15. Phase equilibrium#

It is not necessary to use a Stream object to use phase equilibrium methods. In fact, thermosteam makes it just as easy to compute vapor-liquid equilibrium, bubble and dew points, and fugacities.

15.1. Fugacities#

The easiest way to calculate fugacities is through LiquidFugacities and GasFugacities objects:

import thermosteam as tmo
import numpy as np
chemicals = tmo.Chemicals(['Water', 'Ethanol'])

# Create a LiquidFugacities object
F_l = tmo.equilibrium.LiquidFugacities(chemicals)

# Compute liquid fugacities
liquid_molar_composition = np.array([0.72, 0.28])
f_l = F_l(x=liquid_molar_composition, T=355)
array([43338.226, 57731.001])
# Create a GasFugacities object
F_g = tmo.equilibrium.GasFugacities(chemicals)

# Compute gas fugacities
gas_molar_composition = np.array([0.43, 0.57])
f_g = F_g(y=gas_molar_composition, T=355, P=101325)
array([43569.75, 57755.25])

15.2. Bubble and dew points#

Similarly bubble and dew point can be calculated through BubblePoint and DewPoint objects:

# Create a BubblePoint object
BP = tmo.equilibrium.BubblePoint(chemicals)
molar_composition = np.array([0.5, 0.5])

# Solve bubble point at constant temperature
bp = BP(z=molar_composition, T=355)
BubblePointValues(T=355.00, P=109407, IDs=('Water', 'Ethanol'), z=[0.5 0.5], y=[0.344 0.656])
# Note that the result is a BubblePointValues object which contain all results as attibutes
(bp.T, bp.P, bp.IDs, bp.z, bp.y)
 ('Water', 'Ethanol'),
 array([0.5, 0.5]),
 array([0.344, 0.656]))
# Solve bubble point at constant pressure
BP(z=molar_composition, P=2*101325)
BubblePointValues(T=371.86, P=202650, IDs=('Water', 'Ethanol'), z=[0.5 0.5], y=[0.351 0.649])
# Create a DewPoint object
DP = tmo.equilibrium.DewPoint(chemicals)

# Solve for dew point at constant temperautre
dp = DP(z=molar_composition, T=355)
DewPointValues(T=355.00, P=92008, IDs=('Water', 'Ethanol'), z=[0.5 0.5], x=[0.849 0.151])
# Note that the result is a DewPointValues object which contain all results as attibutes
(dp.T, dp.P, dp.IDs, dp.z, dp.x)
 ('Water', 'Ethanol'),
 array([0.5, 0.5]),
 array([0.849, 0.151]))
# Solve for dew point at constant pressure
DP(z=molar_composition, P=2*101324)
DewPointValues(T=376.25, P=202648, IDs=('Water', 'Ethanol'), z=[0.5 0.5], x=[0.83 0.17])

15.3. Vapor liquid equilibrium#

Vapor-liquid equilibrium can be calculated through a VLE object:

# First create a material indexer for the VLE object to manage material data
imol = tmo.indexer.MaterialIndexer(l=[('Water', 0.5), ('Ethanol', 0.5)],
                                   g=[('Water', 0.5), ('Ethanol', 0.5)])

# Create a VLE object
vle = tmo.equilibrium.VLE(imol)
        g=[('Water', 0.5), ('Ethanol', 0.5)],
        l=[('Water', 0.5), ('Ethanol', 0.5)]),
    thermal_condition=ThermalCondition(T=298.15, P=101325))

You can call the VLE object by setting 2 degrees of freedom from the following list:

  • T - Temperature [K]

  • P - Pressure [Pa]

  • V - Molar vapor fraction

  • H - Enthalpy [kJ/hr]

  • S - Entropy [kJ/K/hr]

  • y - Binary molar vapor composition

  • x - Binary molar liquid composition

Here are some examples:

vle(T=355, P=101325)
        g=[('Water', 0.6361), ('Ethanol', 0.8548)],
        l=[('Water', 0.3639), ('Ethanol', 0.1452)]),
    thermal_condition=ThermalCondition(T=355.00, P=101325))
mixture_enthalpy = vle.mixture.xH(imol, *vle.thermal_condition)
vle(H=mixture_enthalpy, P=202650)
        g=[('Water', 0.6081), ('Ethanol', 0.8183)],
        l=[('Water', 0.3919), ('Ethanol', 0.1817)]),
    thermal_condition=ThermalCondition(T=373.69, P=202650))
vle(V=0.5, P=101325)
        g=[('Water', 0.3874), ('Ethanol', 0.6126)],
        l=[('Water', 0.6126), ('Ethanol', 0.3874)]),
    thermal_condition=ThermalCondition(T=353.94, P=101325))
vle(V=0.5, T=360)
        g=[('Water', 0.3899), ('Ethanol', 0.6101)],
        l=[('Water', 0.6101), ('Ethanol', 0.3899)]),
    thermal_condition=ThermalCondition(T=360.00, P=127822))
vle(x=np.array([0.8, 0.2]), P=101325)
        g=[('Water', 0.8434), ('Ethanol', 0.9609)],
        l=[('Water', 0.1566), ('Ethanol', 0.03914)]),
    thermal_condition=ThermalCondition(T=356.31, P=127822))
vle(y=np.array([0.4, 0.6]), T=360)
        g=[('Water', 0.4627), ('Ethanol', 0.6941)],
        l=[('Water', 0.5373), ('Ethanol', 0.3059)]),
    thermal_condition=ThermalCondition(T=356.31, P=126587))

Note that some compositions are infeasible; so it is not advised to pass x or y unless you know what you’re doing:

vle(x=np.array([0.2, 0.8]), P=101325)
InfeasibleRegion                          Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[16], line 1
----> 1 vle(x=np.array([0.2, 0.8]), P=101325)
      2 vle

File ~\code\biosteam\thermosteam\thermosteam\equilibrium\vle.py:420, in VLE.__call__(self, T, P, V, H, S, x, y, gas_conversion, liquid_conversion)
    418             thermal_condition.P = P
    419 elif x_spec:
--> 420     self.set_Px(P, np.asarray(x))
    421 else: # y_spec
    422     self.set_Py(P, np.asarray(y))

File ~\code\biosteam\thermosteam\thermosteam\equilibrium\vle.py:634, in VLE.set_Px(self, P, x)
    632 assert self._N == 2, 'number of species in equilibrium must be 2 to specify x'
    633 self._thermal_condition.T, y = self._bubble_point.solve_Ty(x, P)
--> 634 self._lever_rule(x, y)

File ~\code\biosteam\thermosteam\thermosteam\equilibrium\vle.py:616, in VLE._lever_rule(self, x, y)
    614 split_frac = (self._z[0]-x[0])/(y[0]-x[0])
    615 if not -0.00001 < split_frac < 1.00001:
--> 616     raise InfeasibleRegion('phase composition')
    617 if split_frac > 1:
    618     split_frac = 1

InfeasibleRegion: phase composition is infeasible

15.4. Liquid-liquid equilibrium#

Liquid-liquid equilibrium can be calculated through a LLE object:

tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Octane', 'Butanol'])
imol = tmo.indexer.MolarFlowIndexer(
            l=[('Water', 304), ('Butanol', 30)],
            L=[('Octane', 100)])
lle = tmo.equilibrium.LLE(imol)
        L=[('Water', 297.1), ('Octane', 0.1161), ('Butanol', 15.7)],
        l=[('Water', 6.946), ('Octane', 99.88), ('Butanol', 14.3)]),
    thermal_condition=ThermalCondition(T=360.00, P=101325))

Pressure is not a significant factor in liquid-liquid equilibrium, so only temperature is needed.

15.5. Vapor-liquid-liquid equilibrium#

For now, the only way to perform vapor-liquid-liquid equilibrium calculations is through Stream objects:

tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol', 'Octane'])
s = tmo.Stream('s', Water=100, Ethanol=10, Octane=100)
s.vlle(T=362, P=101325)
MultiStream: s
phases: ('L', 'g', 'l'), T: 362 K, P: 101325 Pa
flow (kmol/hr): (g) Water    97
                    Ethanol  9.69
                    Octane   45.8
                (l) Water    2.98
                    Ethanol  0.311
                    Octane   54.2