemid):
self._pubchemid = str(pubchemid)
def smiles(self):
"""[str] Chemical SMILES formula."""
return self._smiles
def smiles(self, smiles):
self._smiles = str(smiles)
def formula(self):
"""[str] Chemical atomic formula."""
return self._formula
def formula(self, formula):
if isinstance(formula, dict):
formula = ''.join([f'{j}{i}' for i, j in formula.items()])
self._formula = str(formula)
self._MW = compute_molecular_weight(self.atoms)
if self._Hf: self.reset_combustion_data()
### Functional groups ###
def Dortmund(self):
"""[DortmundGroupCounts] Dictionary-like object with functional group
numerical identifiers as keys and the number of groups as values."""
return self._Dortmund
def UNIFAC(self):
"""[UNIFACGroupCounts] Dictionary-like object with functional group
numerical identifiers as keys and the number of groups as values."""
return self._UNIFAC
def PSRK(self):
"""[PSRKGroupCounts] Dictionary-like object with functional group
numerical identifiers as keys and the number of groups as values."""
return self._PSRK
def NIST(self):
"""[NISTGroupCounts] Dictionary-like object with functional group
numerical identifiers as keys and the number of groups as values."""
return self._NIST
### Equations of state ###
def eos(self):
"""[object] Instance for solving equations of state."""
return self._eos
### Phase/model handles ###
def mu(self):
"""Dynamic viscosity [Pa*s]."""
return self._mu
def mu(self, value):
raise_helpful_handle_error('mu', self._mu)
def kappa(self):
"""Thermal conductivity [W/m/K]."""
return self._kappa
def kappa(self, value):
raise_helpful_handle_error('kappa', self._kappa)
def V(self):
"""Molar volume [m^3/mol]."""
return self._V
def V(self, value):
raise_helpful_handle_error('V', self._V)
def Cn(self):
"""Molar heat capacity [J/mol/K]."""
return self._Cn
def Cn(self, value):
raise_helpful_handle_error('Cn', self._Cn)
def Psat(self):
"""Vapor pressure [Pa]."""
return self._Psat
def Psat(self, value):
raise_helpful_handle_error('Psat', self._Psat)
def Hvap(self):
"""Heat of vaporization [J/mol]."""
return self._Hvap
def Hvap(self, value):
raise_helpful_handle_error('Hvap', self._Hvap)
def Hsub(self):
"""Heat of sublimation [J/mol]."""
return self._Hsub
def Hsub(self, value):
raise_helpful_handle_error('Hsub', self._Hsub)
def Psub(self):
"""Sublimation pressure [Pa]."""
return self._Psub
def Psub(self, value):
raise_helpful_handle_error('Psub', self._Psub)
def sigma(self):
"""Surface tension [N/m]."""
return self._sigma
def sigma(self, value):
raise_helpful_handle_error('sigma', self._sigma)
def epsilon(self):
"""Relative permittivity [-]."""
return self._epsilon
def epsilon(self, value):
raise_helpful_handle_error('epsilon', self._epsilon)
def S(self):
"""Entropy [J/mol]."""
return self._S
def S(self, value):
raise_helpful_energy_functor_error('S', self._S)
def H(self):
"""Enthalpy [J/mol]."""
return self._H
def H(self, value):
raise_helpful_energy_functor_error('H', self._H)
def S_excess(self):
"""Excess entropy [J/mol]."""
return self._S_excess
def S_excess(self, value):
raise_helpful_energy_functor_error('S_excess', self._S_excess)
def H_excess(self):
"""Excess enthalpy [J/mol]."""
return self._H_excess
def H_excess(self, value):
raise_helpful_energy_functor_error('H_excess', self._H_excess)
### Data ###
def MW(self):
"""Molecular weight [g/mol]."""
return self._MW
def MW(self, MW):
if self._MW: raise AttributeError('cannot set molecular weight')
reset_constant(self, 'MW', float(MW))
def Tm(self):
"""Normal melting temperature [K]."""
return self._Tm
def Tm(self, Tm):
reset_constant(self, 'Tm', float(Tm))
def Tb(self):
"""Normal boiling temperature [K]."""
return self._Tb
def Tb(self, Tb):
reset_constant(self, 'Tb', float(Tb))
def Pt(self):
"""Triple point pressure [Pa]."""
return self._Pt
def Pt(self, Pt):
self._Pt = float(Pt)
def Tt(self):
"""Triple point temperature [K]."""
return self._Tt
def Tt(self, Tt):
self._Tt = float(Tt)
def Tc(self):
"""Critical point temperature [K]."""
return self._Tc
def Tc(self, Tc):
reset_constant(self, 'Tc', float(Tc))
def Pc(self):
"""Critical point pressure [Pa]."""
return self._Pc
def Pc(self, Pc):
reset_constant(self, 'Pc', float(Pc))
def Vc(self):
"""Critical point molar volume [m^3/mol]."""
return self._Vc
def Vc(self, Vc):
reset_constant(self, 'Vc', float(Vc))
def Hfus(self):
"""Heat of fusion [J/mol]."""
return self._Hfus
def Hfus(self, Hfus):
reset_energy_constant(self, 'Hfus', float(Hfus))
def Sfus(self):
"""Entropy of fusion [J/mol]."""
return self._Sfus
def Sfus(self, Sfus):
reset_energy_constant(self, 'Sfus', float(Sfus))
def omega(self):
"""Acentric factor [-]."""
return self._omega
def omega(self, omega):
reset_constant(self, 'omega', float(omega))
def dipole(self):
"""Dipole moment [Debye]."""
return self._dipole
def dipole(self, dipole):
reset_constant(self, 'dipole', float(dipole))
def similarity_variable(self):
"""Similarity variable [-]."""
return self._similarity_variable
def similarity_variable(self, similarity_variable):
reset_constant(self, 'similarity_variable', float(similarity_variable))
def iscyclic_aliphatic(self):
"""Whether the chemical is cyclic-aliphatic."""
return self._iscyclic_aliphatic
def iscyclic_aliphatic(self, iscyclic_aliphatic):
reset_constant(self, 'iscyclic_aliphatic', bool(iscyclic_aliphatic))
### Reaction data ###
def Hf(self):
"""Heat of formation at reference phase and temperature [J/mol]."""
return self._Hf
def Hf(self, Hf):
self._Hf = float(Hf)
if self._formula: self.reset_combustion_data()
def S0(self):
return self._S0
def S0(self, S0):
reset_energy_constant(self, 'S0', float(S0))
def LHV(self):
"""Lower heating value [J/mol]."""
return self._LHV
def LHV(self, LHV):
self._LHV = float(LHV)
def HHV(self):
"""Higher heating value [J/mol]."""
return self._HHV
def HHV(self, HHV):
self._HHV = float(HHV)
def combustion(self):
"""dict[str, int] Combustion reaction."""
return self._combustion
def combustion(self, combustion):
self._combustion = dict(combustion)
### Computed data ###
def Stiel_Polar(self):
"""[float] Stiel Polar factor for computing surface tension."""
Psat = self._Psat
omega = self._omega
Tc = self._Tc
Pc = self._Pc
if all([Psat, omega, Tc, Pc]):
P_at_Tr_sixtenths = Psat(0.6 * Tc)
P_at_Tr_sixtenths = None
if P_at_Tr_sixtenths:
Stiel_Polar = compute_Stiel_Polar(P_at_Tr_sixtenths, Pc, omega)
Stiel_Polar = None
Stiel_Polar = None
return Stiel_Polar
def Zc(self):
"""[float] Compressibility factor."""
critical_point = (self._Tc, self._Pc, self._Vc)
return fn.Z(*critical_point) if all(critical_point) else None
def has_hydroxyl(self):
"""[bool] Whether or not chemical contains a hydroxyl functional group,
as determined by the Dortmund/UNIFAC/PSRK functional groups."""
for dct in (self._Dortmund, self._UNIFAC, self._PSRK):
for n in (14, 15, 16, 81):
if n in dct: return True
return False
def atoms(self):
"""dict[str: int] Atom-count pairs based on formula."""
formula = self._formula
return get_atoms(formula).copy() if formula else {}
def atoms(self, atoms):
"""dict[str: int] Atom-count pairs based on formula."""
self.formula = atoms_to_Hill(atoms)
def get_combustion_reaction(self, chemicals=None, conversion=1.0):
"""Return a Reaction object defining the combustion of this chemical.
If no combustion stoichiometry is available, return None."""
combustion = self._combustion
if not combustion: return None
if len(combustion) == 1: return None
ID = self._ID
combustion = combustion.copy()
combustion[ID] = -1
return tmo.reaction.Reaction(combustion, ID, conversion, chemicals)
def get_phase(self, T=298.15, P=101325.):
"""Return phase of chemical at given thermal condition.
>>> from thermosteam import Chemical
>>> Water = Chemical('Water', cache=True)
>>> Water.get_phase(T=400, P=101325)
if self._locked_state: return self._locked_state
if self._Tm and T <= self._Tm: return 's'
if self._Psat and P <= self._Psat(T): return 'g'
else: return 'l'
### Data solvers ###
def Tsat(self, P, Tguess=None, Tmin=None, Tmax=None, *, check_validity=True):
"""Return the saturated temperature (in Kelvin) given the pressure (in Pascal)."""
Tb = self._Tb
Psat = self._Psat
if check_validity and P >= self._Pc:
raise ValueError(
'pressure, P, cannot be above the supercritical pressure, Pc'
if not Psat: return None
if not Tmin: Tmin = Psat.Tmin + 1.
if not Tmax: Tmax = Psat.Tmax - 1.
if Tb:
if P == 101325: return Tb
else: Tguess = Tb
elif not Tguess:
Tguess = (Tmin + Tmax)/2.0
y0 = Psat(Tmin) - P
y1 = Psat(Tmax) - P
if y0 < 0. < y1:
T = IQ_interpolation(lambda T: Psat(T) - P,
Tmin, Tmax, y0, y1,
Tguess, 1e-6, 1e-2, checkroot=False)
T = aitken_secant(lambda T: Psat(T) - P,
Tmin, Tmax, 1e-6, 1e-2, checkroot=False)
return T
### Reinitializers ###
def reset(self, CAS, eos=None, phase_ref=None,
smiles=None, InChI=None, InChI_key=None,
pubchemid=None, iupac_name=None, common_name=None,
formula=None, MW=None, Tm=None,
Tb=None, Tc=None, Pc=None, Vc=None, omega=None,
Tt=None, Pt=None, Hf=None, S0=None, LHV=None, combustion=None,
HHV=None, Hfus=None, dipole=None,
similarity_variable=None, iscyclic_aliphatic=None, aliases=None,
synonyms=None, *, metadata=None, phase=None,
Reset all chemical properties.
CAS : str
CAS number of chemical to load.
eos : optional
Equation of state. The default is Peng Robinson.
phase_ref : str, optional
Phase reference. Defaults to the phase at 298.15 K and 101325 Pa.
info = metadata or pubchem_db.search_CAS(CAS)
if formula and info.formula and get_atoms(formula) != get_atoms(info.formula):
raise RuntimeError(
f'{self.ID} (CAS: {CAS}) formula from database, '
f'{info.formula}, does not match with user '
f'specification, {formula}')
if MW and info.MW and MW != info.MW:
raise RuntimeError(
f'{self.ID} (CAS: {CAS}) molecular weight from database, '
f'{info.MW:.2f} g/mol, does not match with user '
f'specification, {MW:.2f} g/mol')
smiles = smiles or info.smiles
InChI = InChI or info.InChI
InChI_key = InChI_key or info.InChI_key
pubchemid = pubchemid or info.pubchemid
iupac_name = iupac_name or info.iupac_name,
common_name = common_name or info.common_name
formula = formula or info.formula
MW = MW or info.MW
if formula and not MW:
MW = compute_molecular_weight(formula)
self._init_names(CAS, smiles, InChI, InChI_key,
pubchemid, iupac_name, common_name,
formula, aliases, synonyms)
if CAS == '56-81-5': # TODO: Make this part of data
self._Dortmund = DortmundGroupCounts({2: 2, 3: 1, 14: 2, 81: 1})
atoms = self.atoms
self._init_data(CAS, MW, Tm, Tb, Tc, Pc, Vc, omega, Pt, Tt, Hfus,
dipole, atoms, similarity_variable, iscyclic_aliphatic)
self._init_eos(eos, self._Tc, self._Pc, self._omega)
self._init_handles(CAS, self._MW, self._Tm, self._Tb, self._Pt, self._Tt,
self._Tc, self._Pc, self.Zc, self._Vc,
self._omega, self._dipole, self._similarity_variable,
self._iscyclic_aliphatic, self._eos, self.has_hydroxyl,
self._locked_state = None
if phase:
self.at_state(phase, reset_free_energies=False)
self._set_phase_ref(phase_ref, self._Tm, self._Tb)
self._init_reactions(Hf, S0, LHV, HHV, combustion, atoms)
if free_energies:
self._init_energies(self._Cn, self._Hvap, self._Psat, self._Hfus, self._Sfus,
self._Tm, self._Tb, self._eos, self._phase_ref, self._S0)
if self._formula and self._Hf is not None: self.reset_combustion_data()
def _set_phase_ref(self, phase_ref, Tm, Tb):
if phase_ref:
# "Liquid", "Solid", and "Gas" are also valid arguments
phase_ref = phase_ref[0].lower()
T_ref = self.T_ref
if Tm and T_ref <= Tm:
phase_ref = 's'
elif Tb and T_ref >= Tb:
phase_ref = 'g'
phase_ref = 'l'
self._phase_ref = phase_ref
def reset_combustion_data(self, method="Stoichiometry"):
"""Reset combustion data (LHV, HHV, and combustion attributes)
based on the molecular formula and the heat of formation."""
cd = combustion_data(self.atoms, Hf=self._Hf, MW=self._MW, method=method)
if not self._MW: self._MW = cd.MW
self._LHV = - cd.LHV
self._HHV = - cd.HHV
self._combustion = cd.stoichiometry
def reset_free_energies(self):
"""Reset the `H`, `S`, `H_excess`, and `S_excess` functors."""
if not self._eos:
self._eos = create_eos(self.EOS_default, self._Tc, self._Pc, self._omega)
self._init_energies(self._Cn, self._Hvap, self._Psat, self._Hfus, self._Sfus,
self._Tm, self._Tb, self._eos, self._phase_ref, self._S0)
### Initializers ###
def _init_names(self, CAS, smiles, InChI, InChI_key,
pubchemid, iupac_name, common_name, formula, aliases, synonyms):
self._CAS = CAS
self._smiles = smiles
self._InChI = InChI
self._InChI_key = InChI_key
self._pubchemid = pubchemid
self._iupac_name = iupac_name
self._common_name = common_name
self.aliases = aliases or ()
if synonyms:
if isinstance(synonyms, str):
self._formula = formula
def _init_groups(self, InChI_key):
if InChI_key in DDBST_UNIFAC_assignments:
self._UNIFAC = DDBST_UNIFAC_assignments[InChI_key]
self._UNIFAC = UNIFACGroupCounts()
if InChI_key in DDBST_MODIFIED_UNIFAC_assignments:
self._Dortmund = DDBST_MODIFIED_UNIFAC_assignments[InChI_key]
self._Dortmund = DortmundGroupCounts()
if InChI_key in DDBST_PSRK_assignments:
self._PSRK = DDBST_PSRK_assignments[InChI_key]
self._PSRK = PSRKGroupCounts()
# TODO: Download data for NIST UNIFAC group assignments
self._NIST = NISTGroupCounts()
def _init_data(self, CAS, MW, Tm, Tb, Tc, Pc, Vc, omega, Pt, Tt, Hfus,
dipole, atoms, similarity_variable, iscyclic_aliphatic):
self._MW = MW
self._Tm = Tm or normal_melting_point_temperature(CAS)
self._Tb = Tb = Tb or normal_boiling_point_temperature(CAS)
# Critical Point
self._Tc = Tc = Tc or critical_point_temperature(CAS)
self._Pc = Pc = Pc or critical_point_pressure(CAS)
self._Vc = Vc or critical_point_volume(CAS)
data = (Tb, Tc, Pc)
self._omega = omega or acentric_factor(CAS) or (acentric_factor_LK(*data) if all(data) else None)
# Triple point
self._Pt = Pt or triple_point_pressure(CAS)
self._Tt = Tt or triple_point_temperature(CAS)
# Energy
self._Hfus = heat_of_fusion(CAS) or 0. if Hfus is None else Hfus
self._Sfus = None if Hfus is None or Tm is None else Hfus / Tm
# Other
self._dipole = dipole or dipole_moment(CAS)
atoms = atoms or self.atoms
if atoms and not similarity_variable:
similarity_variable = compute_similarity_variable(atoms, MW)
self._similarity_variable = similarity_variable
self._iscyclic_aliphatic = iscyclic_aliphatic or False
def _init_reactions(self, Hf, S0, LHV, HHV, combustion, atoms):
Hvap_298K = None
if Hf is None:
Hvap_298K = self.Hvap(298.15)
Hf = heat_of_formation(self._CAS, self._phase_ref,
Hvap_298K, self.Hfus)
if S0 is None:
Hvap_298K = self.Hvap(298.15) if Hvap_298K is None else Hvap_298K
Svap_298K = None if Hvap_298K is None else Hvap_298K / 298.15
S0 = absolute_entropy_of_formation(self._CAS, self._phase_ref,
Svap_298K, self.Sfus) or 0.
self._Hf = Hf
self._S0 = S0
atoms = atoms or self.atoms
if not all([LHV, HHV, combustion]) and atoms and Hf:
cd = combustion_data(atoms, Hf=self._Hf, MW=self._MW, missing_handling='Ash')
LHV = - cd.LHV
HHV = - cd.HHV
combustion = cd.stoichiometry
self._LHV = LHV
self._HHV = HHV
self._combustion = combustion
def _init_eos(self, eos, Tc, Pc, omega):
self._eos = create_eos(eos or self.EOS_default, Tc, Pc, omega)
def _init_handles(self, CAS, MW, Tm, Tb, Pt, Tt, Tc, Pc, Zc, Vc, omega,
dipole, similarity_variable, iscyclic_aliphatic, eos,
has_hydroxyl, Hfus):
# Vapor pressure
self._Psat = Psat = VaporPressure(CASRN=CAS, Tb=Tb, Tc=Tc, Pc=Pc, omega=omega)
# Volume
Vl = VolumeLiquid(MW=MW, Tb=Tb, Tc=Tc, Pc=Pc, Vc=Vc,
Zc=Zc, omega=omega, dipole=dipole, Psat=Psat,
CASRN=CAS, eos=[eos], has_hydroxyl=has_hydroxyl)
Vml_Tm = Vl(Tm, 101325.) if Tm else None
Vs = VolumeSolid(CAS, MW, Tt, Vml_Tm)
Vg = VolumeGas(MW=MW, Tc=Tc, Pc=Pc, omega=omega, dipole=dipole,
eos=[eos], CASRN=CAS)
self._V = V = PhaseTPHandle('V', Vs, Vl, Vg, Tc)
if CAS in sugar_solid_densities: Vs.add_method(sugar_solid_densities[CAS])
# Sensible heats
Cns = HeatCapacitySolid(CASRN=CAS, similarity_variable=similarity_variable, MW=MW)
Cng = HeatCapacityGas(CASRN=CAS, MW=MW, similarity_variable=similarity_variable,
Cnl = HeatCapacityLiquid(CASRN=CAS, Tc=Tc, omega=omega, MW=MW,
similarity_variable=similarity_variable, Cpgm=Cng)
self._Cn = Cn = PhaseTHandle('Cn', Cns, Cnl, Cng, Tc)
# Latent heats
Zl = CompressibilityFactor(Vl)
Zg = CompressibilityFactor(Vg)
self._Hvap = Hvap = EnthalpyVaporization(
CASRN=CAS, Tb=Tb, Tc=Tc, Pc=Pc, omega=omega,
Zl=Zl, Zg=Zg, similarity_variable=similarity_variable, Psat=Psat
self._Hsub = Hsub = EnthalpySublimation(
CASRN=CAS, Tm=Tm, Tt=Tt, Cpg=Cng, Cps=Cns, Hvap=Hvap
self._Psub = SublimationPressure(
CASRN=CAS, Tt=Tt, Pt=Pt, Hsub_t=Hsub(Tm) if Hsub and Tm else None,
# Viscosity
mul = ViscosityLiquid(CASRN=CAS, MW=MW, Tm=Tm, Tc=Tc, Pc=Pc, Vc=Vc,
omega=omega, Psat=Psat, Vml=V.l)
mug = ViscosityGas(CASRN=CAS, MW=MW, Tc=Tc, Pc=Pc, Zc=Zc, dipole=dipole,
self._mu = mu = PhaseTPHandle('mu', mul, mul, mug, Tc)
# Conductivity
kappal = ThermalConductivityLiquid(CASRN=CAS, MW=MW, Tm=Tm, Tb=Tb,
Tc=Tc, Pc=Pc, omega=omega, Hfus=Hfus)
kappag = ThermalConductivityGas(CASRN=CAS, MW=MW, Tb=Tb, Tc=Tc, Pc=Pc,
Vc=Vc, Zc=Zc, omega=omega, dipole=dipole,
Vmg=V.g, Cpgm=Cn.g, mug=mu.g)
self._kappa = PhaseTPHandle('kappa', kappal, kappal, kappag, Tc)
# Surface tension
Hvap_Tb = self._Hvap(Tb) if Tb else None
self._sigma = SurfaceTension(CASRN=CAS, MW=MW, Tb=Tb, Tc=Tc, Pc=Pc,
Vc=Vc, Zc=Zc, omega=omega,
Hvap_Tb=Hvap_Tb, Vml=Vl, Cpl=Cnl,
# Other
self._epsilon = PermittivityLiquid(CAS)
def _estimate_missing_properties(self, Psat):
# Melting temperature is a week function of pressure,
# so assume the triple point temperature is the
# melting temperature
Tm = self._Tm
Tt = self._Tt
Pt = self._Pt
Tc = self._Tc
Pc = self._Pc
Vc = self._Vc
if not Tm and Tt:
self._Tm = Tm = Tt
if not Tt and Tm:
self._Tt = Tt = Tm
if not Pt and Tt and Psat:
self._Pt = Pt = Psat(Tt)
# Find missing critical property, if only two are given.
critical_point = (Tc, Pc, Vc)
N_values = sum([bool(i) for i in critical_point])
if N_values == 2:
third_property = Ihmels(*critical_point)
if not Tc: self._Tc = third_property
elif not Pc: self._Pc = third_property
elif not Vc: self._Vc = third_property
Tb = self._Tb
if not Tb and Pc is not None and 101325. < Pc:
try: self._Tb = Tb = self.Tsat(101325)
except: pass
omega = self._omega
if not omega and Pc and Tc:
if Psat:
P_at_Tr_seventenths = Psat(0.7 * Tc)
if P_at_Tr_seventenths: omega = acentric_factor_definition(P_at_Tr_seventenths, Pc)
elif not omega and Tb:
omega = acentric_factor_LK(Tb, Tc, Pc)
self._omega = omega
def _init_energies(self, Cn, Hvap, Psat, Hfus, Sfus, Tm, Tb, eos, phase_ref, S0):
# Reference
P_ref = self.P_ref
T_ref = self.T_ref
H_ref = self.H_ref
Tc = self._Tc
single_phase = self._locked_state
if isinstance(Cn, PhaseHandle):
Cn_s = Cn.s
Cn_l = Cn.l
Cn_g = Cn.g
has_Cns = bool(Cn_s)
has_Cnl = bool(Cn_l)
has_Cng = bool(Cn_g)
elif single_phase:
self._H = Enthalpy.functor(Cn, T_ref, H_ref)
if single_phase == 'g':
self._S = EntropyGas.functor(Cn, T_ref, P_ref, S0)
self._S = Entropy.functor(Cn, T_ref, P_ref, S0)
Cn_s = Cn_l = Cn_g = Cn
has_Cns = has_Cnl = has_Cng = False
if single_phase == 'l':
has_Cnl = bool(Cn_l)
elif single_phase == 's':
has_Cns = bool(Cn_s)
elif single_phase == 'g':
has_Cng = bool(Cn_g)
has_Cns = has_Cnl = has_Cng = False
if any((has_Cns, has_Cnl, has_Cng)):
if Hvap:
Hvap_Tb = Hvap(Tb) if Tb else None
Svap_Tb = Hvap_Tb / Tb if Hvap_Tb else None
Hvap_Tb = Svap_Tb = None
# Enthalpy and entropy integrals
if phase_ref != 'l' and has_Cnl and (Tm and Tb):
H_int_Tm_to_Tb_l = Cn_l.T_dependent_property_integral(Tm, Tb)
S_int_Tm_to_Tb_l = Cn_l.T_dependent_property_integral_over_T(Tm, Tb)
H_int_Tm_to_Tb_l = S_int_Tm_to_Tb_l = None
if phase_ref == 's' and has_Cns and Tm:
H_int_T_ref_to_Tm_s = Cn_s.T_dependent_property_integral(T_ref, Tm)
S_int_T_ref_to_Tm_s = Cn_s.T_dependent_property_integral_over_T(T_ref, Tm)
H_int_T_ref_to_Tm_s = S_int_T_ref_to_Tm_s = None
if phase_ref == 'g' and has_Cng and Tb:
H_int_Tb_to_T_ref_g = Cn_g.T_dependent_property_integral(Tb, T_ref)
S_int_Tb_to_T_ref_g = Cn_g.T_dependent_property_integral_over_T(Tb, T_ref)
H_int_Tb_to_T_ref_g = S_int_Tb_to_T_ref_g = None
if phase_ref == 'l':
if has_Cnl:
if Tb:
H_int_T_ref_to_Tb_l = Cn_l.T_dependent_property_integral(T_ref, Tb)
S_int_T_ref_to_Tb_l = Cn_l.T_dependent_property_integral_over_T(T_ref, Tb)
H_int_T_ref_to_Tb_l = S_int_T_ref_to_Tb_l = None
if Tm:
H_int_Tm_to_T_ref_l = Cn_l.T_dependent_property_integral(Tm, T_ref)
S_int_Tm_to_T_ref_l = Cn_l.T_dependent_property_integral_over_T(Tm, T_ref)
H_int_Tm_to_T_ref_l = S_int_Tm_to_T_ref_l = None
H_int_Tm_to_T_ref_l = S_int_Tm_to_T_ref_l = None
H_int_Tm_to_T_ref_l = S_int_Tm_to_T_ref_l = \
H_int_T_ref_to_Tb_l = S_int_T_ref_to_Tb_l = None
# Excess data
if isinstance(eos, IG):
H_dep_ref_g = S_dep_ref_g = H_dep_ref_l = S_dep_ref_l = \
H_dep_T_ref_Pb = S_dep_T_ref_Pb = H_dep_Tb_Pb_g = H_dep_Tb_P_ref_g = \
S_dep_Tb_P_ref_g = S_dep_Tb_Pb_g = 0
if phase_ref == 'g':
eos_phase_ref = eos.to_TP(T_ref, P_ref)
H_dep_ref_g = eos_phase_ref.H_dep_g
S_dep_ref_g = eos_phase_ref.S_dep_g
H_dep_ref_g = S_dep_ref_g = 0.
elif phase_ref == 'l':
eos_T_ref_Pb = eos.to_TP(T_ref, P_ref)
H_dep_ref_l = H_dep_T_ref_Pb = eos_T_ref_Pb.H_dep_l
S_dep_ref_l = S_dep_T_ref_Pb = eos_T_ref_Pb.S_dep_l
H_dep_ref_l = H_dep_T_ref_Pb = 0.
S_dep_ref_l = S_dep_T_ref_Pb = 0.
if Tb:
eos_Tb_P_ref = eos.to_TP(Tb, P_ref)
H_dep_Tb_Pb_g = H_dep_Tb_P_ref_g = eos_Tb_P_ref.H_dep_g
S_dep_Tb_Pb_g = S_dep_Tb_P_ref_g = eos_Tb_P_ref.S_dep_g
S_dep_Tb_Pb_g = S_dep_Tb_P_ref_g = H_dep_Tb_P_ref_g = \
H_dep_Tb_Pb_g = 0.
S_dep_Tb_Pb_g = S_dep_Tb_P_ref_g = H_dep_Tb_P_ref_g = \
H_dep_Tb_Pb_g = 0.
# Enthalpy and Entropy
if single_phase:
# Reference state does not matter because phase will not change
self._H = Enthalpy.functor(Cn, T_ref, H_ref)
if phase_ref == 'g':
self._S = EntropyGas.functor(Cn, T_ref, P_ref, S0)
self._S = Entropy.functor(Cn, T_ref, S0)
# Excess energies
if single_phase == 's':
self._H_excess = Excess_Solid_Enthalpy_Ref_Solid.functor()
self._S_excess = Excess_Solid_Entropy_Ref_Solid.functor()
elif single_phase == 'l':
self._H_excess = Excess_Liquid_Enthalpy_Ref_Liquid.functor()
self._S_excess = Excess_Liquid_Entropy_Ref_Liquid.functor()
elif single_phase == 'g':
self._H_excess = Excess_Gas_Enthalpy_Ref_Gas.functor(eos, H_dep_ref_g)
self._S_excess = Excess_Gas_Entropy_Ref_Gas.functor(eos, S_dep_ref_g)
if phase_ref == 's':
sdata = (Cn_s, T_ref, H_ref)
ldata = (Cn_l, H_int_T_ref_to_Tm_s, Hfus, Tm, H_ref)
gdata = (Cn_g, H_int_T_ref_to_Tm_s, Hfus, H_int_Tm_to_Tb_l, Hvap_Tb, Tb, H_ref)
self._H = EnthalpyRefSolid(sdata, ldata, gdata, Tc)
sdata = (Cn_s, T_ref, S0)
ldata = (Cn_l, S_int_T_ref_to_Tm_s, Sfus, Tm, S0)
gdata = (Cn_g, S_int_T_ref_to_Tm_s, Sfus, S_int_Tm_to_Tb_l, Svap_Tb, Tb, P_ref, S0)
self._S = EntropyRefSolid(sdata, ldata, gdata, Tc)
elif phase_ref == 'l':
sdata = (Cn_s, H_int_Tm_to_T_ref_l, Hfus, Tm, H_ref)
ldata = (Cn_l, T_ref, H_ref)
gdata = (Cn_g, H_int_T_ref_to_Tb_l, Hvap_Tb, Tb, H_ref)
self._H = EnthalpyRefLiquid(sdata, ldata, gdata, Tc)
sdata = (Cn_s, S_int_Tm_to_T_ref_l, Sfus, Tm, S0)
ldata = (Cn_l, T_ref, S0)
gdata = (Cn_g, S_int_T_ref_to_Tb_l, Svap_Tb, Tb, P_ref, S0)
self._S = EntropyRefLiquid(sdata, ldata, gdata, Tc)
elif phase_ref == 'g':
sdata = (Cn_s, H_int_Tb_to_T_ref_g, Hvap_Tb, H_int_Tm_to_Tb_l, Hfus, Tm, H_ref)
ldata = (Cn_l, H_int_Tb_to_T_ref_g, Hvap_Tb, Tb, H_ref)
gdata = (Cn_g, T_ref, H_ref)
self._H = EnthalpyRefGas(sdata, ldata, gdata, Tc)
sdata = (Cn_s, S_int_Tb_to_T_ref_g, Svap_Tb, S_int_Tm_to_Tb_l, Sfus, Tm, S0)
ldata = (Cn_l, S_int_Tb_to_T_ref_g, Svap_Tb, Tb, S0)
gdata = (Cn_g, T_ref, P_ref, S0)
self._S = EntropyRefGas(sdata, ldata, gdata, Tc)
# Excess energies
if phase_ref == 's':
self._H_excess = ExcessEnthalpyRefSolid((), (), (), Tc)
self._S_excess = ExcessEntropyRefSolid((), (), (), Tc)
elif phase_ref == 'l':
gdata = (eos, H_dep_T_ref_Pb, H_dep_ref_l, H_dep_Tb_Pb_g)
self._H_excess = ExcessEnthalpyRefLiquid((), (), gdata, Tc)
gdata = (eos, S_dep_T_ref_Pb, S_dep_ref_l, S_dep_Tb_Pb_g)
self._S_excess = ExcessEntropyRefLiquid((), (), gdata, Tc)
elif phase_ref == 'g':
ldata = (eos, H_dep_Tb_Pb_g, H_dep_Tb_P_ref_g)
gdata = (eos, H_dep_ref_g)
self._H_excess = ExcessEnthalpyRefGas((), ldata, gdata, Tc)
ldata = (eos, S_dep_Tb_Pb_g, S_dep_Tb_P_ref_g)
gdata = (eos, S_dep_ref_g)
self._S_excess = ExcessEntropyRefGas((), ldata, gdata, Tc)
self._H = self._S = self._S_excess = self._H_excess = None
### Filling missing values ###
def get_key_property_names(self):
"""Return the attribute names of key properties required to model a process."""
if not self._locked_state and self._phase_ref != 's':
return ('V', 'S', 'H', 'Cn', 'Psat', 'Tb', 'Hvap')
return ('V', 'S', 'H', 'Cn')
def default(self, properties=None):
Default all `properties` with the chemical properties of water. If no
`properties` given, all essential chemical properties that are missing
are defaulted. `properties` which are still missing are returned as set.
properties : Iterable[str], optional
Names of chemical properties to default.
missing_properties : set[str]
Names of chemical properties that are still missing.
>>> from thermosteam import Chemical
>>> Substance = Chemical.blank('Substance')
>>> missing_properties = Substance.default()
>>> sorted(missing_properties)
['Dortmund', 'Hvap', 'PSRK', 'Pc', 'Psat', 'Pt', 'Tb', 'Tc', 'Tm', 'Tt', 'UNIFAC', 'Vc', 'dipole', 'iscyclic_aliphatic', 'omega', 'similarity_variable']
Note that missing properties does not include essential properties volume, heat capacity, and conductivity.
if not properties:
properties = self.get_missing_properties(properties)
hasfield = hasattr
# Default to Water property values
if 'MW' in properties:
self._MW = MW = 1
MW = self._MW
if 'sigma' in properties:
if 'mu' in properties:
mu = self._mu
if hasfield(mu, 'l'):
elif not mu:
if 'V' in properties:
V = self._V
V_default = fn.rho_to_V(1000, MW)
if hasfield(V, 'l'):
elif not V:
if 'kappa' in properties:
kappa = self._kappa
if hasfield(kappa, 'l'):
if not kappa:
if self._formula:
if any([i in properties for i in ('HHV', 'LHV', 'combustion', 'Hf')]):
if 'Hf' in properties:
method = 'Dulong'
method = 'Stoichiometry'
stoichiometry = combustion_stoichiometry(self.atoms, MW=MW, missing_handling='Ash')
cd = combustion_data(self.atoms, Hf=self._Hf, MW=MW, stoichiometry=stoichiometry, method=method)
if 'Hf' in properties:
self._Hf = 0.
if 'HHV' in properties:
self._HHV = 0.
if 'LHV' in properties:
self._LHV = 0.
if 'combustion' in properties:
self._combustion = stoichiometry
if 'Hf' in properties:
self._Hf = cd.Hf
if 'HHV' in properties:
self._HHV = - cd.HHV
if 'LHV' in properties:
self._LHV = - cd.LHV
if 'combustion' in properties:
self._combustion = stoichiometry
if 'LHV' in properties:
self._LHV = 0
if 'HHV' in properties:
self._HHV = 0
if 'combustion' in properties:
self._combustion = {}
if 'Hf' in properties:
self._Hf = 0
if 'epsilon' in properties:
if 'phase_ref' in properties:
self._phase_ref = 'l'
if 'eos' in properties:
self._eos = create_eos(self.EOS_default, self._Tc, self._Pc, self._omega)
if 'Cn' in properties:
MW = self._MW
Cn = self._Cn
phase_ref = self._phase_ref
getfield = getattr
single_phase = self._locked_state
if single_phase:
Cn_phase = Cn
Cn_phase = getfield(Cn, phase_ref)
if 'Hfus' in properties:
self._Hfus = 0.
if 'Sfus' in properties:
self._Sfus = 0.
if not getattr(self, '_H', None):
missing = set(properties)
missing.difference_update({'MW', 'CAS', 'Cn', 'Hf', 'sigma',
'mu', 'kappa', 'LHV', 'HHV', 'epsilon', 'H',
'S', 'H_excess', 'S_excess', 'phase_ref',
'combustion', 'Hfus', 'Sfus'})
return missing
def get_missing_properties(self, properties=None):
Return a list all missing thermodynamic properties.
>>> from thermosteam import Chemical
>>> Substance = Chemical.blank('Substance', phase_ref='l')
>>> sorted(Substance.get_missing_properties())
['Cn', 'Dortmund', 'H', 'HHV', 'H_excess', 'Hf', 'Hfus', 'Hvap', 'LHV', 'MW', 'PSRK', 'Pc', 'Psat', 'Pt', 'S', 'S_excess', 'Sfus', 'Tb', 'Tc', 'Tm', 'Tt', 'UNIFAC', 'Vc', 'combustion', 'dipole', 'epsilon', 'iscyclic_aliphatic', 'kappa', 'mu', 'omega', 'sigma', 'similarity_variable']
getfield = getattr
return [i for i in (properties or _checked_properties) if not getfield(self, i, None)]
def copy_models_from(self, other, names=None):
"""Copy models from other."""
if names:
for i in names:
if i not in _model_and_phase_properties:
raise ValueError(f"{i} is not a valid model name; "
"names must be a subset of "
names = ['_' + i for i in names]
missing_handles = self.get_missing_properties(_model_and_phase_handles)
other_missing_handles = other.get_missing_properties(_model_and_phase_handles)
names = set(missing_handles).difference(other_missing_handles)
getfield = getattr
setfield = object.__setattr__
isa = isinstance
phase = self._locked_state
other_phase = other._locked_state
for key in names:
handle = getfield(self, key)
other_handle = getfield(other, key)
if isa(handle, TDependentProperty):
if isa(other_handle, TDependentProperty):
elif isa(other_handle, PhaseHandle):
other_handle = getfield(other_handle, phase)
raise RuntimeError(f"unexpected type '{type(other_handle).__name__}"
f"for attribute '{key}'")
new_handle = other_handle.copy()
new_handle.CASRN = handle.CASRN
setfield(self, key, new_handle)
elif isa(handle, PhaseHandle):
if isa(other_handle, TDependentProperty):
old_handle = getfield(handle, other_phase)
new_handle = other_handle.copy()
new_handle.CASRN = old_handle.CASRN
setfield(handle, other_phase, new_handle)
elif isa(other_handle, PhaseHandle):
for i, obj in handle:
new_handle = getfield(other_handle, i).copy()
new_handle.CASRN = obj.CASRN
setfield(handle, i, new_handle)
if {'_Cn', '_Hvap'}.intersection(names): self.reset_free_energies()
def locked_state(self):
"""[str] Constant phase of chemical."""
return self._locked_state
def N_solutes(self):
"""[int] Number of molecules formed when solvated."""
return getattr(self, '_N_solutes', None)
def N_solutes(self, N_solutes):
self._N_solutes = int(N_solutes)
def at_state(self, phase, copy=False, reset_free_energies=True):
Set the state of chemical.
>>> from thermosteam import Chemical
>>> N2 = Chemical('N2')
>>> N2.at_state(phase='g')
>>> N2.H(298.15, None) # No longer a function of phase
if copy:
new = self.copy(self._ID)
return new
if phase:
phase = phase[0].lower()
raise ValueError(f"invalid phase {repr(phase)}")
locked_state = self._locked_state
if locked_state:
if locked_state != phase:
raise TypeError(f"{self}'s state is already locked")
lock_phase(self, phase)
if reset_free_energies:
def show(self):
"""Print all specifications"""
info = chemical_identity(self, pretty=True)
for header, fields in _chemical_fields.items():
section = []
for field in fields:
value = getattr(self, field)
field = field.lstrip('_')
if value is None:
line = f"{field}: None"
if callable(value):
line = f"{display_asfunctor(value, name=field, var=field, show_var=False)}"
if isinstance(value, (int, float)):
line = f"{field}: {value:.5g}"
units = chemical_units_of_measure.get(field, "")
if units: line += f' {units}'
value = str(value)
line = f"{field}: {value}"
if len(line) > 27: line = line[:27] + '...'
if section:
info += header + ("\n" + 9*" ").join(section)
_ipython_display_ = show
def __str__(self):
return self._ID
def __repr__(self):
return f"Chemical('{self}')"
def lock_phase(chemical, phase):
getfield = getattr
setfield = object.__setattr__
hasfield = hasattr
for field in _phase_handles:
phase_property = getfield(chemical, field)
if hasfield(phase_property, phase):
model_handle = getfield(phase_property, phase)
setfield(chemical, field, model_handle)
for field in _energy_handles:
try: phase_property = getfield(chemical, field)
except: continue
if hasfield(phase_property, phase):
functor = getfield(phase_property, phase)
setfield(chemical, field, functor)
# Reference state does not matter because phase will not change
chemical._phase_ref = phase
chemical._locked_state = phase
# # Fire Safety Limits
# self.Tflash = Tflash(CAS)
# self.Tautoignition = Tautoignition(CAS)
# self.LFL = LFL(CASRN=CAS, atoms=self.atoms, Hc=self.Hc)
# self.UFL = UFL(CASRN=CAS, atoms=self.atoms, Hc=self.Hc)
# # Chemical Exposure Limits
# self.Ceiling = Ceiling(CASRN=CAS)
# self.Skin = Skin(CASRN=CAS)
# self.Carcinogen = Carcinogen(CASRN=CAS)
# # Misc
# self.dipole = dipole(CASRN=CAS) # Units of Debye
# self.Stockmayer = Stockmayer(CASRN=CAS, Tm=self.Tm, Tb=self.Tb, Tc=self.Tc,
# Zc=self.Zc, omega=self.omega)
# # Environmental
# self.logP = logP(CASRN=CAS)
# # Analytical
# self.RI, self.RIT = refractive_index(CASRN=CAS)
# self.conductivity, self.conductivityT = conductivity(CASRN=CAS)